After a while, Chu Xi saw Su Nan's reply and sighed, it was too late.

She called Zhao Xiaomin's cell phone, "Su Nan just got home, how are you doing now?"

"I don't know. I fainted just now. I should have been punished, but nothing happened."

"Be careful, we were careless. After the two punishments, the time of relapse is actually irregular."

"Haha, it's okay, anyway, it's not the first time." Zhao Xiaomin comforted Chu Xi instead.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After paying attention to the phone for a while, neither Chu Xi nor Zhao Xiaomin responded, Su Nan put the phone on the table to charge.

It's not yet six o'clock, and Ling hasn't come out so soon, but it's almost there, and the phone needs to be fully charged.

Then Su Nan left the room and went out to make dinner.

On the other side, Chu Xi said to Zhao Xiaomin on the phone: "Remember, if it turns into something weird, don't panic, find a chance to contact me, and I will find a way to stop Su Nan."

But Zhao Xiaomin's voice could not be heard on the other end of the phone. Chu Xi was stunned, and then hung up the phone.

She took out Su Nan's number with her mobile phone, hesitated for a while and didn't call it, even if Zhao Xiaomin turned into something strange, Su Nan wouldn't feel it, so she could only wait for Zhao Xiaomin's notification.

It's just that during this period of time, Su Nan, who didn't know it, would definitely do some shameful things to Zhao Xiaomin, which made her a little upset.

After waking up again, Zhao Xiaomin found herself standing in a room with a two-dimensional painting style. There was a beautiful girl with a lustful figure lying on the bed. At this moment, the beautiful girl looked dull, as if she had lost her soul.

Because Chu Xi had told her that the punishment would turn into all kinds of weird things, so although she was a little flustered at first, Zhao Xiaomin calmed down quickly.

She looked at the girl on the bed, a very ordinary girl with a two-dimensional painting style, often seen in anime, but for some reason, this girl made her feel weird, as if what she saw in her eyes was different from usual.

Zhao Xiaomin walked up to the other party and poked the girl's face. The soft touch was solid, but why didn't she move?

She looked at each other in confusion, and why there is such a girl here, the punishment this time is too strange.

At this time, she accidentally glanced at the mirror, then opened her mouth in surprise, and the blond girl in the mirror showed the same expression as her.

Zhao Xiaomin took a step back, and the beautiful girl in the mirror also took a step back. Whatever she does, the blond girl does too.

"This is me at all!" Zhao Xiaomin said in amazement.

Since it was the first time to experience this kind of punishment, it was much more novel than the experience of turning into an ice cream.

She observed herself in the mirror with great interest, and her relationship with Su Nan was so close, even if the punishment she received was a bit shameful, it didn't seem like a big deal, so she wasn't worried at all.

"Then can I see Ah Nan? Speaking of which way to meet him, I asked Chuxi and she refused to say. She must have experienced it."

Zhao Xiaomin thought expectantly and doubtfully.

"Who are you?! How did you appear here?" A startled voice came from the bed, and Zhao Xiaomin turned her head to look, and found that the girl with big breasts had woken up at this moment, sitting up and staring at herself in panic.

Zhao Xiaomin was taken aback, she was able to move, but why did she look like a corpse just now?

"I'm...uh, I don't know how I got here, by the way, what about you? Who are you? Where is this place?"

I was going to explain, after all, this is someone else's territory, but Zhao Xiaomin didn't know how to explain it at all, and was a little embarrassed.

At the same time, Zhao Xiaomin felt strange why another girl appeared in his punishment link, and it was obvious that she had entered the other party's territory. Why?

When Zhan Weiling came in, she was shocked to find that there was an extra person in the room. She had been here for a week and thought it was only herself. Now she suddenly found that there was an extra girl, which was very surprising.

What followed was a bad guess, and she felt a little alarmed in her heart.

"You don't know what this place is? Then how did you come in here?" Zhan Weiling stood up and asked, frowning.

"I came in by accident." After saying that, Zhao Xiaomin felt something was wrong. If she appeared in the other party's room, this way of questioning would be too strange. Unlike questioning the intruder, she would not be nervous at all. Instead, it was full of inconceivability, as if she shouldn't have appeared in this place.

Taking Chu Xi as an example, the same kind exists. Zhao Xiaomin suddenly thought of an incredible guess. Could it be that the other party is also the same kind?

This is the place where she can only come after being punished. Why can the other party also come in?

She stared at the other party and gritted her teeth: "Do you know Su Nan?"

Zhan Weiling's expression immediately changed when she heard the words. The moment Zhao Xiaomin said Su Nan's name, she understood the origin of the other party. Like her, she was the guy who couldn't be shamed in time and was punished to come here.

Zhan Weiling was shocked by the fact that there were other people like her besides her.

After confirming each other's identities, the two looked at each other, as if they were very surprised by the result, and the surrounding became very quiet. Suddenly, Zhan Weiling thought of a terrible fact, if the other party also entered here because of punishment, wouldn't it be the same as her Can go out, and has a fatal attraction to Su Nan?

Every bit of what happened to her this week, thinking that it would happen to this girl in front of her, made Zhan Weiling feel extremely uncomfortable. No matter what, she wanted to stop this girl from wanting to see Su Nan!

Zhan Weiling's mind was running fast. When Su Nan held the phone to look at the interface, she could see everything at a glance, but Su Nan didn't pay attention to some hidden places, such as the wardrobe or the bottom of the bed.

If the girl is caught, tied up and hidden in the closet, Su Nan will never find out.

"Hey, why are you silent all of a sudden?" Zhao Xiaomin asked impatiently.

Zhan Weiling's eyes flickered, and then she showed a smile: "It seems that you and I are the same kind of people, maybe we can cooperate, after all, no one can leave Su Nan, right?"

Zhao Xiaomin was stunned for a moment. Because of the partnership with Chu Xi, her first reaction was to convince him. After all, competition was meaningless, but she didn't expect the other party to bring it up first.

"It's okay to cooperate, what's your real identity?" Zhao Xiaomin asked, wondering if the guy is indifferent or a mask girl?If so, you have to teach her a lesson.

"This should be open and honest for both parties, but since I proposed it first, in order to show sincerity, I will say it first."

Speaking of this, Zhan Weiling paused, and was about to continue, but Zhao Xiaomin also cheered up and listened.

At this moment, Zhan Weiling took out a bottle of sensitive potion from behind, opened it and sprinkled it on the blond girl in front.

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