After lingering for a while, both of them lost their clothes. Just as they were about to enter negative distance contact with Zhao Xiaomin, Su Nan's eyes suddenly fell on Zhao Xiaomin's body who was sleeping next to him.

Bai Xiaojie and the main body are like two girls, but they are actually one person.

Su Nan felt an inexplicable excitement.At this moment, he is the little head who dominates the big head. While combining with Zhao Xiaomin, he put his hands on Zhao Xiaomin's body and groped.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Hey, don't touch my body." Zhao Xiaomin pinched Su Nan lightly.

Su Nan was stunned and stopped moving.

"Why did you stop?" The girl looked at him resentfully.

Su Nan was at a loss: "Didn't you tell me not to touch it?"

"I'm talking about my body. You bullied me and touched my body at the same time, making me feel like I've been green." Zhao Xiaomin gave him a blank look, with a troubled expression on his face.

Su Nan was ashamed, and complained: "Is it you who are different? Then why is it green or not?"

If you want to talk about green, doing bad things with Zhao Xiaomin who is not the main body is green for the main body right now.

"Although this is true, but now this body is me. It feels strange for you to stare at my body next to me without paying attention."

What Zhao Xiaomin meant was that now that she had entered Bai Xiaojie's body, she had a strong sense of substitution with him at this time, and she didn't know whether it was the real body or not, but he was distracted, making her feel left out.

what is this?

I green myself?

Su Nan looked weird.

At this moment, Zhao Xiaomin got up, crawled in front of her body and moved her body, Su Nan thought she was going to hide the body from him, and felt a little disappointed.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Xiaomin dragged her body to him, looked at it carefully, and reached out to touch her body.

"What are you doing?" Su Nan asked her strangely.

"Check, I just now remember what my body was like when I became Bai Xiaojie. I never had a chance at your house before." Zhao Xiaomin said solemnly, then rolled the eyelids of the body, squeezed the mouth of the body, and even lay on the ground. Go to the chest of the main body and listen to the heartbeat.

When she was lying on her stomach, she tilted her body up, the impact was amazing, and made Su Nan's heart beat faster, especially when her face pressed against the main body's chest, causing it to change shape, and the delicate face of the main body remained motionless as if asleep.

Su Nan couldn't take it any longer, so she crawled over and hugged her.

"Ah~" Zhao Xiaomin let out a low cry, turned to look at him blushing, and then lay powerlessly on top of her own body.

Then Su Nan put her and her body side by side, making Zhao Xiaomin unable to resist, and reached out to untie her body's clothes.

Zhao Xiaomin seemed to know what he wanted to do, her watery eyes gave him a white look, winking like silk, and said coquettishly: "Bad guy."

But it didn't stop him.

Su Nan became even more excited.

Half an hour later, Zhao Xiaomin got enough rest, got up, and watched Su Nan doing things on her body curiously.

Seeing this kind of situation for the first time, Zhao Xiaomin felt weird, but somehow felt a little irritated, seeing the unconscious body being bullied by Su Nan.

She walked around in front of Su Nan, squatted in front of the main body, touched here and there silently.

Su Nan grabbed her hand and pulled her over.

Zhao Xiaomin hit him and said, "Don't make trouble, let me see how I react?"

Su Nan couldn't help laughing, hugged Zhao Xiaomin, but didn't let go of her body, and said: "What other reactions can I have, except that I can't move or scream, it's the same."

That's right, it felt like Zhao Xiaomin's body had fallen asleep, but there was still the reaction that should be there, that is, he couldn't make a sound.

"Hey, it feels like Ah Nan is doing something to her." Zhao Xiaomin said disgustedly.

What does that mean?Is there any way to describe your body like this?

"Then you come."

Su Nan pushed Zhao Xiaomin down, letting her be on her own body, and a new round of battle started again.

Afterwards, Su Nan lay down to rest, watching Zhao Xiaomin cleaning up her own body, and saw her lying in front of the body to observe the injury, with a resentful expression on her face: "Ah Nan is too violent, she just broke her virginity, and she will definitely get up tomorrow." No bed."

Su Nan was a little embarrassed. Just now Bai Xiaojie's body caused him to think without thinking. At the same time, one soul and two bodies, although only one body can move, was too strange and exciting, which made him very excited.

"Tomorrow is Sunday, don't go anywhere." Su Nan said.

"I have to cook, I need to do laundry, my sister and the others will definitely find out if I lie down all day." Zhao Xiaomin said while cleaning up her body with a tissue.

Seeing this scene, Su Nan's heartbeat accelerated again, and she quickly avoided her sight.

After calming down a bit, Su Nan thought for a while, and said, "I'll come over to help tomorrow. Don't move around tomorrow."

Su Nan has the responsibility to come and take care of her for making her own woman like this.

Zhao Xiaomin paused after hearing the movement, and smiled happily: "If you are so sensible, I will forgive you for playing Shuangfei."

"It's obviously you who are playing Shuangfei." Su Nan said confidently.

"Two bodies, look different, don't they?"

"But it's all your body, right?"

Zhao Xiaomin wasn't really angry either, after the absurdity just now, she was no longer entangled, she just took the opportunity to tease Su Nan.

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