"What a coincidence, I also want to ask him if he wants to make dumplings together today." Zhan Weiling said with a helpless smile, but she secretly thought it was unlucky.

"Make dumplings again. I just finished making dumplings yesterday." Qin Xiaowan was speechless. Yesterday Zhan Weiling suddenly ran to the house and said that she wanted to make dumplings. They kept making dumplings until evening, and everyone was tired of eating them. There are still a lot left in the refrigerator.

"There are still some ingredients left, I don't want to waste them, but it's true, I can't eat them even if I pack them, forget it."

Zhan Weiling gave up on this plan. In fact, yesterday was the day she calculated the onset of the disease, so she found a reason to stay by Su Nan's side, but nothing happened all day long.

She was worried, worried that today was the day when she would get sick, so she came to look for Su Nan early in the morning, but Su Nan went out unexpectedly.

However, the previously inferred interval of seven days is not accurate. Today is the eighth day. Maybe the interval of ten days is correct, or even longer.

Zhan Weiling comforted herself like this.

Meeting with Zhao Xiaomin, and then Su Nan took the bus with her to meet Chuxi.

Now is the rush hour for going to work, and there are many people on the bus. When they got on the bus, there was only one seat alone. Su Nan asked Zhao Xiaomin to sit and stood by herself, but Zhao Xiaomin felt sorry for him and pulled him to sit down, while she sat down On his lap, quite bold.

She is wearing a dress today, with some delicate shapes on her face, which makes her look even more pretty.

The bus bumped, and Su Nan's thighs were in closer contact with Zhao Xiaomin's buttocks. From his point of view, the buttocks covered by the skirt were pressed against his legs and deformed, which was quite pleasing to the eye.

Su Nan wrapped her arms around Zhao Xiaomin's waist with her right hand, making her sit firmly on her thigh, and secretly pressed her left hand on it, rubbing it gently.He didn't dare to mess around, just clinging to feel the softness.

Zhao Xiaomin pinched him a little to express her dissatisfaction, but looked at him with a smile on her face.

After the two arrived at their destination, they met Chu Xi, and then got into a taxi under Chu Xi's leadership.

I don't know why Chu Xi didn't ask the female driver to take her off today, but Su Nan didn't ask either.

The road was getting more and more remote, and they didn't know where they were going, and they were very secretive before, and they never told him.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

On the way, Zhao Xiaomin yawned and felt a little sleepy. She put her head on Su Nan's shoulder and fell asleep.

Su Nan felt a little embarrassed. He was next to Chu Xi on his left. They were sitting in the same row. Although he knew that Chu Xi didn't care, he still felt guilty for some reason.

In this way, the car drove to a villa in the suburbs. The villa has a large yard and the surrounding environment is not bad. It seems to be close to the sea, and the sound of waves can be heard. It should be a place for vacation.

After waking up Zhao Xiaomin, the three of them got out of the car and entered the yard. Chu Xi said, "This is a house of my family, and we will have activities here today."

"So what are we going to do?" Su Nan asked, since it is a club activity, there should be a goal.

Chu Xi and Zhao Xiaomin looked at each other. At this time, Zhao Xiaomin hadn't shown any signs of illness, so it seemed meaningless to proceed too early.

"First... let's move around freely. It's still early. There are computers, internet, and various fitness facilities inside. If you are interested, you can go and play." Chu Xi said so, took out the key to open the door, and entered first.

Zhao Xiaomin cheered and ran in, flung herself on the soft sofa, and didn't care if her panties were exposed from her skirt.

Chu Xi walked over and pulled her down.

Su Nan came in and took a look at the room. As expected of a local tyrant, the things are all high-end and the decoration is luxurious. It seems that it has been cleaned in advance and it is very clean.

It's just that Su Nan is very puzzled, what's the matter with free activities?Don't you have any arrangements for coming here early in the morning?

Turning to look at Chuxi, she found that she and Zhao Xiaomin were taking out the contents of the bag. Just now, Su Nan was very concerned about what was in it. Looking at it now, it turned out that it was a camera and other equipment. Do you want to take pictures today?

Having nothing to do, Su Nan walked into the room, turned on the computer and started playing.

The two girls outside looked at each other, Zhao Xiaomin suddenly became shy, and asked in a low voice, "Are you really going to shoot...a kiss scene? I always feel so ashamed."

"This is natural. Since there is a convenient and quick treatment method, why not use it." Chu Xi nodded with certainty, and his expression remained unchanged: "Didn't you often seduce him in normal times? It's fine as usual."

"Who... seduced me, Ah Nan took the initiative, okay?" Zhao Xiaomin retorted with a blushing face, and then said: "There's no need to take a picture of it, why not just do what you did last time?"

"I want to do an experiment, and watch the captured footage next time I get sick, to see if it has a therapeutic effect." Chu Xi said a little unwillingly, always giving Su Nan benefits every time, especially when he was like Zhao Xiaomin, it really made people feel uncomfortable People feel bad.

"Forget it, it's up to you. We haven't gotten sick yet, so why don't we do nothing?" Zhao Xiaomin gave up the idea of ​​stopping Chuxi, and said with some expectation, she didn't know what she was expecting.

"Mu Nan is in the room, you can deliver the initiative to your door." Chu Xi fiddled with the machine in his hand without raising his head.

"Then I'll go, just don't be jealous." Zhao Xiaomin smiled, got up and slipped into the room, closing the door behind her.

Really go, shameless.

Chu Xi bit her lower lip, raised her head and stared at the door with a troubled expression.

Su Nan was sitting in front of the computer watching a video, when she heard the sound of the door closing, she looked back and saw it was Zhao Xiaomin.

"Are you going to start?"

"No, I made a bet with Chu Xi." Zhao Xiaomin glanced at the computer screen, saw that the video was not very dirty, lost interest, went to Su Nan and said.

"Bet with Chu Xi? What bet?" Su Nan asked curiously.

"She said that Ah Nan is lustful, even if she is alone with her, she would not dare to do anything to her, Ah Nan, are you like this?" Zhao Xiaomin asked with interest.

Su Nan was ashamed, what is this all about.

He said solemnly: "I'm not a pervert, why should I do something to her when I'm alone with her?"

"Hey, isn't it Ah Nan?" Zhao Xiaomin said in surprise, then came over and squeezed into his arms and sat down, squeezed him with her full breasts, and said with a smile: "Then what? Ah Nan can bear it?"

"Don't do this, Chu Xi is still outside." Su Nan immediately said righteously.

Zhao Xiaomin grabbed his hand and placed it on her chest.

Su Nan touched something soft, he shook his head and said, "Xiao Min, stop, you and Chuxi are good friends, it's not good for us to do this."

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