Zhan Weiling found a place near the road to sit down with Su Nan, and seemed to have gotten out of the embarrassing situation just now, and was able to chat with Su Nan calmly.

Suddenly there was a huge roar on the road, and the two looked up, only to see a dozen blinding motorcycles riding past at a fast speed, probably the so-called will-o’-the-wisp boys or the like. Sound, high horsepower, extremely bright bulbs and other features.

Su Nan didn't pay much attention to it, but the senior sister looked at it with great interest, and turned to him and said, "Where are some ghost-fire teenagers who died recently in the news, I didn't expect to see it here, these social people really idle."

"It seems to be a video." Su Nan pointed to the convoy that came back again. Some people in a few cars were filming with mobile phones, and they didn't know which platform to post it on.

As soon as the words were finished, a few motorcycles stopped in front of the two of them, and their cameras aimed at Zhan Weiling, probably planning to include her in the picture.

Zhan Weiling frowned, and took Su Nan's hand: "Xiao Nan, let's go." She even forgot about her body being too sensitive.

After walking a few steps, the ghost fire teenagers caught up, shouting "beautiful young lady" in their mouths, shooting continuously, and at the same time calling "old iron, old iron" to Su Nan.

"Sorry, it's forbidden to take pictures." Su Nan stood in front of the senior sister so that these people couldn't take pictures.

A boy with ghost fire jumped out of the car, ran up to Su Nan and pointed his phone at him to take pictures, and said arrogantly: "Old man, is it embarrassing for a beautiful wife? Take a picture."

The shooting is fake, nothing more than teasing girls.

Su Nan grabbed the will-o'-the-wisp boy's cell phone and "cracked" it, kicked him flying, and knocked down several cars. Five or six veterans screamed in pain at the same time, and the rest of the veterans were also dumbfounded.

With such great strength, Su Nan himself was a little surprised, and became more confident in dealing with this group of will-o'-the-wisp boys, but the group of will-o'-the-wisp boys seemed to be shocked by him, and the surroundings instantly quieted down.

Su Nan waited for a while, but no one dared to do anything, and with the senior sister pulling him behind, he ignored the group of people and walked away holding the senior sister's hand.

The group of people behind them were obviously divided into several gangs, and each encouraged the other to deal with Su Nan, but no one was willing to do it.

After walking far away, under the street lamp, Zhan Weiling stopped to touch Su Nan's arm, and said in surprise, "Xiao Nan, why are you so strong?"

But her pretty face suddenly turned red. From holding hands just now to now, she has been in contact with Su Nan for a long time, and her sensitive body made her emotionally react, her eyes squinted, and her eyes were full of confusion.

Su Nan was irritated just now, but at this moment he felt his blood was hot, and his courage had not dissipated. He looked at the beautiful face of his senior under the street lamp, and remembered the intimate things he had done with her when he was Ling, and a strong urge came to him. Make him hold the senior sister's face and kiss it vigorously.

As if after thousands of times of practice, Zhan Weiling closed her eyes, stood on tiptoes, and stuck out her tongue in one go. Her plump chest was pressed against Su Nan's chest, as if she wanted to rub herself into his body.

Su Nan tasted her senior's tongue, groping behind her back with her hand, and went down to her upturned buttocks to grab and experience it. Such stimulation made her body tremble continuously, her body became hot, and she was confused and fascinated.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Under the street lamp, a boy and a girl were kissing fiercely, exchanging secretions in their mouths, and the roar of vehicles on the side of the road did not arouse their hesitation.

Zhan Weiling's sensitive body was at work, she became weaker and weaker, more confused and fascinated, and the slight pain caused by Su Nan's big hand was not enough to wake her up, but she became more and more sinking.

It was Su Nan who woke up first. He felt that the place was not right, so he let go of the senior sister's mouth.

