If he didn't come out before, it was just because of his shyness and unwillingness. At the same time, he was treated like Su Nan in the game, and he would definitely be in danger of losing his virginity when he came out. But now he can't care about it anymore, and he can't let his true identity be exposed no matter what.

Su Nan was surprised. He didn't expect the heroine to be so soft. He also saw the heroine peeking at the photo just now. He probably was too worried that the reality around her would be exposed.

This made Su Nan even more curious, who is she?

Tentatively walking towards her, the heroine held her breath but did not move.

Su Nan went to her side and picked up the phone, which seemed to be a way for her to escape back.

"What's the name?" Su Nan sat down beside her, and smelled a strange fragrance in his nose, which seemed to come from the heroine's side, which made his heart beat faster.

It is obvious that the heroine is a little nervous, and at the same time her pretty face is flushed with shyness, which makes Su Nan very surprised. Why doesn't she seem very angry when she treats her like this?

"My name is... Ling." Zhan Weiling took a deep breath and said, "I hope you give up checking my identity, and I can agree to the conditions you put forward."

Speaking of this, her face blushed unconsciously. Before Su Nan said that she would study her body, she couldn't help thinking a little bit wrong at this time.

Su Nan had already guessed this, so she was not surprised, but asked, "Why did you appear on my phone?"

The mobile phone was inexplicably forced to install a game. The heroine in it still has thoughts and can even enter reality, which is really appalling.

Zhan Weiling shook her head: "I don't know very well, since that day, I have been there, and I can only leave in the morning."

The real reason was that she was punished because she couldn't be ashamed, but it seemed that she couldn't tell Su Nan about it, and she wasn't going to say it.

Su Nan wasn't sure if she was lying, but he wasn't going to get to the bottom of it. What he was curious about was the existence of the heroine itself, the mysterious world beyond his reach, and whether the heroine had superpowers. s things.

"What is your body?" Su Nan asked curiously. Since there are fox spirits, it means that there are fairies in this world. He thought Ling also existed in the same way.

"Probably..." Facing Su Nan's intensely curious eyes, Zhan Weiling hesitated, and said, "To be honest, I don't know myself very well, maybe it's a goblin or something."

"Don't you have a body, you don't even know your body?" Su Nan looked at her suspiciously.

"I'm just an ordinary high school student, and I don't have much ability." When Zhan Weiling said this, even she felt that she lacked confidence. How could an ordinary high school student enter Su Nan's phone at night.

Su Nan had no doubts about Ling's claim that she was incompetent, but she was still a little dissatisfied: "Your answers are so perfunctory, you must be lying to me."

Zhan Weiling hurriedly said: "I swear, my body is really just an ordinary female high school student. I don't know why I entered your phone and became a heroine."

Ling didn't seem to be lying, of course, she might just be acting.

Su Nan looked at Ling's face, it was elegant and elegant, with a lightness of its own, delicate skin, like an orchid, indescribably gentle and pleasant.

Su Nan thought of all the things he had done to her before, those extremely exciting and erotic things. Strictly speaking, he had played with this girl's body many times, and his fingers even made her experience the peak pleasure many times.

Thinking of this, Su Nan's heart suddenly became hot.

As a girl, if she is treated like this by a stranger, she probably wants to kill someone, but Ling is only shy in front of her. Could it be that she has been played badly?Still don't care?

Zhan Weiling became a little nervous when she noticed that Su Nan looked at her with strange eyes. At this moment, she heard Su Nan say, "I want to touch your body, is that okay?"

Zhan Weiling looked at him stupidly, Su Nan said cheekily: "I want to study your body, as a condition, I promise you not to investigate your identity in reality."

Research means scientific research.

Zhan Weiling tried her best to make herself think so, and nodded resolutely. As long as her real identity is not revealed, it is nothing to be taken advantage of by Su Nan.

Su Nan stretched out his hand to Ling, he really just wanted to feel the difference between her body and normal people.

The moment her hand touched Ling's arm, a slippery feeling came from her hand, which made Su Nan's heart flutter.

"Ah, your hand..." Ling moaned suddenly, and she fell into his arms weakly, her eyes blurred, and her cherry lips made a slightly seductive voice.

Su Nan only felt a fiery tender body being squeezed into his arms, twisting constantly, with a seductive temptation, which made him react instantly.

Su Nan suddenly remembered that she had fed Ling a sensitive potion before, but the effect of the potion hadn't passed until now.

The girl in her arms raised her head, looked at him with blurred eyes, and then kissed his lips.

With a bang in the head, Su Nan hugged the girl in her arms tightly. She has played with her so many times before, and this time is not bad. Even if it is a goblin, he has already fucked a vixen.

"Xiao Nan..."

In a daze, he heard the girl calling him that, but he couldn't care about anything, and then the girl let out a muffled groan.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

When she came back to her senses, everything had already happened, and Su Nan was a little surprised at her impulsiveness, as if Ling had a strange attraction that made him want to stop.

The girl under him wrapped her limbs tightly around him, her face was absent-minded for a moment, her body was slightly tense, and her eyes were covered with mist, as if she was confused by the sudden strong feeling.

Su Nan silently waited for her to calm down, then leaned down and kissed her, Ling closed her eyes and responded feebly, not even willing to move her fingers.

After the kiss, the two slowly separated, staring at each other.First of all, Zhan Weiling couldn't bear to close her eyes, and her relationship with Su Nan had broken through to such a point, which made her feel very unprepared.

And... She couldn't accept such a thing for a while.

Although suffering from a strange disease that cannot be separated from Su Nan, Zhan Weiling also thought that if she became a couple with him, she would be able to be with him for the rest of her life and use him to treat her well, but she never thought that the relationship between them would be like this way to bed.

Su Nan didn't even know that she was Zhan Weiling.

Zhan Weiling's mood suddenly became very complicated, and she felt that she had greened herself.

"Unhappy?" Seeing her tangled up, Su Nan asked softly, wondering if she was sad.Just now he clearly felt that he had broken through something. Ling was still a virgin, but not anymore.It's normal to be sad about losing your virginity.

"No..." Zhan Weiling opened her eyes and looked at him with complicated eyes, and said in a low voice, "I just think...it's too fast." After speaking, she avoided his gaze and blushed slightly.

"Because it was an accident." Su Nan said, looking down at her shy appearance, only to feel impulsive again. For some reason, this girl of unknown origin always made him unable to control himself.

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