Ling dragged Su Nan to the bedside, and lay down beside Zhao Xiaomin, who was in a state of dismay, and pulled Su Nan to press on her body, thus becoming one with Su Nan in front of her rival.

Zhao Xiaomin wasn't angry at this moment, but was so sad and sad that she was greened, and she almost fainted from anger.

She wanted to interrupt the two of them regardless of the pain, but her bound body was completely unable to move, and she could only watch helplessly as her love rival played with her man.

What's more, her rival in love was still lying on top of her, and with Su Nan behind her, Zhao Xiaomin felt the state of their movement, and she was so jealous.

When everything quieted down, there was a weak Ling lying on the bed, and a strange girl who had been hit hard and entered a state of autism.

Su Nan was very puzzled by the behavior of the strange girl who seemed to be cheated. It was the first time they met today. Why did this girl care so much about him?

Su Nan suddenly remembered Qin Xiaowan's existence, and broke into a cold sweat for a while. The two of them were fighting so loudly just now, they should have been heard.

But if this is the case, Qin Xiaowan would have found her a long time ago, so he probably didn't hear it?

Su Nan was a little uneasy, put on her clothes, left the two naked girls on the bed, and walked out of the room.

Qin Xiaowan is not in the living room, but in the room. Her door is closed, but Qin Xiaowan should have heard the noise just now.

Su Nan hesitated, walked to Qin Xiaowan's door and knocked, but there was no response.

Su Nan knocked harder on the door, almost making a "bang bang" sound.


Qin Xiaowan's angry voice came out, and then she ran over and opened the door, looking at him with displeasure: "What are you doing?"

Su Nan glanced at her room, it turned out that she was watching a movie with earphones on, no wonder she couldn't hear the sound.

"You shouldn't be called. I can only knock on the door. It's time to take a shower. Go to bed early and have class tomorrow." Su Nan said.


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Back in the room, Lingzheng and the strange girl stared at each other with a cold light in each other's eyes, which was the expression of anger after being greened.

Su Nan reminded them helplessly: "Don't make too much noise, there is another person in my family."

"I'm not noisy, I'm very good, Nan, help me untie, this bitch makes me feel that my life is in danger." Zhao Xiaomin looked at Su Nan anxiously and said.

"Who are you calling a whore?" Zhan Weiling gritted her teeth and clenched her fists.

"I scolded the bitch who sneaked up on me before." Zhao Xiaomin said mockingly.


If the quarrel continues, maybe Qin Xiaowan will really hear it, Su Nan hurriedly stopped them, "Okay, you two are compatriots, why are you arguing?"

"Who is a compatriot with her?" They said in unison, and after they realized it, they glared at each other again, as if accusing each other of stealing their lines.

"Uh, as the same kind, we should support each other well in a human-dominated society, so that we can..."

Hey, why do these words sound like rape?Su Nan quickly shut up.

Zhan Weiling rolled her eyes, propped up her weak body and squeezed into Su Nan's arms, her actions made Zhao Xiaomin angry again.

But Zhan Weiling ignored her, and whispered into Su Nan's ear, "Xiao Nan, this guy's origin is unknown, I think he should be imprisoned, it would be terrible if she has evil intentions towards you."

Su Nan's eyes fell on the strange girl. He and Ling gradually developed trust. The strange girl in front of him couldn't believe it for the time being, and she was very suspicious.

First he appeared inexplicably, and then he dedicated himself to him inexplicably, and even seemed to be quite familiar with him, which made Su Nan a little wary.

"Don't try to drive a wedge between us." Zhao Xiaomin was furious: "Ah Nan, this guy is the one who has bad intentions for you. I'm here to save you."

This woman is definitely indifferent or a mask girl, she is uneasy and kind to Su Nan, Zhao Xiaomin is secretly vigilant, she must protect Su Nan.

Zhan Weiling continued: "Looking at her reaction, she must have a ghost in her heart. We tied her up, tortured her, and forced her to find out her origin and purpose."

Su Nan nodded approvingly: "It really needs to be interrogated."

Ling is already too familiar, and Ling has no malice towards him, on the contrary, she always pleases him all the time, but the strange girl in front of her grabs Ling as soon as she appears, and pretends to be Ling to have sex with him, Su Nan suspects that there is something in it conspiracy.

Thinking of this, Su Nan said to Zhan Weiling: "Bring her in, give her a bottle of the most effective sensitivity potion, and then bring her out for interrogation."

In that sensitive state, there is simply no such thing as secrecy.

Zhao Xiaomin was extremely angry, but Zhan Weiling didn't give her a chance to speak, and led her back to the phone.

Sensitive potions cannot bring out reality, but if you drink it in the second dimension, the effect can continue to reality.

Su Nan, the most effective sensitive potion, has never used it before, and it is almost enough for normal use. Su Nan is also curious about how strong the effect is.

When Ling brought the strange girl back again, the whole skin of the strange girl was dyed a faint blush, and her delicate body trembled slightly uncontrollably, as if her body was very sensitive, and she could feel it even with the slightest touch.

Putting Zhao Xiaomin on the bed, Zhan Weiling was about to interrogate herself, but Su Nan pulled her away with interest, "Let me do it!"

Zhan Weiling bit her lower lip, and finally backed away. As long as she can punish this strange woman, the rest can be tolerated for the time being, but Su Nan's expression of interest in girls made her feel a little uneasy, and made Su Nan and the strange woman feel uneasy. Is it too flippant for a girl to touch?

At this time, the strange girl was no longer restrained, but lying naked on the bed like this, her body trembling slightly, her skin was flushed, and her charming blue eyes were staring at Su Nan.

Su Nan's heart beat faster than expected, and after drinking the most effective sensitivity potion, the girl seemed to become even more charming.

"What's your name?" Su Nan asked suppressing the impulse in her heart.

"My name is..." I wanted to say that my name was Zhao Xiaomin, but the sudden sense of horror made Zhao Xiaomin change her words: "Bai Xiaojie, my name is Bai Xiaojie."

She subconsciously remembered the name of the heroine in the novel when she practiced with Su Nan's voice actor before, and slightly adapted it to be her own name at the moment.

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