After sitting down, Zhao Ruomin ran over to make tea, as if she really came to see him as her brother-in-law, and served her wholeheartedly. Although such a sister-in-law was annoying, she seemed to be quite nice.

Su Nan thought to herself.

Zhao Ruomin's enthusiastic appearance made him a little uncomfortable, but the relationship between him and Zhao Xiaomin was already extremely close, it could be said that they knew each other too well, so there was no need to feel embarrassed.

Hearing the voice, Zhao Xiaomin poked his head out of the kitchen and grinned at Su Nan, "A Nan, welcome to my house, we will have dinner together later."

"do you need my help?"

"No, it will be fine soon."

Su Nan didn't insist either, and then Zhao Xiaomin went back to work in the kitchen.

While Zhao Ruomin was making tea, Su Nan took out the phone that she had turned off before, and after turning it on, she found that there was an unread message from Chu Xi, and he replied that he was at Zhao Xiaomin's house.

After sending it, he received a reply immediately, Chu Xi asked him to play with Zhao Xiaomin, and he didn't seem to mind.

"Senior, hello." A calm voice came from the side, and Su Nan realized that Zhao Junmin was sitting beside her at some point, staring at her mobile phone.

"Hi, excuse me." Su Nan replied politely and put away the phone.

Zhao Junmin said softly: "Senior, the second sister told me what happened that day, thank you for helping her."

"It's just a little effort." Su Nan said with a sneer, Zhao Ruomin was definitely not telling the truth, probably told her sister that he was saved, that's why Zhao Junmin thanked her so solemnly, but Su Nan didn't point it out.

Zhao Junmin looked at him with a hint of warmth in his eyes.

"Senior, please sit down for a while, and I will help my sister."

After saying something to Su Nan, Zhao Junmin got up and went into the kitchen.

At this time, Zhao Ruomin made tea and brought it over for him to drink.

Su Nan asked her, "What about the rest of your family?"

He had always wanted to ask Zhao Xiaomin about this, and wanted to know about her family situation, but he was also worried that Zhao Xiaomin would not want to talk about it, which would cause embarrassment, but it should be fine to ask Zhao Rumin, as she seemed careless.

"Mom passed away. My father divorced my mother and ran to marry someone else." Zhao Ruomin tilted his head and thought for a while, then replied, his face didn't look sad, probably too much time had passed, and some things were ignored. No matter how sad it is, life must go on.

Su Nan didn't expect this to happen.

"Sorry, I don't know," he said apologetically.

"It's okay, brother-in-law should know something about our family." Zhao Ruomin said seriously, completely treating him as a family member.

Su Nan didn't ask any more. Sister Zhao Xiaomin and her father, although they formed a new family, should be paid monthly living expenses, otherwise it would be hard to imagine how the three sisters lived.

"Father doesn't seem to care about us recently. Our family has no man, but now we have a brother-in-law. Brother-in-law, you must marry my sister." Zhao Ruomin looked very happy and looked at him expectantly.

How much pressure Su Nan has, and how much he is, Zhao Ruomin has already considered getting married.

After realizing it, Su Nan frowned inwardly, what does Dad care what they mean?Cut off the father-daughter relationship?No living expenses?

If a new family is formed, the wife will be very angry that the man has to spend a lot of money every month to raise a daughter born to another woman.

Su Nan was a little worried. Zhao Xiaomin didn't tell him about these things at all, maybe because he was afraid that he would worry.

Just as she was about to continue to ask about the situation, Zhao Junmin came out of the kitchen: "Second Sister, come over and help take out the dishes."

"Let me help." Su Nan stood up.

After a while, Su Nan and the three sisters sat together, eating in a little embarrassment, mainly because Zhao Ruomin's brother-in-law and brother-in-law kept calling for food for him, which made him and Zhao Xiaomin very embarrassed.

"Eat your own!" Zhao Xiaomin blushed and said to her younger sister, this idiot younger sister was too enthusiastic for Su Nan, which made her a little ashamed and felt ashamed in front of Su Nan.

And if it wasn't for his sister, Chu Xi wouldn't have encountered this situation, and he didn't know how Chu Xi was doing, so he had to call her later to ask her.

Zhao Ruomin glanced at her sister, and said, "It's the first day my brother-in-law came to the door, what if I don't treat him well and run away later? Sister, you are a wife, be gentle, don't swear at everyone, you know."

The serious look made Zhao Xiaomin extremely angry. This silly sister thought that Su Nan didn't dare to beat her up, so she felt that she had found a backer, right?My tenderness is only for Su Nan, and of course I have to strictly discipline my sister.

Zhao Xiaomin put down his chopsticks and grabbed Zhao Ruomin's ear.

Zhao Ruomin's eyelids twitched, she turned a blind eye to her sister's hand, looked at Su Nan who was opposite, and said, "Brother-in-law, sister is good at everything, but she has a little flaw and likes to beat people up, but since you are brother-in-law, you can definitely discipline her well." of."

Su Nan wanted to laugh when he heard that, did this mean asking for help from himself? It seems that Zhao Ruomin was often beaten in normal times.

Zhao Xiaomin also didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but she still grabbed Zhao Ruomin's ear and exerted force, Zhao Ruomin's face turned purple in an instant.

Zhao Junmin looked at the second sister with pity.

After dinner, Su Nan was about to help wash the dishes, but Zhao Xiaomin drove her to the living room to watch TV, and Zhao Ruomin, who was lying on the sofa touching her stomach after eating, was caught by her sister into the kitchen to help, and she had a sad face before she left Injustice.

This family is quite interesting, Su Nan smiled.

At this time, the door of the room opened suddenly, and a middle-aged man who looked a bit decadent walked in. The middle-aged man was stunned when he saw Su Nan, as if he couldn't figure out who Su Nan was.

Su Nan thought something was wrong, could this be Zhao Xiaomin's father?Are you meeting your parents now?

But at this moment, Zhao Ruomin's mournful and angry cry came from the kitchen: "Brother-in-law, sister is so fierce, you must be careful when you marry her in the future!"

The man's face turned purple, and he stared at Su Nan angrily. Suddenly, a group of people rushed in from the door behind him. One of the middle-aged women grabbed the hand of a young girl, rushed to the man and yelled at him: "Zhao Wenyue, you bastard, not only ruined my mother's company, but also stole money from the family to raise your bastard. I will let your daughter see who your father is today!"

Zhao Wenyue looked ugly, but Su Nan looked at the depressed girl behind the woman. The girl seemed to notice his gaze and raised her head to look at him. Both of them were stunned.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Lu Ying didn't expect to see Su Nan in this situation, she was stunned for a while, and when she realized the current situation, her face changed unpredictable.

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