She wasn't sleepy at all, which might be due to her body, but Su Nan was different. If it wasn't for insomnia, as a normal person, she would be exhausted until four or five o'clock in the morning. At that time, Su Nan's reaction must be very slow.

She doesn't want to be bullied like this again, so she might as well give it a go.

Zhan Weiling waited and waited until five o'clock in the morning, she got out again, her movements were very gentle.

After falling off the bed, Zhan Weiling immediately got out of bed and ran to open the door, but there was a sound of wind behind her, and Zhan Weiling was crushed to the ground.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Since Su Nan's body has been weakly strengthened many times, his energy has been several times stronger than that of normal people, even if he doesn't sleep much for a day or two, it won't have too much impact.

So when he pretended to be asleep, when he found the heroine coming out of the phone, he quickly reacted and rushed over to pin her down.

"I caught you!" Su Nan sat on the heroine, grabbed her with both hands and pressed her sides, looked down at her panicked look, smiled a little satisfied, and it was not in vain to stay up all night.

"Idiot." At this time, the panic disappeared from the heroine's face, she scolded him in a low voice and then disappeared. Before disappearing, the smile on the corner of her mouth looked a little smug, which inexplicably gave Su Nan a very familiar feeling.

Seeing the empty body below Su Nan, she was a little dumbfounded, and then she was attracted by the mobile phone left next to her, and the heroine fled back into the mobile phone.

Su Nan's forehead went black, the heroine was still holding his mobile phone when she ran away just now, and fled in when she saw something was wrong.


Su Nan bitterly picked up the phone and turned on the light and sat on the bed. Seeing this, the heroine in the game hurriedly hid in the corner. Her face was complicated, with exclamations, anger, and a little shyness at the same time.

Su Nan was stunned for a moment, why did she feel that the heroine was a bit like Senior Sister Wei Ling?

Recalling the three-dimensional face of the heroine before, I found that I was too focused on catching the heroine at that time, and I didn't pay much attention, so I couldn't remember it for a while.

Su Nan shook her head, throwing away the impossible thoughts.Just as he was about to say something to the heroine, he suddenly noticed that the expression on the heroine's face became dull and she remained motionless.

Su Nan was startled, and tapped the heroine's chest with her mobile phone, and the chest bounced, but the heroine didn't respond, as if there was only a shell left.

run away?

Su Nan immediately vetoed this idea. If he could escape so easily, the heroine wouldn't be bullied by him like that before, so what's going on?

He studied the game for a long time, but found nothing. After the heroine became sluggish, the game seemed to have lost all use, and it was cold and uninteresting.

At six o'clock in the morning, Su Nan completely lost interest, quit the game, and left the room with a strange expression.

At this point, there is basically no need to sleep, and I just went out to make breakfast. As for the heroine, Su Nan plans to keep an eye on her phone today to see if she will return to normal.

Opening her eyes again, and returning to the familiar environment, Zhan Weiling was stunned for a moment, then breathed a sigh of relief, and finally came back without having to face Su Nan's bullying.

But how did you come back?She didn't escape from Su Nan's house at all this time. Could it be that there is a time limit for punishment?

In any case, the disaster is finally over, and it's another beautiful day.

It's just that every time Zhan Weiling inadvertently thinks about what happened last night, she will blush with embarrassment, and her heart will be filled with shy emotions.

Su Nan was thinking about what happened last night all morning, and she was not active in class.

At noon, he hesitated to ask Chu Xi, who was also very mysterious, but when he thought of the excessive things he had done to the heroine, he felt guilty and dared not tell Chu Xi and Zhao Xiaomin.

Coming out of the cafeteria, Su Nan saw her senior, whom she hadn't seen for a while, she seemed very tired, and came out of the cafeteria alone, yawning.

The last time I met my senior was about a week ago. For some reason, I feel that the chances of meeting my senior have decreased since recently.

Su Nan thought of her senior's mental illness, and was a little worried. Recently, her senior deliberately avoided him. Is it because of guilt?

"Sister." Su Nan yelled at Zhan Weiling from a distance, and walked towards her. Chuxi went back at noon, and Zhao Xiaomin was with his classmates. He planned to chat with the senior to learn about her recent situation.

Zhan Weiling, who was walking listlessly, heard the voice, and froze. She turned her neck stiffly and looked at Su Nan, her expression burning red instantly.

"Xiao...Xiao Nan." Zhan Weiling saw him approaching, she didn't want to leave, she didn't want to leave, and she was very embarrassed. Thinking of what happened last night, she couldn't stand the shyness.

It wasn't until Su Nan walked over that Zhan Weiling managed to calm down, took a deep breath and smiled, "Xiao Nan, I'm going to the library now, how about you?"

"Uh, I'll go back to sleep." Su Nan said.

"Then you have a good rest, I'll take a step first." Zhan Weiling smiled at him, turned and left.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but Su Nan felt that the senior left in a hurry, and her smile was forced just now, probably because she was in a hurry to go to the library and didn't have a rest last night.

When I came to the top of the building, there was no one there, so it was suitable for Su Nan to study that game.

Sitting down and taking out her phone, Su Nan opened the game, only to see the heroine still standing motionless in the corner.

Su Nan tapped the heroine's breasts, buttocks and other sensitive parts with his fingers, but there was no response, but he did not give up. He continued to click, removed the clothes, played with it, and finally fixed the heroine in the air with his tentacles.

In the library, Zhan Weiling was a little irritable and couldn't read books at all.

Suddenly, her big breasts moved uncontrollably and deformed, as if an invisible person in front of her was touching her breasts. Not only that, but also her buttocks had a similar feeling.

The next moment, Zhan Weiling felt as if her clothes were gone. She hurriedly covered her chest with her hands, but the clothes were still on her body.

Before Zhan Weiling could figure it out, a sudden sense of comfort spread. Zhan Weiling slumped on the table, clenched her teeth, and clamped her legs. It seemed as if someone was touching it constantly. The feeling of shame was stronger than the next, and the panties The pants were slightly wet.

Zhan Weiling was flustered, this feeling reminded her of last night, yes, last night!

A flash of inspiration flashed in Zhan Weiling's mind, and her expression instantly turned into astonishment. Could it be that the punishment is not over yet, she just returned to her body, but when Su Nan was playing the game, she still felt it!

Waves of pleasure surged up one after another, and Zhan Weiling couldn't take it anymore, so she hurriedly left her seat and hid in the women's toilet.

As soon as she entered the cubicle, Zhan Weiling suddenly found that she couldn't move anymore, and her limbs spread out inexplicably to form a big character shape. What was even more amazing was that her body flew into the air, exactly like being controlled by tentacles last night.

The large characters floated in the air, and Zhan Weiling's breasts and buttocks were constantly changing in various shapes, which was extremely embarrassing. What made her unacceptable was the feeling between her legs.Zhan Weiling gritted her teeth and closed her eyes tightly, her cheeks were flushed, comfortable, endlessly comfortable, she felt that the liquid in her body was slowly flowing out, wet the clothes.

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