This time Su Nan stared back boldly: "Yeah, what's wrong?"

Chu Xi was stunned for a moment, and then felt helpless towards him. Could it be that Su Nan is no longer afraid of her because too many things have happened recently?

At this time, Su Nan stood up and approached Chu Xi.

Chu Xifang's heart skipped a beat, but she didn't move, she just stood there and watched him quietly.

Su Nan walked up to Chu Xi, looked at her flawless face, and slowly lowered her head to kiss her.

Chu Xi's footsteps moved slightly, but he never moved away. Immediately, he felt a kiss on his lips, and a little blush slowly crept up on his delicate face.

"Why don't you avoid it?" Su Nan looked at Chu Xi's shy look at the moment, and asked in puzzlement. He moved slowly on purpose to give Chu Xi a chance to escape.

"I understand my heart." Chu Xi pressed his heart, looked at him and said.

Su Nan was startled, and asked expectantly, "How do you feel?"

Chu Xi stared at him intently, a smile slowly appeared on his face: "It doesn't feel very annoying."

Su Nan stared fixedly at her, and slowly moved her face closer again. This time Chu Xi seemed to dislike him for being too slow, so he took the initiative to kiss her, and the two embraced and kissed lightly.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After kissing for a while, Su Nan's hand climbed up habitually, holding it,

Although Chuxi's size is not big enough, it's not average, and it feels good in the hand.

Chu Xi's body was stiff and her breathing was messy. She pushed Su Nan away at once, shrunk her body, folded her hands on her chest and said shyly, "Mu Nan, I never promised you that you could do this."

"Sorry, for a while..." Su Nan quickly shut up, seeing Chu Xi gritted his teeth, seeming to understand what he didn't finish, Su Nan was extremely embarrassed.

"The skills practiced from other girls are used on me, and Mu Nan has completely turned into a scum." Chu Xi gritted his silver teeth and said, with an unknown anger in his heart.

How much welfare did Zhao Xiaomin give Su Nan? Does she really have no sense of shame?

"Actually... everything about me was taught by you, Chu Xi." Su Nan said softly.

Chu Xi was stunned, lowered his head and cheeks were flushed, remembering what happened that night, when they were charmed and unrestrained, from unfamiliar to familiar, from dry to wet together.

"Chu Xi, your reaction just now was a bit big, obviously we are already like that." Su Nan looked at Chu Xi in puzzlement, and if he wanted to say who he had the closest relationship with, it was undoubtedly Chu Xi. They had done everything that night.

Su Nan now still remembers her tenderness at that time, and that penetrating charm has left him with endless aftertaste, but what is the matter with this very jerky feeling now?

Chu Xi lowered her head and was in a complicated mood. She didn't know how to explain it. At that time, it was only the body of a fox girl. She was actually a virgin, um, a virgin with sexual experience.

Chu Xi's silent performance made Su Nan feel that she had something to hide, and said, "Sorry, I was too impulsive just now."

He walked over to hug Chu Xi, and Chu Xi leaned stiffly in his arms, slowly softened as his hands gently comforted his back, and whispered, "Please give me a little time to get used to it."

"Then start with kissing." Su Nan said with a smile.

Chu Xi looked up at him, and slowly stood on tiptoe.

"Do you really not blame me? I am like this..." Su Nan asked suddenly.

Chu Xi paused, but without hesitation, he offered the kiss and kept Su Nan's unspoken words in his mouth.

The two plunged into the kiss again, but this time it was much more intense, and the two hearts touched each other.

in the school.

Su Nan and Chu Xi walked together, even though they were separated by a distance, it was surprising enough for Chu Xi.

Noticing the complex sights frequently projected from around, Su Nan smiled lightly: "I never thought you would be so famous."

"Of course, I'm so beautiful." Chu Xi said affirmatively.

"Ahem, aren't you being humble?"

"Excessive modesty is just hypocrisy." A little sarcasm appeared on Chu Xi's face: "Mu Nan, you may not have noticed that there are many boys who pass by our class every day, and most of them come to see me."

"Uh, it seems that there is such a thing, but it doesn't necessarily depend on you. It seems that there are girls in our class who are quite popular. Of course, they are not as good as you."

Su Nan has a strong desire to survive.

"As the class monitor, Lu Ying often participates in various school activities and has a high exposure rate. Compared to me, she is not so mysterious."

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Chu Xi's tone seemed to be a lot colder all of a sudden.

What's wrong with these two?

Su Nan didn't inquire, and walked out of the campus with Chu Xi. A car was parked on the side of the road not far away, and the female driver of the car looked over.

"Does she have a problem with me, always staring at me?" Su Nan turned to ask Chu Xi.

Chu Xi was stunned before he realized it, and couldn't help but laugh a little: "Sister Qin is a very professional bodyguard, so she looks very fierce. If Mu Nan didn't do anything bad, she wouldn't do anything to you."

"The more you say that, the more scared I am." Su Nan joked, it's good that Chu Xi loves to laugh today.

"Why don't we show her the bad things we do." Chu Xi stared at Su Nan with bright eyes.

"Are you joking?" Su Nan was shocked, but Chu Xi's eyes were serious with a hint of mischief, and a quiet smile hung on the corner of his mouth, all of a sudden dispelling Su Nan's hesitation.

He hugged Chu Xi and kissed him, but Chu Xi blushed and closed her eyes to accept.

In the car, the female driver dropped the cigarette from her mouth and stared stupidly at the scene not far away.

After realizing it, she gritted her teeth angrily, and immediately opened the door to get out of the car.

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