When going downstairs, Zhan Weiling walked in front, feeling entangled, thinking about how to drag Su Nan next, and besides tonight, there are five nights to come, what can she do to avoid contact between Su Nan and Bai Xiaojie?

How about throwing away Su Nan's phone?

But this is punishment. Although the girl being punished is hateful, it would be terrible if she was thrown away and picked up by a stranger.

Although Zhan Weiling didn't like Bai Xiaojie, she couldn't do such a thing.

And the punishment probably requires Su Nan to participate in it. With the magic of the strange disease, maybe it will come back by itself after throwing it away.

If she told Su Nan directly that she knew of Bai Xiaojie's existence, and reminded Su Nan not to act recklessly, it might make him calm down, but it might reveal that she was Ling, Zhan Weiling couldn't say it.

It seems that I can only walk around, at least hold Su Nan tonight.

Zhan Weiling made up her mind.

After walking out of the community, the online car-hailing car had already parked at the door. Su Nan was stunned, and Zhan Weiling explained with a smile: "I know there is a good store, but it's a bit far away, so I need to go there by car."

Su Nan nodded, but did not point out the lie of the senior sister.

When entering the car and sitting down, Su Nan's arm accidentally touched the arm of the senior sister, and found that the senior sister reacted a bit, her face turned red, and her mouth was open. It seemed that if she hadn't worried about the existence of the driver, she might have made a sound coming.

She clenched her silver teeth, resisting the special pleasure, and moved her butt away from him.

Su Nan was thoughtful, the senior sister's reaction was similar to drinking the sensitive potion, the potion that the senior sister drank when she was Ling was still effective now.This discovery made him inexplicably hotter.

The distance that the senior sister mentioned is a bit far, which is still beyond Su Nan's expectations at the beginning. The taxi took a full forty minutes to reach the destination. It was already ten o'clock when it arrived. If you add the time to eat and go back , It is estimated that it will be twelve o'clock.

"Sorry, I've traveled so far, but this restaurant is really delicious. I've always wanted to come here but never had the chance." Zhan Weiling said very apologetically, as if it was true.

"It's okay." Su Nan shook her head. In fact, such a senior is quite interesting. She tried her best to do one thing for him. Compared with the previous seniors, the distance is very close.

Zhao Xiaomin took Su Nan's mobile phone to check the time, and found that it was past ten o'clock, and Su Nan hadn't come back yet, she had a bad feeling.

Zhao Xiaomin suddenly thought of Ling. Ling's punishment is over and she has returned to her original body. Could it be that she asked Su Nan out?To revenge yourself?

Thinking of this possibility, Zhao Xiaomin was in a bad mood, hurriedly put on her clothes and was about to leave the room, but the moment she opened the door, she saw a girl sitting in the living room with puffed cheeks as if sulking.

Zhao Xiaomin was so frightened that she quickly took back the foot she had just stepped out, and quietly closed the door.

As a last resort, Zhao Xiaomin picked up Su Nan's cell phone and sent a text message to Chu Xi, because he had asked Su Nan for his password before, so unlocking it was not a problem.

Through text messages, she ended Ling's punishment and told Chu Xi about Su Nan's appointment.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Chu Xi looked at the text message sent to him by Su Nan on the phone, and was stunned for a while before realizing that it was actually sent by Zhao Xiaomin.

Chu Xi was more concerned about what Zhao Xiaomin said in the text message, and she replied, "Why are you still being punished?"

"Probably the third punishment will take longer. Don't talk about this, Chu Xi, hurry up and find a way to find Ah Nan. He must have been seduced by that vixen." Zhao Xiaomin hurriedly typed and sent.

Chu Xi felt a bit embarrassed, and didn't know where Su Nan went at night, how to find it?

It's just that she is dissatisfied and worried about Su Nan being asked out by an unknown woman.

"I looked through Ah Nan's chat history and the text messages on his phone. No one has contacted him just now. It must be that vixen who told Ah Nan to delete the records." Zhao Xiaomin pouting and sent the message to Chu Xi.

Chu Xi frowned slightly, Ling's body should be more familiar with Su Nan, otherwise it would be hard to imagine that Su Nan would listen to an unfamiliar woman like this.

Chu Xi, who checked Su Nan's WeChat, knew that apart from her and Zhao Xiaomin, Su Nan didn't have any other female friends that she was too familiar with. Even Shu Baoer from that day had just met Su Nan.

A name quietly came to mind, Chu Xi thought to himself, if it was her, Su Nan would definitely listen to her.

Let Zhao Xiaomin stay well, Chu Xi changed into clothes, and called the female driver to go out.

Coming out of the barbecue restaurant, the senior sister's face was flushed, and her slightly drunkenness made her look even more charming.

Su Nan looked at her profile, unable to move her eyes away.

Just now, the senior sister ordered two bottles of beer, and said how can you eat barbecue without drinking, so one of them drank a bottle, although not drunk, but not drunk is the most intoxicating, and people who are completely drunk can't get hard.A little excitement lingered in his heart, making his actions and tone bolder.

An electric car came quickly, and the senior sister seemed a little dull after drinking, so she didn't hide.

Su Nan took her arm and pulled her back.

Zhan Weiling's sensitive body made her unbearable to be touched, to be precise, Su Nan's touch, her arm was grabbed, and the intense pleasure made her instantly paralyzed, and Su Nan, who had reacted, hugged her in her arms.

Panting for a moment, Zhan Weiling looked up at Su Nan, and Su Nan also looked down at her. The distance was so close that she could feel the hot breath of the other party.

The two looked at each other, the other's eyes were like a magnet.

Zhan Weiling's eyes were blurred by drunkenness, she tiptoed slightly, her pouty pink lips made Su Nan's heart skip a beat.

At this moment, a car honked its horn on the side of the road, waking Zhan Weiling awake. She broke free in a panic, and quickly took a few steps back, her body wobbling and a little unsteady.

Su Nan watched her hesitate to speak, and finally just said: "Sister, it's too late, let's go back."

Zhan Weiling was silent for a while, and said: "There is a place in front, let's sit there and go home later."

It's almost twelve o'clock, even if it can't hold Su Nan all night, at least it must make him feel sleepy, so sleepy that he falls asleep as soon as he gets home.

Su Nan understood the senior sister's concern and did not raise any objections.

The senior was Ling who had been with him for seven nights. Su Nan had already confirmed this, but the senior didn't realize that he knew the secret. She seemed to want to keep it a secret.

Su Nan didn't know how to deal with it, so she didn't point it out. Although the three-person relationship with Chu Xi and Zhao Xiaomin was strange, it maintained a weird balance. But if a senior sister was added, this balance might be completely broken, and If the senior sister knew about his relationship with Chu Xi and Zhao Xiaomin, she would definitely be disappointed with him.

The huge People's Square is lit, but there are not many people, only a few couples hiding in the dark corner, seeming to be in love.

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