"Is that what you want?" Zhao Xiaomin smiled coquettishly and squatted down.

"Now?" Su Nan was dumbfounded.

Zhao Xiaomin raised her red face and stared at him with winking eyes, but her hands kept moving.When the illness broke out, she was bolder and more unrestrained than usual, and she was familiar with Su Nan in this kind of thing, so she could let go.

Before Su Nan could react, he felt Zhao Xiaomin's familiar taste. He couldn't help but let out a breath, and silently closed his eyes.

I don't know how long it took, but after everything was over, Zhao Xiaomin ran to the trash can to vomit, and Su Nan realized that she tidied up her pants in a panic, but felt very strange, why Chu Xi didn't come back for so long?

As soon as he thought this way, the door opened, and his heart tightened subconsciously.

Zhao Xiaomin was also startled, and in a hurry, swallowed what was not spit out cleanly.

Chu Xi opened the door a crack and looked at the situation inside, and walked in when he saw that there was nothing wrong.

She noticed that Su Nan's expression was a bit unnatural, and she knew that he was guilty. Although he felt a little uncomfortable, it was nothing, and she had to get used to this kind of thing.

Seeing Zhao Xiaomin squatting in front of the trash can with a bright expression on her face, Chu Xi looked at her suspiciously: "What are you doing?"

"Ah?" Zhao Xiaomin opened her mouth in surprise, but seemed to be afraid that there was still something left in it, so she quickly closed it, her gaze fell into the trash can, and she shook her head when she saw the dirty things inside.

She grunted again, and said, "I'll see if there is any garbage, I'll take it and throw it away later."

After speaking, she tied up the plastic bag of garbage in the trash can.

Chu Xi frowned slightly, there was less than half a bag of garbage, why did he rush to throw it away?And Zhao Xiaomin's behavior is too strange, what did she do just now?

Normally, she has been out for so long, as long as Zhao Xiaomin doesn't make out with Su Nan too much during this time, the condition can be relieved.

It's just that now it seems that Zhao Xiaomin has a ghost in his heart, and he must have done something too much. After all, Zhao Xiaomin has a criminal record.

Chu Xi felt very angry, and again, Zhao Xiaomin sneaked away every time, it was too much!

"Munan, take out the garbage and throw it away." Chu Xi stared at Su Nan who was standing aside and said, her eyes seemed to see through something.

Su Nan was a little guilty, he was about to leave, so he agreed, picked up the half bag of garbage and walked out of the activity room.

"Ah? I suddenly remembered that I still have homework to do, so I'll take a step first. See you, Chu Xi." Zhao Xiaomin said quickly, and planned to leave, but Chu Xi blocked the door first and locked it.

Then he stared at Zhao Xiaomin with bad eyes.

"Chu Xi, what are you doing? I'm going back to do my homework." Zhao Xiaomin said a little guilty, avoiding her gaze.

"What did you do just now, tell me carefully." Chu Xi asked with a serious face.

Blushing, Zhao Xiaomin said angrily, "Why, I never asked anything about you and Ah Nan!"

"Because you steal too much, as we said, don't go too far." Chu Xi's beautiful eyes glowed with a touch of anger.

This made Zhao Xiaomin feel even more guilty. An angry Chuxi was rare and terrifying.

"But Ah Nan is a boy. What can I do if he takes the initiative? Besides, I just want to treat him. I didn't think so much when it was so painful." Zhao Xiaomin said pitifully. Su Nan.

"So what did you do? If it was really Su Nan's responsibility, I wouldn't blame you." Chu Xi asked again, his tone softened.

Zhao Xiaomin hurriedly said: "It's really nothing, he couldn't control it, he just touched me."

"Then why rush to throw out the trash?"

"Uh... I'm a clean freak, can't I?"

Zhao Xiaomin's eyes dodged.

"You lied! It seems that if you don't teach you a lesson, you won't remember it!"

After Chu Xi finished speaking, she walked towards Zhao Xiaomin with a cold face. No matter how generous and helpless she was, she would still be jealous, so she couldn't let Zhao Xiaomin go on.

ah?Want to fight?Realizing that something was wrong, Zhao Xiaomin immediately ran along the conference table, while Chu Xi chased after her.

You have to run out.

After two laps, Zhao Xiaomin thought to herself, when she got close to the door, she rushed over, and then there was a sound of wind behind her, and she was pressed against the door by Chu Xi.

In a hurry, Zhao Xiaomin turned her body to face Chu Xi, trying to push her away, but Chu Xi grabbed her chest with great force.

In pain, Zhao Xiaomin hastily knocked off Chu Xi's hand, causing Chu Xi to fall to her, and accidentally kissed her on the mouth.

Both of them were stunned. After a while, Chu Xi felt a strange taste in his mouth, and his eyes opened wide in disbelief.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After being stunned for a while, the two girls who accidentally kissed each other quickly separated, looking at each other with embarrassing expressions.

Chu Xi took a step back, smacked his lips, and then his face turned red.

She stared at Zhao Xiaomin in disbelief, her eyes gradually filled with anger and jealousy: "You guys..."

"I didn't take the initiative!" Zhao Xiaomin shouted quickly, covering her blushing cheeks with both hands, not daring to see anyone.

It was a bit embarrassing to discover such a thing.

"Su Nan doesn't have the guts!" Chu Xi said coldly.

"Who said no, boys, impulsiveness will always be unbearable, what can I do?"

Zhao Xiaomin insisted that, as for how Chu Xi will treat Su Nan, she can't control it for the time being. Let's go through the current test first. At most, she will secretly give Su Nan more benefits in the future as an apology to him.

Chu Xi was choked by her words. Although she felt that Su Nan didn't have the guts to do such a thing when she went to the bathroom, she couldn't completely convince herself that Su Nan wouldn't do that, after all, boys are impulsive I can't seem to care so much.

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