Then he tilted his head back a little, looking at the charming appearance of the senior sister at the moment, and saw her eyes half-opened and half-closed, her lips were covered with moisture, shining with charming colors, and her pretty face was filled with a tantalizing blush .

Su Nan couldn't help but feel agitated. Just as she was about to make a move, the limp senior sister lay in his arms and panted, and the hot air was felt by his chest through the clothes.

The senior sister's current body is unbearable to be teased, Su Nan stopped the hands she was playing with, hugged the senior sister to let her rest.

Zhan Weiling gradually woke up, realized what happened just now, she was ashamed, but Su Nan's initiative made all the scruples in her heart disintegrate at that moment.

She raised her face in his arms and looked at Su Nan quietly, only to find that the more she watched, the more she liked him, and an intoxicating smile bloomed on the corner of her mouth.

"Why... are you treating Senior Sister like this?"

"Could it be that Xiao Nan has a crush on Senior Sister?" Without waiting for Su Nan to answer, she couldn't wait to smile and said, her tone was joyful, and her eyes shone slightly at night.

Su Nan looked into the senior sister's eyes, her eyes were full of expectation, and Su Nan's heart beat violently.

At this moment, he thought of many things. He didn't remember how long ago, but he only remembered seeing his senior sister become more and more charming day by day since he was sensible.She went from weak to strong, from childish to mature, and the seeds of longing seemed to have been planted at that time.

I don't know if it's because he was too immature when he was a teenager, and all his thoughts were on the surface, so he was easily noticed.

Later, the senior sister talked to him about her life plan, to study, to make money, to take the college entrance examination, and a lot of goals.She said that time is precious and it is wrong to waste it on unnecessary things.

Su Nan still remembers the tone of her speech at that time, it was extremely serious, and there was a little deep meaning in the look in his eyes, which was understood by the sensitive him.

Su Nan understands that for seniors who have no relatives to rely on, studying is the best way to change their fate, and of course there are sugar daddies, but how could such an arrogant senior do such a thing.

From that day on, Su Nan told herself that her senior is an admirable person.

To this day, can he still recall his original feelings?

The expectation in the senior sister's eyes is so pure that nothing can be tolerated, but Su Nan thinks of the shadows of Chu Xi and Zhao Xiaomin in her heart. At this moment, Su Nan understands that she can no longer be the same as before.

"What a terrible junior, I must have been peeping at my senior for a long time." The smile on Zhan Weiling's face gradually disappeared, she raised her hand to touch his face, tears blurred her eyes, "It's just that senior sister seems to have missed something very important thing."

She thought of Bai Xiaojie, this girl's body may have become an inseparable existence to Su Nan, it was a very painful feeling.

"Senior sister, yes..." The appearance of senior sister crying made Su Nan a little panicked, but she stopped her from apologizing.

Su Nan looked at the senior in a daze, she put her hand on his mouth, shook her head and said, "I'm sorry, please don't say such things, at least... let me take the initiative once."

After speaking, Zhan Weiling stood on tiptoe and quickly kissed him. The two had practiced countless times during those seven days and nights, and they had formed a habit. When Zhan Weiling kissed him, Su Nan responded subconsciously.

After the short kiss ended, Zhan Weiling took his hand and said that she would take him to a place, without even giving him a chance to think, she ran with him.

At the end of the road, where a car is parked, this is the name of a hotel opposite, and the neon lights are colorful and moving.

Both Su Nan and senior sister stopped.

The door in front of the car opened, and Chu Xi, who was charming and charming, got out of the car. Her eyes fell on their hands holding each other, and her eyes seemed to narrow slightly.

Su Nan subconsciously let go of her senior sister's hand, and stared at Chu Xi in a daze, followed by the embarrassment of being caught cheating on the spot by her girlfriend.

Looking at Su Nan in surprise, and noticing Su Nan's guilty conscience, Zhan Weiling's heart tightened, and then his eyes fell on the girl standing in front of the car door, with vigilance.

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