Her head hurts, what happened to Su Nan when she didn't know, why did she become so popular all of a sudden?

Bai Xiaojie is of the same kind as her, so is it possible that Chu Xi is the same?

After Su Nan entered the door, she noticed that Qin Xiaowan was staring at him, hesitant to speak.

Su Nan knew that she wanted to ask what she and her senior sister were doing, and also understood what Qin Xiaowan thought about her, so she said with an excuse: "I'm going to take a bath first, you go to bed early."

After speaking, he slipped into the bathroom.

Qin Xiaowan was stunned for a moment, and then went back to the room depressed.

At this moment, the door of Su Nan's room was opened, and Zhao Xiaomin poked her head out carefully to look around, but she didn't see Qin Xiaowan, so she walked out lightly and came to the bathroom door.

He reached out to open the door, but it was locked from the inside, so Zhao Xiaomin had to knock lightly.

When Su Nan heard the voice, she knew that Zhao Xiaomin was outside. Worried that she would be seen by Qin Xiaowan, she didn't care that she was taking a bath, so she hurried over to open the door.

As soon as the door opened, Zhao Xiaomin came in, holding the mobile phone in her hand, first put the mobile phone in a clean place, then raised her eyebrows and stared at Su Nan, seeming very dissatisfied.

Su Nan felt a little sorry for her when she ran to find her senior without telling her before, and the reason why Chu Xi was able to find him was probably Zhao Xiaomin's tip-off.

"Ah Nan left her newly budding wife and went to look for mistress, it's too much!" Zhao Xiaomin said angrily.

Su Nan was stunned. The budding happened last night, no, would a normal girl say such a word?

"Who is that vixen? Tell me, tomorrow I'll let her know how much it costs to hook up with my man!" Zhao Xiaomin said through gritted teeth, almost getting cheated on again, very angry at the moment.

"Nonsense, I'm just going out for supper with my neighbor's senior sister. It's not safe for her to go out alone at night." Anyway, Chu Xi already knew about tonight's being with her senior sister, and Zhao Xiaomin will know tomorrow at the latest. It's better to speak up.

"Sister next door?" Zhao Xiaomin was stunned for a moment, and then said with a look of surprise: "Is she Ling?"

Senior sister Zhan Weiling seems to be very powerful, and her name is often heard at school. Zhao Xiaomin instinctively feels guilty when she thinks of what she did to Ling before and the cruel words she said just now.

Su Nan was really worried that Zhao Xiaomin was serious, so she quickly said, "Senior sister is senior sister, Ling is Ling, don't mess around."

Ignoring Zhao Xiaomin, so as not to keep asking her, Su Nan continued to take a bath.

Zhao Xiaomin wanted to ask again, but her eyes fell on his buttocks, she blushed a little, then walked over, hugged Su Nan from behind, and said jealously: "Even if you are a senior sister, Ah Nan will leave him alone." Dating is too much."

"I know I was wrong, and I will never do it again." Just after finishing speaking, Su Nan found himself feeling a little bad, and couldn't hold back the paper man Zhao Xiaomin at all.

Fortunately, his body has been strengthened many times, otherwise this week's high-intensity confrontation would have brought him down long ago.

"The man's promise is bullshit, Ah Nan must be punished!" Zhao Xiaomin said angrily, then stretched out his hand to hold it.

Su Nan swallowed her saliva, thinking it was some kind of sweet punishment, and pretended to be helpless: "What kind of punishment, I will definitely do it."

Zhao Xiaomin turned his body around so that he faced her, then put her hands on Su Nan's shoulders and pushed him down, and began to take off her pants, with a charming smile on her face: "Every time someone licks you, you lick him too." Lick people."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Facts have proved that Su Nan can lick a girl until she doubts her life.

If it is combined with a sensitive potion, it will be even simpler.

Later, he was not satisfied with this, let Zhao Xiaomin support the wall, and then stuffed the towel into her mouth.

When everything calmed down, Zhao Xiaomin had already passed out.

Su Nan secretly thought it was too bad, how could the sleeping Zhao Xiaomin get her into the phone?

As a last resort, Su Nan had no choice but to sneak back to the room with her in his arms. Fortunately, Qin Xiaowan had already fallen asleep at this time, and no one noticed this scene.

The next morning, Su Nan came to the school with a feeling of apprehension. Zhao Xiaomin passed the test easily, but Chuxi didn't know what was going on.

Although Chu Xi didn't express any dissatisfaction with him last night, she must be angry. Although Chu Xi is not his girlfriend in name, their relationship is not much worse than that of a couple.

In class, Su Nan didn't have a chance to contact Chu Xi until noon, when she saw her sitting with Zhao Xiaomin on the second floor of the cafeteria.Since recently, Chuxi often does not go home at noon and eats in the school cafeteria.

Su Nan hesitated for a while, and planned to go over and admit his mistake or something. After all, with Zhao Xiaomin around, it was easier to talk.

It's just that when we walked halfway, the senior sister appeared out of nowhere, met him with a surprised look, and then smiled and said, "Xiao Nan, let's have dinner together."

"Ah?" Su Nan was a little confused, noticing both Chu Xi and Zhao Xiaomin looked over, she shook her head quickly: "Sorry, I made an appointment with my classmates."

He changed direction and walked towards the boys in his class.

Zhan Weiling didn't mind either, she went straight to Chuxi and Zhao Xiaomin's table with the meal, sat down opposite them, smiled and said, "You don't mind if I sit here."

Chu Xi shook his head: "There is no rule in the school cafeteria that several people occupy a table, and sit when there is space."

Zhao Xiaomin originally wanted to say something, but for some reason she was a little timid when facing Zhan Weiling, so she lowered her head and ate in silence.

On the other side, Su Nan was secretly surprised to see her senior sitting with Chu Xi and Zhao Xiaomin by chance.

"Which of you is Bai Xiaojie?" Zhan Weiling looked at the two of them and asked.

Zhao Xiaomin panicked, it really was Ling, and she really came for revenge!

Immediately, her heart quickly became firm. If that's the case, then don't blame me, Zhao Xiaomin, for being rude. Even if you are a senior, you will fight to the end!

"Bai Xiaojie?" Chu Xi looked puzzled.

Zhan Weiling said: "That's the same kind I met during the punishment."

Both Chu Xi and Zhao Xiaomin were taken aback. Zhan Weiling's words were undoubtedly an admission of her identity.

In fact, only the same kind can understand this kind of words, and outsiders will be confused when they hear it, so Zhan Weiling is not worried about being known by outsiders.

Seeing their surprised performance, Zhan Weiling understood that they were the same kind of people, and then thought of Chu Xi who found her and Su Nan last night, so Zhao Xiaomin should be Bai Xiaojie, and she should have asked Chu Xi for help when she found something was wrong. Their partnership.

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