Not to mention Qin Xiaowan who was hit, after Su Nan met Chu Xi, he learned that Qin Xiaowan was following him, and when he looked back, he didn't see anyone, so he immediately took Chu Xi to the online car-hailing car.

After the car started, Su Nan breathed a sigh of relief and asked, "Where are we going?"

It was Chu Xi who asked him out today, and he hadn't said where he was going before.

"How about going to the aquarium?" Chu Xi asked a little nervously. He had no dating experience, and was worried that Su Nan wouldn't like this kind of place.

"I've never been to the aquarium." Su Nan thought for a while, and then said: "I heard from my classmates that it's very interesting. It's good to go and have a look."

Chu Xi breathed a sigh of relief.

The driver ahead drove quietly without talking to her. Chu Xi quietly moved her buttocks and came to Su Nan's side. She was too active and made her body tense, but this was necessary, and she couldn't lose to Zhao Xiaomin.

Seeing that Su Nan actively reached out to wrap her arms around her waist, Chu Xi's body tensed even more, but Su Nan didn't make any unnecessary movements, so she was slightly relieved.

The aquarium arrived soon. After getting off the bus, Su Nan bought the tickets, and the two went inside.Originally, Chu Xi insisted that she buy the ticket because she invited Su Nan, but Su Nan said how to get a girl to pay for a date.

In this regard, Chu Xi just commented: "boring machismo." But there was a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Since it was morning, there were not many people in the aquarium. The two walked side by side, and an ambiguous atmosphere flowed between them.

At a certain moment, Su Nan grabbed Chu Xi's tender little hand.

Chu Xi blushed a little nervously, but looked at the surrounding scenery very seriously, as if he didn't notice Su Nan's small movements.

She cheered up Su Nan's mood like this, but this place is in a public area after all, so Su Nan didn't mess around, and was satisfied just holding Chuxi's hand tightly.

Standing in front of the huge azure water tank, both of them attracted attention, watching the creatures swimming in the tank.


Hearing a familiar voice, Su Nan turned her head to look. Shu Baoer was standing beside her, looking at him with a charming smile.

"It's you." It's been a long time since I saw this girl, Su Nan subconsciously took a look at her, today Shu Bao'er was wearing a simple black T-shirt, a pair of blue ripped denim shorts, a pair of white casual shoes, a pair of big Long legs, very girly and youthful, with good looks and figure.

Shu Baoer's eyes fell on Chu Xi on his right, and she asked with a smile, "Did the senior change his girlfriend again?"

What to change?do i have a girlfriend

Su Nan didn't expect that she would ask such a question, she was a little bit embarrassed, maybe it was on purpose.

Chu Xi's faint voice came: "So it's that junior girl from last time, have you finished practicing the leg splits?"

Chu Xi's gaze was a bit subtle. Shu Baoer shrank her body, as if remembering what happened last time, and said with a stiff smile, "Thank you for your concern, senior sister. The practice is almost done."

"If you need help, you're welcome." Chu Xi said friendly.

"No, you don't need to help." Shu Baoer quickly shook her head, "Sister, don't bother senior and senior sister to fall in love, I'll go over there."

"Oh, go slowly." Su Nan said hypocritically. Although this black-bellied school girl is beautiful, she always gives him a very dangerous feeling. She is dating Chu Xi at this time, and Su Nan doesn't want to be messed up.

Shu Bao'er walked away a little disheartened. Although molesting the senior was fun, it seemed that the woman next to the senior was not easy to mess with, so it was better not to mess with her.

Shu Baoer walked a little farther away, took out her mobile phone and secretly took a photo of Su Nan and Chu Xi, and then sent it out.

Chu Xi noticed Shu Baoer's small movements and frowned slightly.

It's just that Shu Baoer's figure disappeared very quickly. Chu Xi felt that it would be too troublesome to catch up and would ruin today's date, so he didn't pursue it and took Su Nan to another area.

In the next two hours or so, Shu Baoer seemed to disappear, and Su Nan also forgot about her, indulging in the atmosphere of dating Chu Xi.

After coming out of the aquarium, it was almost noon, and the two decided to have lunch first, and discuss where to go in the afternoon.

On the way to find the restaurant, Chu Xi accidentally found someone following him and Su Nan behind him.She took out her mobile phone and used it as a mirror to look at it. It seemed that it was Shu Baoer whom she had met before.

Chu Xi was a little puzzled, what was Shu Baoer doing?

She stopped and asked Su Nan to wait for her, while she turned and walked towards Shu Bao'er.

Su Nan looked at Chu Xi who was walking away with a puzzled expression. He didn't know that he was being followed. At this moment, Su Nan felt a heavy pat on the shoulder.


Zhao Ruomin's elated voice sounded immediately.

Su Nan's body froze, something was wrong, if Zhao Ruomin saw that she was dating Chu Xi, her brother-in-law's personality would probably collapse.

"Ruomin, why are you alone today?" Su Nan planned to find an excuse to send Zhao Ruomin away.

"Brother-in-law, I saw you with another girl just now, have you cheated?" Zhao Ruomin asked him seriously.

Su Nan felt that she seemed to be accumulating anger, and shook her head, "Nonsense, I'm just shopping with my female classmates."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

That's right, he and Chu Xi are just classmates, but they are of a relatively close kind, and he and Zhao Xiaomin are just close alumni relationships.

He doesn't have a girlfriend.

Zhao Ruomin tilted her head and stared at him for a while, then nodded, as if agreeing with his explanation, and said, "My sister is so cute, how could my brother-in-law be willing to cheat."

By the way, he and Du Zhao Xiaomin are not husband and wife, is it appropriate to use the word cheating?

Then Zhao Ruomin changed the subject and ran over to hug Su Nan's arm: "Brother-in-law, come with me to my house to meet my sister."

They happened to be standing at the bus station. At this moment, the bus stopped in front of them with the door facing them. Su Nan was dragged into the bus by Zhao Ruomin before he could react. Then the door closed and the car drove away.

Su Nan was a little ashamed. He was still dating Chu Xi, but he couldn't get off the car at this time and had to wait until the next stop.

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