Su Nan played the game for a while, but the heroine still didn't respond at all, which greatly diminished his interest. Could it be that the heroine really ran away?Then why is her body still there?

Just about to exit the game, suddenly a frame popped up [Achievement: Rape the heroine in the women's restroom] At the same time a photo popped up, this is a real photo, the background is the women's restroom, the girl is floating in mid-air in a large font, her messy hair will Her cheeks were covered, her clothes were messy, her skin was flushed, and there was a pool of water on the ground.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Looking at this dirty picture, Su Nan looked confused, what the hell is this?

Judging from the content of the picture, it is a girl who was abused in the women's bathroom, but what does it have to do with him? Why is he the one who made the achievement?

And this picture is too fake, the characters on it are actually floating in mid-air.

Su Nan looked at the characters in the picture, and suddenly felt a sense of familiarity, but the girl in the picture was wearing a school uniform, and her face could not be seen. There are many such dresses in the school, so it should be just a sense of sight.

Then the picture shrank and flew to the top of the interface. When Su Nan clicked, it would zoom in and pop up again.

Su Nan fell into deep thought. This game is definitely not an ordinary game. He searched online before, but couldn't find any information about the game.

The heroine of the game can enter and leave the game and reality, as well as the achievements she just made, and the real photo that seems to be PS.

Su Nan vaguely grasped something, at this moment, the door was pushed open, interrupting his thoughts.

Looking up, Zhao Xiaomin walked in and waved to him with a sweet smile.

After closing the door, Zhao Xiaomin blushed, walked up to him and sat on his lap, and kissed him.

Su Nan put her hands on her thighs familiarly, feeling the delicate and smooth skin, and said with a smile: "Come to seduce me again, are you afraid that Chu Xi will find out?"

"It's fine if you don't tell her." Zhao Xiaomin snuggled into his arms and said crisply.

Although the three of them have such an inexplicable relationship, they usually don't get too close to Su Nan in front of another person, and even deliberately avoid it.

Su Nan and Chu Xi didn't dare to touch her in private, but they didn't care so much with Zhao Xiaomin.

Probably because Zhao Xiaomin was too proactive at the beginning, Su Nan also responded to her. The scale between the two of them is very big, almost only the last step, and they are very used to each other.

Of course, Chu Xi didn't know this.

"As long as Ah Nan doesn't say anything, everything is my initiative, so don't worry about it." Zhao Xiaomin whispered to him, kissed him, and kissed him.

Su Nan responded, yes, he doesn't have to think about anything, he just needs to wait to be teased, which is what they want to see, even though Su Nan doesn't understand.

Panting from the kiss, Zhao Xiaomin was finally willing to let go.

Su Nan looked at her delicate face, a little moved, and whispered in her ear: "Aren't you going to finish what you promised me yesterday?"

Zhao Xiaomin gave him a shy look, and she slid down after hesitating for a moment.

Release it, bite.

bite bite bite bite...


As if something hit the door, the door was suddenly opened, and two figures, one big and one small, fell in and fell to the ground, but they didn't notice it, and looked up blankly at the shocking scene in front of them.

Zhao Xiaomin was shocked and stood up quickly.When she saw the person coming, her cheeks were instantly bloodshot, and she looked extremely ashamed and angry. She stared at the two people in front of her in shame and annoyance, gnashing her teeth angrily: "You guys..."

Su Nan also stood up in a panic and pulled up her pants chain, looking helplessly at the two who broke in suddenly.Su Nan was stunned, it turned out to be Zhao Xiaomin's two younger sisters, Zhao Ruomin and Zhao Junmin, why are they here?

Thinking that the scene with Zhao Xiaomin just now was completely seen, Su Nan's face felt like it was burning hot. When Zhao Xiaomin helped him like that, her two younger sisters broke in. She was so embarrassed.

Zhao Junmin quickly stood up and took a step back, avoiding her sister's angry eyes with a guilty face, and said, "Second sister forced me to come."

Zhao Xiaomin's cannibalistic eyes stared at Zhao Ruomin for an instant.

Zhao Ruomin didn't seem to see her sister's anger, and looked frequently at her sister and Su Nan, full of surprise.

"Sister, is this brother-in-law? What were you doing just now?" Zhao Ruomin asked curiously, tilting his head and staring at Su Nan's crotch, blinking his big eyes.

The two of them were extremely embarrassed by her question, and the little Zhao Junmin's face also turned a little blush, but Zhao Ruomin looked at them in a daze.

Looking back at Su Nan, Zhao Xiaomin blushed and rushed forward to grab Zhao Ruomin's ear, regardless of Zhao Ruomin's constant cry of pain, she just pulled her ear and took her out.

Zhao Junmin stared at Su Nan, blushed slightly, and then followed her sisters to leave.

In a blink of an eye, only Su Nan was left here, Su Nan was speechless, he pressed his headache head, Zhao Xiaomin, the best sister.

He didn't know how to deal with this kind of thing, he had no face to see Zhao Xiaomin's sisters, so he could only let Zhao Xiaomin handle it by himself.

Afterwards, Zhao Xiaomin never came back, but sent a WeChat message to tell his sister that it was settled, so he didn't have to worry.

After school in the afternoon, Zhao Xiaomin went back early and did not participate in club activities, probably because she was rushing back to "educate" her sister.

Su Nan couldn't help but feel worried about her. As an older sister, she is also the person with the most say in the family. Will the incident at noon affect her dignity in the eyes of her younger sisters?

Chu Xi didn't see Zhao Xiaomin when he came in, so he asked curiously, "Where's Xiao Min?"

Generally speaking, Zhao Xiaomin would come over after school in the afternoon, especially in the past few days when she might get sick, and Chu Xi felt strange that he didn't see her today.

"Go home and take care of your sister." Su Nan felt guilty.

Chu Xi glanced at him, and said unexpectedly: "It seems that you know her family quite well."

For some reason, Su Nan felt that Chu Xi's words were a little jealous.

"I've seen it once or twice, but I don't know much about it." Su Nan immediately changed the subject: "Will the fox characteristics appear again recently?"

Chu Xi's pretty face flushed slightly, and she quickly took a few steps back and stared at him vigilantly: "Mu Nan, you want to commit a crime again?"

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