Zhan Weiling just read it aloud, and when she felt her body was being touched by fingers, there was nothing unusual in her voice, which could almost be called perfect.

After reading the answer to herself, Zhan Weiling stood on the spot with her head bowed, her legs were close together seamlessly, her head was blank, and there seemed to be liquid seeping out of her body.

The teacher nodded in satisfaction and said, "Sit down."

Zhan Weiling remained calm, and sat down slowly, with a standard and elegant sitting posture. No one saw her legs trembling slightly.

In the process of reading the answer just now, she reached the peak, under Su Nan's fingers.

In the next few classes, Zhan Weiling didn't pay attention to the class, and the feeling of being lightly touched never stopped, and the wetness on the underwear seemed to be able to squeeze out water.

Zhan Weiling knew that this was Su Nan's warning to herself, which made her more determined to have a showdown with Su Nan at night.

After school in the afternoon, Zhan Weiling was the first to walk out of the classroom. She had to rush home immediately, for fear that Su Nan would torture herself again. At the same time, becoming the heroine of the game was about to begin, so she couldn't leave her body in an unsafe place.

After getting on the bus, the feeling of shame came again. Zhan Weiling pretended to sleep so that no one could see her blushing face until she got home.

On the roof of the sophomore teaching building, Su Nan observed two new photos. One was in the classroom, a girl stood up and seemed to be answering questions. The perspective was taken from behind her, so her face was still invisible.

On the other hand, Su Nan, the teacher on the podium, looks familiar, but she can't remember which class she teaches. After all, there are many teachers in the school, but being able to see the teacher's appearance is an unexpected bonus. You can narrow down the scope by investigating the class the teacher teaches.

The other photo didn't have any clues. It showed a girl taking a bus, but the girl was sleeping on her stomach, so she couldn't see her face either.

At the same time, Su Nan also made two new achievements.

[Achievement: The classroom humiliated the heroine in full view. 】

[Achievement: The bus abused the heroine. 】

It seemed useless, so Su Nan ignored it.

After a while, Su Nan played the game again.The heroine seemed to be on her way home, and it would be much easier to find her if she could determine the route she had taken and even the location of her home.

Su Nan intends to hurry up and get a few more photos, otherwise it will be tomorrow when the heroine enters the game.

A strand of hair fell on the neck, itching, and at the same time, there was a faint scent of the girl's body.

Su Nan was stunned, stopped playing the game, and raised his head stiffly. The person standing in front of him was Chu Xi. Chu Xi's eyes fell on the game he was playing, and his cheeks blushed slightly. subtle.

Su Nan was so embarrassed that Chu Xi saw her playing Huangyou.

He put away his phone and asked, "When did you come?"

"Just when you stuffed your tail in, I didn't expect Mu Nan to have such an interest. I felt very dangerous." Chu Xi stared at him and said, his eyes seemed to be looking at the pervert.

What she said made Su Nan feel embarrassed for a while, and coughed dryly: "It's just a game, it can't be taken seriously."

Chu Xi lowered his head, and suddenly smiled a little: "Is the game fun? Or is it fun to have a girlfriend?"

The upward arc of her mouth was as perfect as a crescent moon, making it impossible to move one's eyes away.

Su Nan was stunned, put down the phone, and held Chu Xi's hand. Her hand was boneless, delicate and smooth, with fingers like catkins, and it felt great.

Chu Xi blushed slightly, and was about to break away when Su Nan pulled her into his arms.Taking advantage of Chu Xi's panic, he held her delicate and smooth face and kissed her.

Chu Xi turned her body slightly, feeling that he was a bit domineering, so she slowly gave up struggling, but the blush on her face deepened.

After a while, Chu Xi pinched his arm.

Su Nan stopped her frivolous behavior, looked closely at Chu Xi's delicate face at the moment, and said, "It seems that girlfriends are more fun."

Chu Xi took a breath, looked at him with pity and said, "Mu Nan, you are still single."

There was nothing wrong with what she said. He, Chu Xi, and Zhao Xiaomin had never confirmed their relationship. It was their attitude that maintained such a relationship. Su Nan was puzzled and speechless.

Chu Xi got out of his arms, sat on a chair beside him, picked up his mobile phone and looked down, and operated it calmly.

Su Nan's heart tightened, this game is not an ordinary game.

"It doesn't look like much fun." After a while, Chu Xi put down the phone and said to him.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Su Nan returned home, made dinner quickly, and then went back to the room after filling his stomach. The heroine of the game for the past two days has simply made him want to stop.

As soon as she started the game, Su Nan was stunned for a moment, and saw the heroine fully dressed, standing in front of the camera holding a piece of paper with the word "Surrender" written on it.

Does today's behavior make her feel threatened?

Su Nan nodded to her: "Then you come out."

He put down the phone and stepped back to a suitable distance.

Zhan Weiling hesitated for a while, then sighed, and got out of the phone.

Su Nan only felt a flash in front of his eyes, and a beautiful girl was standing in front of him, holding his mobile phone in her hand, looking a little nervous.

This time Su Nan was not as anxious to arrest people as before, but asked curiously: "Why is the way out different from last time?"

"I was not familiar with it at first, but now as long as I hold a mobile phone in my hand, I can get in and out as soon as I think about it."

Zhan Weiling replied that she had noticed that Su Nan looked at herself presumptuously, her cheeks flushed slightly, and at the same time she felt a little uncomfortable. In Su Nan's eyes, she was not Zhan Weiling now.

"Put down the phone, let's sit down and chat." Su Nan said gently.

Zhan Weiling hesitated, her eyes fell on her mobile phone, and she saw a row of real photos on the top of the game interface, she clicked on it calmly, her face changed slightly when she saw the content of the photos, and she was completely disappointed.

Putting down the phone, Zhan Weiling sat on the bed. After all, she was a junior she knew very well. She also knew Su Nan's personality, so she wasn't too worried that she would be abused.

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