She remembered that this was Su Nan's classmate, named Chu Xi, a very beautiful girl.Even in her third year of high school, she occasionally heard boys talking about it a few times.

Bai Xiaojie can't return to her body, so Chu Xi is not Bai Xiaojie, so what is the relationship between her and Su Nan?

"Sister, good evening." Chu Xi nodded to her, then looked at Su Nan, and asked lightly, "Su Nan, it's so late, why are you strolling on the street?"

Su Nan's scalp tingled when ordinary classmates met on the street and asked questions.

"I want to eat supper, so let my junior accompany me. After all, it's not safe for a girl to go out alone at night." Zhan Weiling answered first, with a natural tone, and then asked: "Your name seems to be Chuxi, right? I think it's Xiaonan's." Classmate, are you going home so late?"

Chu Xi said: "I lost something, come out and look for it."

"It must be something very important to look for at such a late hour." Zhan Weiling said sympathetically, "It's just that it's too late. If it's something valuable, we should call the police first. Sorry, it's so late, Xiao Nan and I have to go back first, we can't help you."

Chu Xi glanced at Su Nan and said, "I've found it, let's go back now. Sister, Su Nan, it's inconvenient to take a car so late, I'll take you back."

Zhan Weiling was silent for a moment, then nodded: "That's troublesome."

Then she gave Su Nan a pull: "Xiao Nan, thank you classmate."

Su Nan subconsciously said: "Thank you, classmate." Then she realized that she said something wrong, sighed inwardly, and stopped speaking.

"Come on, get in the car." Chu Xi opened the car door and said to them.

Zhan Weiling walked over and got into the car, Su Nan had no choice but to bite the bullet and get in the car. When passing by Chu Xi, she felt stared at by her, and her heart became weaker.

Not only that, after Su Nan got into the car, the female driver in front of him looked back at him with a murderous look in her eyes, which made Su Nan feel very ashamed.

Finally, Chu Xi came in and sat next to Su Nan, and the female driver looked away and started the car.

The senior sitting on the left was looking at the scenery outside, but her hand quietly grabbed Su Nan's hand, pulled it down, and clasped her fingers so that their hands were sandwiched between their thighs.

Senior sister has a sensitive constitution, such actions made her body tremble slightly, but she did not let go.

Chu Xi on the right is also looking at the scenery outside the window, but her slender fingers are pinching his thigh hard.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Su Nan didn't dare to vent his anger, even if he was in pain, he had to hold back.

After returning to the neighborhood where she lived in this weird atmosphere, Zhan Weiling solemnly thanked Chu Xi after getting off the car, and Chu Xi said that you are welcome.

The two left Su Nan aside to communicate, but Su Nan was in such a mess that he couldn't hear what they were saying at all.

After a while, Zhan Weiling walked up to Su Nan and said, "Xiao Nan, let's go back."

Su Nan nodded, and turned his gaze to Chu Xi, who was also looking at her. From her calm face, Su Nan couldn't tell what she was thinking.

"Good night, see you tomorrow." Chu Xi seemed to have deep meaning.

Su Nan suppressed complicated thoughts and said, "Good night, go to bed early."

Seeing them enter the community, Chu Xi frowned. Zhan Weiling and Ling, are they alone?

Then she sent a message to Zhao Xiaomin, telling her that the matter was settled, um, and reminding her to delete the chat history.

After thinking about it, to be conservative, Chu Xi also made a phone call. After getting through, there was a clear girlish voice on the other end.

"Who is it?" the girl asked in a bad mood.

"Qin Xiaowan, I met Su Nan on the road. I just sent him home. He didn't bring a key or a cell phone. Open the door for him." Chu Xi said.

Qin Xiaowan was stunned for a moment, and was hung up before he could ask who the other party was.

She immediately wrote down the strange number, then ran to open the door, just in time to see Su Nan and Zhan Weiling walking upstairs together.

Seeing her, Su Nan and Zhan Weiling seemed to be taken aback for a moment.

Qin Xiaowan glanced at Zhan Weiling, gritted her teeth, and thought she was careless.

Then his eyes fell on Su Nan's face, Qin Xiaowan said angrily: "Running out in the middle of the night without even bringing the keys, are you an idiot? You don't even say a word when you go out."

Hearing this, Su Nan touched his pocket, he brought the key.

Zhan Weiling was thoughtful, and apologized, "Xiao Wan, I'm sorry, I called Su Nan out to eat with me. I wanted to call you, but I thought you were asleep at the time."

Qin Xiaowan stared at her carefully, then looked away, pouted and said, "Where he goes is none of my business."

Zhan Weiling could feel that Qin Xiaowan was dissatisfied with herself, and sighed helplessly in her heart, why did she suddenly have so many opponents, including Bai Xiaojie, Chu Xi, and even junior high school students.

Zhan Weiling felt very bitter in her heart when she had to eat the bitter fruit of the mistake she made at the beginning.

Confused, Zhan Weiling turned her head and said to Su Nan: "Xiao Nan, I'm sleepy, you should go to bed earlier, I will trouble you tonight."

The plan to keep Su Nan tonight has been declared bankrupt, but it's almost one o'clock in the morning, and I hope that Su Nan will go to bed as soon as he returns to his room.

She so comforted herself.

When she got home and closed the door, Zhan Weiling secretly thought it was bad luck, she thought of going home and pulled Su Nan into her house, but Qin Xiaowan opened the door as if she knew they were coming back.

Zhan Weiling immediately thought of Chu Xi, could she be playing tricks?

Judging from Su Nan's reaction tonight, the relationship between the two seems to be not shallow. If she is worried that something will happen to her and Su Nan, it is also possible to inform Qin Xiaowan to open the door for Su Nan.

Zhan Weiling couldn't grasp the relationship between Chu Xi and Su Nan. Before Chu Xi met them in that situation, she didn't show any anger.

If it is a relationship between a boyfriend and a girl, it is impossible not to lose your temper when you see your lover holding hands with other girls on the road in the middle of the night. Is it because they just care about each other, but they have not actually become a couple.

Thinking of this, Zhan Weiling felt more at ease, and then she remembered that there was another body of Bai Xiaojie.

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