But the moment she started, Zhao Xiaomin had already reacted quickly, avoided the liquid that was spilled on her, and rushed towards Zhan Weiling like a leopard.

Zhan Weiling was startled, unable to understand why the other party was so powerful, she retreated habitually.Zhao Xiaomin rushed forward, knocked the bottle out of her hand, grabbed her arm and pinned her to the ground.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"It hurts, it hurts!" Zhan Weiling took a deep breath. The girl was extremely strong, and she seemed to have learned fighting, so she was knocked down in an instant.

Zhao Xiaomin subdued the opponent, and frowned, because the liquid didn't completely avoid it just now, and some of it spilled on her body.

The slightly cold feeling on her body made Zhao Xiaomin shudder subconsciously, but after careful experience, she didn't feel that there was anything wrong.

She pushed Zhan Weiling once, causing Zhan Weiling to cry out in pain, and then asked: "Hey, what did you just spill on me?"

"This is just a welcome ceremony. There is no malice. People who have been sprayed with the potion can return to their bodies during the day. Please let me go." Zhan Weiling explained, but she frowned inwardly. The sensitive potion was sprinkled on her body, and it didn't work directly. If you drink so fast, you have to delay the time.

"Do you take me for a fool, scheming bitch!" Zhao Xiaomin snorted coldly, "I'm going to tie you up."

She looked around, carried Zhan Weiling to the closet, found some clothes and bound Zhan Weiling's hands and feet.

Zhan Weiling secretly thought something was wrong, and quickly gave in: "Wait, I know I was wrong, you let me go, and I will tell you how to return to your body."

But Zhao Xiaomin ignored her pleading, and after tying it up, she turned to Zhan Weiling, who couldn't move, stretched out her hand to feel around Zhan Weiling's body, and at the same time pinched her chest hard.It's actually bigger than hers, Zhao Xiaomin is a little jealous.

"What are you doing!" Zhan Weiling frowned when her sensitive parts were touched.

Holding a bottle of the same potion found in Zhan Weiling's pocket, Zhao Xiaomin asked again: "What is this?"


"If you don't answer, I'll pour it on you!"

"Uh, this is a kind of potion. Drinking it can make the body weak. It seems that it has no effect when sprinkled on the body."

"Then you are so stupid!"

Zhan Weiling looked depressed.

Zhao Xiaomin continued to press: "Tell me your real identity, or I will feed you to drink!"

But Zhan Weiling resolutely refused to answer this question, and Zhao Xiaomin was so angry that she poured the potion directly for her to drink.

Zhan Weiling sighed, "Now that I've drank the potion, you can let me go."

"You have a bad heart, maybe you are indifferent or a mask girl, so let you stay like this for now."

Zhao Xiaomin said indifferently, and then asked: "Where is this place? How long have you been here? What have you experienced here? Where is Anan? Where is he?"

Who are Dan Ran and the mask girl?

Zhan Weiling, who was very puzzled, was silent when she heard the words, and said: "This is Su Nan's mobile phone. We have become the heroine of the game. You must have experienced punishment. If you don't want to be treated like that, you'd better hide." In the closet, you can return to your body during the day."

Zhan Weiling felt a little regretful, she would have known better if she had known earlier, it was all because she was dazzled by jealousy at first.

"It's okay, it's not the first time anyway, so how can you meet Ah Nan, tell me?"

Zhao Xiaomin's indifferent look made Zhan Weiling feel very uncomfortable. She remembered that she asked Su Nan who she liked last night. At that time, Su Nan didn't answer, but she didn't deny that there was someone she liked. Could it be the girl in front of her?And the relationship between the two is already very close?

Sure enough, he was right just now, but it's a pity that he failed.

Zhan Weiling was so upset that even if she didn't tell the other party, when Su Nan returned to the room and found that there was an extra girl in the phone, she would definitely let her out.

Once you tell the other party, it is estimated that the other party will take the initiative to go out to see Su Nan.

Zhan Weiling's mind was spinning rapidly, and she couldn't think of an answer for a while.

"Hmph, don't tell me if you don't say it, do you think I don't know?"

Seeing that she didn't answer for a long time, Zhao Xiaomin was a little dissatisfied, and then smiled complacently, and walked towards the obviously abnormal wall.

Zhan Weiling's face changed suddenly, and she hurriedly shouted: "Going out will risk losing your virginity!"

Zhao Xiaomin looked back at her, but still stepped into the wall.

The surrounding scenes changed, and Zhao Xiaomin came back to his senses, and found himself standing in a room with no lights turned on, and it was dark.

However, Zhao Xiaomin barely recognized that this was Su Nan's room. The light outside the door leaked in through the crack of the door, and someone seemed to be talking outside.

Thinking that Su Nan was outside, Zhao Xiaomin wanted to go out to meet him, but Su Nan seemed to be living with his cousin, so she didn't know how to explain it when she went out now.

Moreover, she didn't know how to explain her identity to Su Nan, and told Su Nan directly that she was Zhao Xiaomin, not sure if it was prohibited.

She had discussed with Chu Xi, and found that she could not disclose her own strange disease to Su Nan unless he discovered the abnormality himself.

At this time, there were footsteps outside the door, it should be Su Nan who came back.

Zhao Xiaomin panicked subconsciously, after all, she is not Zhao Xiaomin now, but a stranger.

His eyes wandered around and landed on the phone, and saw the girl who was tied up by him inside.

Just as Zhao Xiaomin was about to go in, the door opened behind him.

"Here we come." Su Nan walked in, closed the door, and whispered.

Zhao Xiaomin was stunned, what do you mean?

Then she thought that Su Nan must have seen the girl just now, maybe even used to it, Zhao Xiaomin realized this and felt a little bored, and secretly cursed the vixen.

"Why don't you make a sound?" Su Nan walked behind the girl and smelled the smell that was different from the past. For a while, he was overwhelmed and couldn't control it. He took a step forward and hugged the girl in his arms.

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