Zhan Weiling has no relatives to rely on, and used to find some part-time jobs by herself.Some of her parents' former friends were good friends, and Zhan Weiling usually went to work in these people's stores.

Recently, I can earn money without having to work part-time, which is quite impressive for a female high school student.

"What's senior sister doing recently?" Su Nan asked curiously.

"Once I bought a lottery ticket and won thousands of dollars. I thought it was pretty good, so I bought several lottery draws in a row and won all of them."

Zhan Weiling smiled and said that Su Nan didn't realize the meaningfulness in her smile, but was dumbfounded, the senior sister must be out of luck.

"Haha, I'm scared. I'm just kidding. I only won the third prize in the first session. But because I bought several bets, I probably won't have to work until I graduate from high school."

Immediately, Zhan Weiling changed her words, but the real reason was exactly what she said at the beginning, she accidentally bought a lottery ticket and won once, and then she bought several lottery tickets in a row, winning a total of about [-] to [-] yuan.

This is the biggest sum of money she has earned in her life, and the reason is also from Su Nan, or the strange disease on her body.

Luck is the only reward after she has been punished several times. Well, it seems that there are physical changes, and the skin becomes whiter and smoother.

Su Nan was very speechless, but then he heard the senior sister said that she didn't have to go to work, and felt happy for her. Before the senior sister went out to work after she was in her third year of high school, he always worried that it would affect her grades.

The two left the community chatting like this, and walked together on the way to school, Zhan Weiling gradually relaxed, and was able to get along with Su Nan calmly, after all, they were both like Su Nan, so there was nothing to let go of.

Of course, Ling is herself, and Zhan Weiling really can't say it.

At the same time, she felt that she was jealous of her identity as Ling.When I met Su Nan just now, I didn't choose to avoid him because of the unconvinced emotions in my heart. She is Zhan Weiling, not Ling, and she can be charming just the same.

Su Nan found that the senior sister started to lose her mind for some reason, and even gradually deviated from the sidewalk. A car came from behind, and the speed was a bit fast.

Su Nan didn't care about anything, and quickly grabbed the senior sister's arm and pulled her back.

Zhan Weiling trembled all over, feeling an astonishing pleasure rippling from the place where Su Nan touched her arm, as if an electric current flowed through her whole body in an instant, the numbness made her moan involuntarily, and fell into Su Nan's arms .

Su Nan was a little dazed, looked down at her senior, and saw a charming blush spreading from her face, and her beautiful eyes were watery, as if they were full of strong lust.

He was a little distracted, as if he saw Ling.

Zhan Weiling was also confused by her sudden change, why?Why is her body so sensitive?

It was just being lightly touched by Su Nan, which actually made her feel like an orgasm was coming.

Zhan Weiling suddenly remembered that she became the heroine of the game and was given sensitive liquid by Su Nan. Could it also affect reality?

But why didn't she feel it when she touched herself?

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After reacting, Zhan Weiling raised her last strength, put her palms on Su Nan's chest, and pushed him away.

Su Nan staggered back a few steps and looked at her senior in surprise.

Zhan Weiling took a breath, tried her best to maintain her unsteady body, and said embarrassingly: "Sorry, I didn't sleep well last night, and my mind was distracted."

"It's okay, senior sister, go to bed earlier, it was too dangerous just now." Su Nan said worriedly, he didn't ask what happened to senior sister just now, but he was always a little concerned in his heart, and at that moment he thought senior sister was Ling, it was too inappropriate up.

Zhan Weiling nodded with a smile, and then the two continued walking towards the school as if nothing had happened.

Next, Zhan Weiling tried to avoid physical contact with Su Nan, because the feeling was too strong for her to bear.

When we arrived at the school, the teaching buildings of the third year and the second year were not in the same building, and the two separated after saying hello.

"Zhan Weiling."

"Morning teacher."

Hearing a voice behind her calling her senior's name, Su Nan subconsciously looked back, and was stunned when she saw the face of the female teacher.

Immediately, Su Nan frowned, took out her mobile phone to open the game, and clicked on the photo of Ling's body in class. The female teacher in the photo was the same person who was communicating with the senior sister at the moment.

Su Nan's eyes fell on Ling's body in the photo, and only her back was visible. The next moment, Su Nan raised her head and looked at the senior sister who was walking away with the female teacher, feeling suffocated.

His body froze in place for an instant, and an inexplicable emotion enveloped him, panic, bewilderment, bewilderment, and deep shock.

Su Nan raised his finger and pointed at the heroine on the screen, but stopped at the last moment. He gritted his teeth, resolutely put away his phone and turned to the second grade teaching building.

In the following morning, Su Nan couldn't concentrate on listening to the class, and kept thinking about the incredible guess in her heart. Are Senior Sister and Ling the same person?

It is actually very simple to be sure, all you need to do is tap Ling on the screen with your finger when you can see the senior, but Su Nan is hesitant and dare not take action.

Maybe it's just a coincidence, Ling's body just happens to be in the same class as her senior sister, and besides, a teacher teaches more than one class, maybe Ling's body is just a student in one of the classes taught by that teacher.

Su Nan forced herself to think this way, and stopped thinking about whether senior sister and Ling were the same person.

"Munan, let's go to the cafeteria together."

After class, before Su Nan had time to leave the classroom, Chu Xi walked up to him and said this to him, and the surroundings fell silent for an instant.

After a while, as if the time flow resumed, everyone left their seats and packed up their things, and soon the classroom became empty.

In the end, Squad Leader Lu looked at them in surprise, and was dragged away by his friends.

Su Nan looked at Chu Xi puzzled, she was not like this before.

"That's meaningless, and there's no need to care about other people's opinions. Besides, Mu Nan's popularity as a girl in the class is unnecessary."

Chu Xi seemed to see his doubts, said calmly, and then urged him: "Hurry up, I asked Zhao Xiaomin to help us get a seat first."

It makes sense, Su Nan asked: "Aren't you going home today?"

"Because there is something about the new venue, let's go and have a look later."

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