What do you want to say?

Su Nan stared at her dumbfounded, the girl was better at playing than he was.

"So let's come for a while, if Ah Nan is tired, don't move, I will do it myself."

Zhao Xiaomin moved slowly shyly, her tender body couldn't help shaking violently, but she didn't stop, her movements were very gentle, trying not to make a sound, for fear of being heard.

Su Nan lay down and looked at her, then couldn't help it, and threw her over and took the initiative.

As the days passed, Su Nan sighed secretly whenever she recalled the situation of the past few days. Recently, she and Zhao Xiaomin played more and more seriously, and her body seemed to be hollowed out. It seemed that she should be more restrained.

And I don't know if it's an illusion, Chu Xi seems to know his situation at night, and often stares at him with weird eyes, he hesitates to speak, but finally holds back.

At noon, Su Nan was still in the dining hall. Chu Xi and Zhao Xiaomin, who first came to the activity room, had the following conversation.

First of all, Chu Xi reminded Zhao Xiaomin nonchalantly: "Su Nan has lost weight recently, where did all the fat go?"

"Is there? Ah Nan has become stronger recently, especially at the bottom, you can persist... Ah, sorry, I said the wrong thing." Zhao Xiaomin quickly shut up, and smiled apologetically.

Chu Xi clenched her teeth, too lazy to play charades with Zhao Xiaomin, so she went straight to the showdown and said expressionlessly, "Don't be too messy at night, let Su Nan be more restrained."

"I do not understand what you're saying."

"Don't pretend!"

Zhao Xiaomin snorted softly: "You said you didn't care about us, are you going to break your promise? Besides, Ah Nan's body is very good, if you don't believe me, go experience it yourself, I guarantee you won't get out of bed for three days."

"Shameless!" Chu Xi blushed countless times, and glared at Zhao Xiaomin in embarrassment, "You've become more and more slutty lately!"

"Huh, it seems so." Zhao Xiaomin thought for a while, nodded in approval, and then sighed: "But it's not my fault. When we were with Nan at night, we seemed to be attracted to each other. Every time we saw him I can't help it."

Zhao Xiaomin defended herself blushing.

The corner of Chu Xi's mouth twitched slightly, and his tone was cold: "Are you sure this is not your own nature?"

Hearing Zhao Xiaomin admit that she was very close to Su Nan at night, even though Chu Xi had comforted herself countless times that Su Nan was just playing with silicone dolls at night, she still couldn't help being jealous at the moment, and even a little bit jealous.

Zhao Xiaomin blushed, and shook her head swearingly: "Don't look at me like this now, I was always a good boy before, and I haven't been in a relationship for so many years, it must be that strange disease that made me like this!"

Her tone suddenly became a little angry. Of course, Chu Xi could see that she was pretending. In fact, at this point, the strange disease that is not ashamed but painful seems to be unimportant. Even for Zhao Xiaomin, she hopes to continue to be punished , has been going on like this with Su Nan.

Chu Xi was also a little dazed, it seemed that it would be good to continue like this, but they want to stay with Su Nan like this all the time?Be his harem?

When this idea appeared, Chu Xi felt a little reconciled. She felt that she could not completely ignore the other girls around Su Nan, and she cared deeply in her heart.

This topic ended here, and Chu Xi was thinking about his own affairs a little absent-mindedly, and stopped worrying about Zhao Xiaomin's behavior at night.

With Su Nan's arrival, the daily life of the three continued as usual.

On Saturday morning, Su Nan just woke up and was lying in bed in a daze. She seemed to be crazy with Zhao Xiaomin until late last night, and today she made an appointment with Chu Xi to accompany her.

This kind of behavior of getting up from another girl's belly and running to accompany another girl seems too scumbag.

Su Nan sighed, and then remembered another thing that gave her a headache.

Last night Qin Xiaowan asked him to accompany her on a weekend trip, with a shy expression on her face like a little girl in love.

Recently, Qin Xiaowan has shown more and more affection for him deliberately.

Su Nan thinks that the reason for this may be that he and Qin Xiaowan had a close relationship when they were young, but his memory has always been bad, and there are only vague childhood memories in his mind.

Regarding Qin Xiaowan's initiative, Su Nan was very guilty. She was afraid that she would go to the orthopedics department in the future, so she refused her on the pretext of something important. At that time, Qin Xiaowan looked very disappointed and unwilling.

Qin Xiaowan seemed to suspect that he was starting to fall in love, and often pretended to ask casually, but was always perfunctory by Su Nan every time.

Refusing to accompany her this time may make Qin Xiaowan more suspicious.

Thinking of this, Su Nan got up quickly while it was still early, and prepared to make breakfast and go out early, so as not to be overwhelmed by Qin Xiaowan's temptation.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Before breakfast was in time, Su Nan received a WeChat message from Chu Xi, saying that she was already outside his community.

Su Nan originally wanted to contact Chuxi after going out and ask her where they met, but she didn't expect her to come to her home early in the morning.

Without hesitation, Su Nan put on her shoes and went out immediately.

Hearing the sound of closing the door, the door of Qin Xiaowan's room opened instantly, and Qin Xiaowan, who was wearing messy and cute pajamas and messy hair, appeared at the door, her face changing unpredictably.

He refused to take her to play yesterday, and went out early this morning when he called her. There must be adultery.

Thinking of this, Qin Xiaowan's heart tightened, and she immediately went back to her room to change clothes. Today was the fastest change in her history.

Coming out of the room, Qin Xiaowan ran into the bathroom to wash her face, and ran out the door without even brushing her teeth.

This building is an old house, there is no elevator, they live on the fourth floor, so Qin Xiaowan rushed to the first floor in one breath, panting, she finally saw Su Nan's back.

Su Nan was about to leave the community, but there was a beautiful girl with a princess-like temperament standing at the gate of the community.

The moment Qin Xiaowan saw the girl, she couldn't help narrowing her eyes slightly, and the other party also saw her, slightly surprised, and then said something to Su Nan.

Qin Xiaowan's expression changed slightly, and she hurried into the building to hide.

When she went out again, Su Nan and the girl had disappeared.

Qin Xiaowan clenched her fists tightly, and then walked back dejectedly. Even she was tempted by the figure of the girl she glimpsed just now, let alone Su Nan.

To compete with girls of this level, Qin Xiaowan has no confidence at all. First of all, age and identity are huge problems for her.

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