Su Nan just remembered this.

When she came to the cafeteria with Chuxi, she seemed to have made an appointment with Zhao Xiaomin and took him up to the second floor.

There were fewer people on the second floor, and it seemed obviously much more spacious. When Su Nan arrived, she saw Zhao Xiaomin waving to herself and Chu Xi in the corner.

Walking over to sit down, Su Nan found himself the focus of the audience, a little uncomfortable, because there are few people, so abnormal guys are more likely to attract attention.

Sitting next to him were two such beautiful girls, it was hard not to attract attention.

"Munan must be proud of himself." Chu Xi looked at him and guessed, but his tone was firm.

Zhao Xiaomin was a little surprised by Chu Xi's words, and after thinking about it, she realized that her face was slightly red.

"Not at all." Su Nan retorted, and then buried her head in eating. It's not his style to be so high-profile, so finish eating early and leave early.

Chu Xi didn't move her chopsticks right away. She was wearing a pair of cropped trousers today, revealing a small section of her fair calf.

At this time, Chu Xi was taking out a delicate small wallet from his trouser pocket, and handed fifty yuan to Zhao Xiaomin: "It is agreed that I will treat you today."

"No need, why are you so polite in our relationship?" Zhao Xiaomin pushed her back and said dissatisfied.

Su Nan felt ashamed, what's your relationship?Why don't I know?

"No, that's a good deal, you have to keep your word." Chu Xi was a little too insistent. She had naturally investigated this love rival and the same kind, and knew about Zhao Xiaomin's family situation.

Zhao Xiaomin also knew why Chu Xi did this. She didn't take the money, but glanced at Su Nan, leaned into Chu Xi's ear and whispered to her excitedly, "Chu Xi, let me tell you..."

Zhao Xiaomin muttered for a while, and saw Chu Xi looking at Su Nan with a surprised expression on his face, which made Su Nan who was burying his head in eating wonder, what does it have to do with me?

In the end, Chu Xi hesitated, and took the money back, which surprised Su Nan. How did Zhao Xiaomin persuade Chu Xi?

Zhao Xiaomin's reason is simple, that is, she is not short of money.

After being punished twice, her luck improved. She often won the third grade when buying lottery tickets, and a single bet cost several thousand yuan, which was not bad at all.Of course, you can't buy too many bets. If you buy too much at one time, it is easy to miss the prize.

Chu Xi is not short of money due to family reasons, and usually doesn't care if he sees money on the ground, so he didn't notice that his luck had improved at all.

After eating, the three of them came to the new venue.

It was heard that this building was going to be demolished to build a new one, but it was not demolished for some reason.

The computer room and some laboratories are located on the lower floors of this place. After going up to the fifth floor, few students usually come here. A former meeting room here is their future activity venue.

The activity room was half the size of a classroom. It had obviously been cleaned and was very clean. There was a long conference table in the middle.There are air conditioners, computers, water dispensers, and other things. Although the sparrow is small, it has all the internal organs.

For Su Nan and Zhao Xiaomin who are still students, this place is obviously too superior. They all feel that Chu Xi is really capable, and they can get it all.

"It's just waste utilization. This is a place that no one uses, and the building will be demolished in two years." Chu Xi said.

When Su Nan was visiting the new activity room, Zhao Xiaomin suddenly approached Chuxi, blushed and whispered something in her ear.

Chu Xi was a little surprised: "Now?"

"En." Zhao Xiaomin nodded shyly, the uncomfortable feeling that had been delayed for several days finally came.

Chu Xi was in a delicate mood. She glanced at Su Nan and said, "I'm going to the bathroom."

Then Chu Xi walked out.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"I'm going to the bathroom." Chu Xi said, and then left the activity room.

Su Nan didn't care either. He looked at the computer, which seemed to have a good configuration, better than the one at home. Can it be used to play games?

"A'nan." Zhao Xiaomin walked up to him and called his name, his voice sounded distorted.

Su Nan looked away from the computer and turned to look at Zhao Xiaomin, only to find that her face had become rosy and delicate for some reason, her moist eyes were covered with a layer of water mist, her tall chest was slightly undulating, and even her skin seemed to be dyed. Pale pink with a ripe and seductive scent.

Seeing Zhao Xiaomin in such a state, Su Nan's heart beat faster, he quickly suppressed this impulse, and asked, "What's the matter?"

Chu Xi went to the bathroom, but she will be back soon, even if she wants to do something, she has to hold back.

Chu Xi and Zhao Xiaomin got along well, and Su Nan didn't want to affect them because of her impulsiveness.

"Ah Nan, kiss me." Zhao Xiaomin stood in front of him a step closer, closed her eyes and said, her face was flushed, delicate and charming.

After hesitating for a while, Su Nan bowed his head and kissed Zhao Xiaomin's mouth, it was just a kiss, it should be fine.

"Not enough, let's kiss longer." Zhao Xiaomin pouted and acted like a baby, without opening her eyes, looking a little dissatisfied.

As a last resort, Su Nan kissed Zhao Xiaomin again, and her delicate lips were wetted with saliva. Zhao Xiaomin cooperated with her to slightly open her lips, allowing him to swallow them smoothly.

Ten seconds later, Su Nan was about to let go of Zhao Xiaomin, but unexpectedly, she hugged him tightly with open arms, and at the same time stuck out her sweet tongue to tease him.

Will refusing at this time hurt a girl's self-esteem?

Thinking of this, Su Nan responded.

About a minute later, Su Nan hurriedly separated from Zhao Xiaomin because she was worried that Chu Xi would come back.Zhao Xiaomin stared at him with some dissatisfaction: "It's not enough, does Ah Nan despise him!"

"Don't make trouble, Chuxi will be back soon." Su Nan shook her head, what happened to Zhao Xiaomin suddenly, so hungry.

Zhao Xiaomin rolled his eyes, and said with the corners of his mouth upturned: "Ah Nan, do you want to continue what was interrupted by my sister that day?"

Hearing this, Su Nan subconsciously stared at Zhao Xiaomin's little mouth which was just wet by herself, and secretly swallowed.His actions were still noticed by Zhao Xiaomin, and she blushed slightly: "Ah Nan is getting hotter and hotter."

Su Nan said seriously: "This is what you promised me. To be a human being, you have to make promises. What does it have to do with H?"

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