Su Nan frowned and stared at Zhao Ruomin: "Didn't I just say that I was shopping with my classmates?"

"But your brother-in-law, besides sister, how can you go shopping with other girls." Zhao Ruomin said in confusion, his eyes gradually filled with suspicion: "Could it be that brother-in-law is interested in that girl?"

Her tone became angry.

"We are just ordinary classmates." Su Nan shook his head in denial, then took out his mobile phone to explain to Chu Xi why he disappeared, and he told Chu Xi the real reason.

On the other side, Chu Xi went around to the place where Shu Baoer was hiding just now, but he didn't see anyone.

Just now she saw Shu Baoer hiding here with her own eyes, so there was no way she could have made a mistake, that is to say, Shu Baoer ran away early when she found her coming?

At this time, there was movement on the mobile phone, which interrupted Chuxi's thinking. She took out her mobile phone and saw the explanation sent by Su Nan.

Chu Xi frowned all of a sudden, feeling a little dissatisfied. Of course, the dissatisfaction was directed at Zhao Xiaomin's younger sister. Apart from being dissatisfied that the date was interrupted, Chu Xi was also dissatisfied with being treated like a mistress.

"It's okay, we'll come out together tomorrow." The editor clicked to send, but Su Nan didn't reply her.

Chu Xi thought to himself, Su Nan's cell phone must have been turned off, did Zhao Xiaomin's sister treat Su Nan as her brother-in-law?

The more Chu Xi thought about it, the more unhappy she became, but she had no choice but to wait for Monday to discuss with Zhao Xiaomin and ask Zhao Xiaomin to discipline her sister not to bother Su Nan so much.

Without Su Nan, the date can't go on, and there are still many places I haven't been to today, Chu Xi feels it's a pity, so I can only do it next time.

She was about to call two express cars to take herself home, but a sudden discomfort hit her.

Chu Xi swayed, gritted his teeth after standing still, and his face was ugly. He didn't expect that Su Nan would get sick just after leaving, and it was when Su Nan's phone was turned off.

Having had two experiences, Chu Xi was very calm, and immediately called his female driver and told her to come here to pick him up immediately, otherwise it would be dangerous to lose consciousness and fall down on the street.

Then she called Zhao Xiaomin, hoping that Zhao Xiaomin would contact her sister and ask Su Nan to come back. At this time, Su Nan had just left, so she should be in time when she came back.

After the call was connected, Chu Xi quickly explained the situation. Zhao Xiaomin was taken aback and said, "Hold up, I'll call that idiot right away."

After hanging up the phone, Chu Xi leaned against a tree on the side of the road, closed his eyes, and tried to recall the scene of helping Su Nan feel comfortable with his hands in the activity room that day, and the embarrassing incident with Zhao Xiaomin later.

A feeling of shame welled up in my heart, but this was only a delay, not a solution, and I had to wait for Su Nan to come back.

The phone rang, and Chu Xi struggled to put the phone to her ear, only to hear Zhao Xiaomin say guiltily, "Chu Xi, I'm sorry, Ruo Min didn't bring her phone with her when she went out. Where are you, I'll go pick you up."

Chu Xi was silent for a while, and said, "It's too late, I called my driver to pick me up, and when Su Nan arrives at your side, take a look at what's unusual around him."

After hanging up the phone, Chu Xi sighed softly, it seemed that this time he couldn't escape.

But the subtle thing is that she didn't feel any uneasiness or uneasiness, but accepted it calmly. At this point in her relationship with Su Nan, she could barely accept some shameful punishments on a large scale.

Consciousness became more and more confused, Chu Xi supported his body so as not to arouse the suspicion of the people around him and attract unruly people, but his eyelids still became heavier and heavier.

A familiar car stopped in front of him, and the female driver ran out of the car. Seeing that something was wrong with her, she rushed over to help her.

Chu Xi's heart relaxed, and he lost consciousness and fell into the arms of the female driver.

I don't know how long it took, Chu Xi woke up, his eyes were a little dazed, and he found himself lying on the back seat of his car.

Recall little by little what happened before.

Because of Zhao Xiaomin's younger sister, Su Nan was taken away, and she couldn't be contacted. It happened that she had an illness at the time, so she should be in a state of punishment at this time. Why is she still in the main body?

Then Chu Xi thought of Zhao Xiaomin and Zhan Weiling. They should be punished for the third time, which lasted for a week. During the day, they could return to their normal lives, but at night they entered Su Nan's mobile phone and became the heroine of the game, and came to Su Nan's side.

A seductive blush suddenly appeared on Chu Xi's face, which meant that she would come to Su Nan's side in a strange way tonight, and then be pushed down by him because her body was extremely attractive to Su Nan?

"Woo..." The more he thought about it, the more embarrassing he became, Chu Xi covered his face and let out a sob.

"Xiaoxi, are you awake? Great!"

The female driver was delighted when she heard the voice behind her.

"Yeah." Chu Xi calmed down a little and sat up. Since it happened, no matter how shy she is, she can only accept it. She can't resist, can she?

The female driver hurriedly said with concern: "Xiao Xi, you lie down and rest first, you suddenly passed out just now, I will take you to the hospital."

Chu Xi shook his head: "Sister Qin, go home, I'm fine."

"How can this be..."

"If you're worried, let the doctor come to check me up." Chu Xi interrupted the female driver.

The female driver took a look at Chu Xi through the endoscope, and seeing that she seemed to be fine, she nodded, and the car changed its route to go home.

When I came to Zhao Xiaomin's house again, Su Nan was speechless. He was forcibly brought here during a date, but he couldn't tell about his suffering. Otherwise, Zhao Xiaomin's sister would probably be beaten to death if she knew that she was stepping on two boats.

In front, Zhao Ruomin was bouncing up the stairs, seeming to be in a particularly happy mood.Su Nan walked behind her, looked up and saw her writhing plump buttocks, which were much bigger than her sister, Su Nan was a little surprised.

Although Zhao Ruomin is Zhao Xiaomin's younger sister, she looks more like an older sister from the outside, no matter in terms of height, figure, or Nako.

Su Nan took a second look and felt something was wrong. This is Zhao Xiaomin's younger sister. He quickly looked down at the stairs. Fortunately, Zhao Ruomin didn't wear a skirt, otherwise he would have seen all her underwear.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

As soon as Su Nan and Zhao Ruomin entered the door, they saw Zhao Xiaomin preparing lunch in the kitchen. Her busy figure wearing an apron made her look more like a housewife than usual.

Su Nan couldn't help recalling the explicit situation with Zhao Xiaomin last night. Compared with Zhao Xiaomin at this moment, the difference is really big.

"Brother-in-law is sitting, sister is making lunch, we will have dinner together later."

Zhao Ruomin excitedly told Su Nan that he was invited to sit down.

Su Nan was embarrassed when she called brother-in-law and brother-in-law to the left, but he had already asked Zhao Ruomin to change her words before, but every time she agreed, it was brother-in-law and brother-in-law again, and Su Nan had already given up. .

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