Outside, Zhao Ruomin was sitting on the sofa in the living room watching TV, the voice was a bit loud, Su Nan felt relieved, the voices of him and Zhao Xiaomin should be overwhelmed by the sound of the TV.

Su Nan didn't disturb Zhao Ruomin, and returned to the room to sleep with Zhao Xiaomin.

Zhao Xiaomin only slept for less than an hour before waking up, hiding in the quilt with Su Nan and whispering, she talked a lot about her mother, and would mention her father when something happened, but at this moment, Su Nan felt that her father existed To Zhao Xiaomin, it might just be a symbol.

Su Nan felt that Zhao Xiaomin's mother died of illness, and it was also related to her father's death.

He didn't say too many comforting words, he just hugged the girl tightly and made himself her reliance.

Around evening, the sound of cooking came from outside. Su Nan hesitated, and said to Zhao Xiaomin, "Should I go back?"

Zhao Xiaomin pouted to express her dissatisfaction: "Is it really okay to run away immediately after you broke his virginity?"

"That's true, but why are you not ashamed at all to say that you have lost your virginity?" Su Nan felt that this girl was becoming less and less reserved. No wonder some people said that women who become women are more dirty than men.

"It's all my fault that Ah Nan taught me badly." The girl said with a smile.

"I think you have taught me badly. Where did you learn those heavy-tasting games?" Su Nan asked curiously.

I thought Zhao Xiaomin would be embarrassed to answer, but I didn't expect her to say directly: "I didn't understand at first, but I thought that I would have a relationship with Nan in the future, so I went to learn online, and then accidentally found it, it seems quite useful Yes, but the current body can't play like that, it's unhygienic."

"Isn't there a way to clean it up? Everyone seems to be like this."

Zhao Xiaomin shrank her body, hit Su Nan's arm angrily, and complained: "You don't really want to come, isn't it bad to use your body at night? Playing with this body will definitely tear you apart. Ah Nan's is so ..."

"My so what?" Su Nan asked with interest.

Zhao Xiaomin blushed and did not answer.

What Su Nan has strengthened is not comparable to ordinary people.

"Ah Nan, go back later tonight, please stay with me more, I'm worried that woman will come to the door again." Zhao Xiaomin hugged his arm coquettishly.

Su Nan nodded, it didn't seem good to just run away like Zhao Xiaomin, and what Zhao Xiaomin said was not unreasonable, worried that the woman would come back.

"Who's cooking?" Su Nan asked immediately.

"Junmin, it's fine if that idiot Ruomin doesn't make trouble." Zhao Xiaomin replied.

"She's your sister."

"Yeah, it's an idiot."

Shaking her head, Su Nan said, "I'll go out and help."

It's embarrassing for Zhao Junmin to be busy alone, Zhao Xiaomin seems to think the same way and has no objection.

Seeing Su Nan go out of the room, Zhao Xiaomin stroked the red spots on the bed with a tender face, then picked up the phone and dialed Chu Xi's number.

"Chu Xi, hey, you can still answer the phone, are you okay?"


"Don't worry, I will try my best to keep Ah Nan with me tonight, so that you will not be troubled by him." Zhao Xiaomin said solemnly.

After hanging up the phone, Zhao Xiaomin murmured softly, "I'm so despicable."

Chu Xi was being punished, but she did not lose consciousness at this time. She might be punished the same as she was, staying by Su Nan's side in a strange way for a week.

In that case, Su Nan and Chu Xi would inevitably have a relationship. Zhao Xiaomin felt jealous and jealous when she thought about it, and she found that her jealousy was no worse than Chu Xi's.

Coupled with today's unexpected incident, she decided not to abide by the agreement with Chuxi, and really handed herself over to Su Nan.

When she came to the kitchen, she saw Zhao Junmin washing vegetables, Su Nan walked over to her and said, "Let me do it."

Zhao Junmin paused, a blush appeared on her pretty face, Su Nan was startled, and then she blushed, probably overheard about his relationship with Zhao Xiaomin.

"No, I can handle it myself." Zhao Junmin shook her head.

Seeing unprocessed meat, Su Nan said, "I'll cut the meat, and you wash the vegetables."

Before she could answer, Su Nan started to do it herself.

Zhao Junmin turned to look at him. The serious expression on Su Nan's face when he cut the meat made her feel that this man seemed very reliable. She couldn't help but think of the scene where Su Nan drove the group of people out by himself. It turned out that there was a man in the family. It's so reassuring.

Zhao Junmin smiled.

After finishing the dinner, Zhao Xiaomin came out of the room as soon as he took out the dishes, walking in a normal posture.

Su Nan looked at her, worried about her physical condition, Zhao Xiaomin gave him a white look, acting very natural in front of her sister.

After dinner, Zhao Ruomin didn't know where to go. Zhao Junmin was washing dishes in the kitchen, Su Nan helped Zhao Xiaomin back to the room and came out to help.

Zhao Junmin glanced at him, but she didn't refuse this time, and she didn't know if she felt that she couldn't refuse him.

Going back to the room again, Su Nan found that Zhao Xiaomin had fallen asleep. He couldn't sleep well after eating a full meal. Aren't you worried about gaining weight?

Just as he thought about it, a figure flashed in front of him, and Bai Xiaojie appeared in front of him.

"Uh..." Su Nan looked at Zhao Xiaomin who was in Bai Xiaojie's body, and then looked at her body, a little surprised, so it was like this, did the soul enter Bai Xiaojie's body at night?

Zhao Xiaomin manipulated Bai Xiaojie's body and jumped a few times, then threw herself into Su Nan's arms, and said to him happily, "Ah Nan, it doesn't hurt at all to enter this body."

Su Nan's breathing was a little short, and Zhao Xiaomin, who had become Bai Xiaojie, was infinitely more attractive to him, and he couldn't stand it when he touched it.

Sensing the change in his body, Zhao Xiaomin was stunned for a moment, and then showed an ambiguous smile: "Ah Nan's body is too bad, there is really nothing I can do about you, let me use this body to make you feel better."

Su Nan was also polite, hugged Zhao Xiaomin and rolled onto the bed. Speaking of which, he was more familiar with this body, and because it wasn't the original body, it was easy to use, and it didn't hurt to use it at all.

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