Zhao Xiaomin was angry and didn't want to be touched by Su Nan, but after being hugged by him, her body became weak all of a sudden, her face turned red and her ears were red, and she entered an emotional state.

Su Nan turned her head over, leaned in and took a breath, the sudden intense pleasure made Zhao Xiaomin feel that her soul was floating, and she licked her tongue in response, her body became hot.

Seeing this scene on the phone, Zhan Weiling's face was completely darkened, and she struggled hard, but still couldn't break free, so she could only stare at the situation that made her feel distressed outside.

Su Nan couldn't see the girl's face in the dark, but the girl's enthusiasm was conveyed. Su Nan turned her body around, and they kissed face to face.

Then Su Nan kept kissing the girl, hugged her slender waist and came to the bed, put it down, and undressed the two of them one by one.

Zhao Xiaomin regained consciousness for a moment. In the dark, she carefully looked at the face of her beloved who was pressing on her body, watching him take off her and his clothes and turn into a naked state, Zhao Xiaomin's eyes showed a faint love Drowning, then closed his eyes contentedly.

There is nothing to hesitate, use this body to make Su Nan feel good, and there will be no loss to the main body. If it is not for Chuxi, she would even want to go further with Su Nan on the main body.

At the same time, the girl on the phone must have lived like this with Su Nan. Zhao Xiaomin was jealous and wanted revenge.

The girl under her suddenly groaned in pain, Su Nan clearly felt the difference from usual, subconsciously widened her eyes, this is not Ling!

"Go on." The girl below urged.

At this moment, the impulse overwhelmed everything, and Su Nan moved slowly.

Tears welled up in the corners of Zhan Weiling's eyes when she saw this scene.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

It was the first time for a strange girl to experience this kind of thing, and her voice was a bit loud, Su Nan could only be gentle and gentle, and at the same time held something against her mouth to keep Qin Xiaowan from being attracted.

When everything was over, only the weak panting sound of the girl remained.

Su Nan left the strange girl, got up and turned on the light.

Looking back, the girl's body lying on the bed was in a mess, with traces of being spoiled everywhere, pain and pleasure remained between her brows, her mouth was stuffed with panties, she looked extremely silvery.

Su Nan took a look at the girl's appearance and realized that he didn't recognize her. His eyes fell on the red spot on the bed sheet again, and his brows frowned slightly.

A virgin of unknown origin took the initiative to have sex, what happened?

The surroundings lit up, Zhao Xiaomin shyly pulled the quilt over her body, spit out what was in her mouth, and looked at Su Nan coquettishly: "Damn it, why did you turn on the light all of a sudden."

Su Nan froze for a moment, and thought, do I know you very well?

"Who are you? How did you come into my room?" Su Nan asked with a frown.

Zhao Xiaomin pointed to his mobile phone, Su Nan looked over and saw Ling in the corner of the room, tied hands and feet immobile, with tears in the corners of her eyes.

"What did you do to her?" After glancing at the strange girl, Su Nan walked over to pick up the phone, and tapped her fingers to untie her.

Zhao Xiaomin was very jealous, and pouted and said: "This is the competition that we paper people must have in order to survive and reproduce. The failed paper people have no right to mate! She lost to me, and you are mine from today on." Already!"

Su Nan stayed where she was, and was shocked. This speech is too stupid, no, she said that she is a paper person, is it the same existence as Ling?

Su Nan calmed down, stared at the strange girl, and said in a bad tone: "I have nothing to do with your paper figures, but Ling is my woman. I can't just sit idly by when you bully her."

"You've already fucked me, am I not your woman?"

The strange girl said in a slightly louder voice, and the shocking words shocked Su Nan again.He stared blankly at the other party, reacted, and said angrily: "According to what you said, every time I go whoring, there will be one more woman?"

Zhao Xiaomin was furious, Su Nan actually compared her to a prostitute.

Zhao Xiaomin was really sad to show her face for a mere paper person, hey, she seems to be a paper person now, and Su Nan didn't know she was Zhao Xiaomin.

Thinking of this, Zhao Xiaomin's mood immediately improved, and she said with a smile: "With me whoring, I will be responsible for making you happy in the future, don't worry about this loser."

Su Nan rolled her eyes, ignored the silly girl, and untied all the clothes tied to Ling's body.

Ling stood up, rubbed her sore wrist, and then disappeared from the phone. A moment later, she appeared in the room, angrily walking towards the strange girl.

Zhao Xiaomin's complexion changed slightly. You must know that her body has just been tortured by Su Nan, but it hurts even to move. How can she cope with the vixen's revenge.

"Ah Nan, help me!" Zhao Xiaomin could only look at Su Nan pitifully.

Su Nan shook her head, walked over to hold Ling, "Ling, calm down..."

"Ah~" Unexpectedly, Ling groaned softly and fell limp in his arms. Ling raised her head, stared at him with blurred eyes, and tiptoed to offer a kiss.

Su Nan was kissed all of a sudden, a bit unable to react.

This is Ling's state after drinking the sensitivity potion. Su Nan felt that this was not the right time, and she came here just once, not so impulsively, but Ling hugged him tightly, making him unable to refuse.

Seeing this scene, Zhao Xiaomin screamed, got up and got out of bed regardless of the pain, ran over and grabbed Zhan Weiling's arm to pull her away from her man, "Get lost! Ah Nan is obviously mine..."

After being forcibly separated from Su Nan, Zhan Weiling turned her head to look at Zhao Xiaomin, anger and humiliation welled up in her heart, she crazily threw Zhao Xiaomin onto the bed, and the two wrestled.

They are all in a sensitive state, especially Zhao Xiaomin who has just experienced a broken virginity, unable to show her abilities, and is tightly suppressed by Zhan Weiling.

Then Zhan Weiling wrapped Zhao Xiaomin with a quilt, pushed Zhao Xiaomin from one side of the bed to the other, and Zhao Xiaomin was immediately wrapped tightly by the quilt, unable to move.

Zhao Xiaomin wanted to roll and break free, but the scuffle made her wound hurt, her face turned pale, and she couldn't move anymore.

Su Nan hurriedly pulled Ling away, but Ling endured the pleasure of being touched by him, and forcibly broke free from his hand, ran to the cabinet and found a rope, jumped on the bed and tied Zhao Xiaomin.

"Xiao Nan, fuck me in front of her, okay?"

Zhan Weiling, who was responsible for all this, threw herself into Su Nan's arms, whispered something, and then tiptoed to kiss.

Su Nan was a bit resistant, she couldn't let him fuck him, especially in front of the girl whose virginity he had just lost, but Ling's specialness made him unable to refuse, she tried her best to tease him, making him have a strong impulse .

Seeing the two hugging and kissing together, Zhao Xiaomin's face turned green with anger, and hurriedly shouted: "Ah Nan, stop quickly, vixen, you are not allowed to seduce him!"

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