After cleaning the main body, Zhao Xiaomin was stunned suddenly, turned her head and blushed and looked at Su Nan nervously and said, "Ah Nan, what if you are like this just now, what if you get pregnant?"

Su Nan was stunned, and then came to her senses. She had been doing physical sex with the paper man before, but because she would not get pregnant, she subconsciously forgot about such an important matter.

Today, Zhao Xiaomin and Zhao Xiaomin did not take any measures. There is indeed a danger of pregnancy. They are still students, so it is a bit serious to make such a problem.

"I'm going down to buy medicine." Su Nan said to Zhao Xiaomin, Zhao Xiaomin didn't object, she wasn't ready to be a mother yet.

When Su Nan got dressed and was about to walk out of the room with her mobile phone, Zhao Xiaomin said, "I'll go down with you, or else they won't be able to explain what my sister saw."

After speaking, she disappeared and entered the phone.

Su Nan took the key and left the room. There was no one outside, so he went directly from Zhao Xiaomin's house.

As soon as the door was closed, Zhao Junmin came out of the room, thinking that Su Nan had gone home.

Thinking that Su Nan spent most of the time in the room with her sister today, Zhao Junmin blushed a little. Although she was young, it didn't mean she didn't know some things.

Thinking of the sudden visit of her father's family today, Zhao Junmin sighed, and came to her sister's door intending to go in and discuss with her.

Recently, for some reason, my sister often wins lottery prizes. There is no shortage of money. In fact, Zhao Junmin has no impression of this father. It is probably because her father cut off contact with her mother when she was born. She may not come home once a year, and her living expenses are paid. into Cary.

But my sister is different. My sister was still with her mother and father when she was a child. She worried that her sister would be sad.

No one answered the knock on the door, Zhao Junmin tried to open the door, but the door was unlocked, so she opened it and walked in.

As soon as he entered, Zhao Junmin frowned at the strange smell, turned around and saw her sister sleeping on the bed.

After calling a few times but there was no response, Zhao Junmin walked to the head of the bed, and saw her sister with a flushed face, and the blood-stained place on the bed sheet.

She seemed to think of something, her little face flushed a little, and she was about to back out, but suddenly she had an urge to touch her sister's face by accident.

The feeling of electric shock woke her up, shaking her head, Zhao Junmin left the room.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After leaving Zhao Xiaomin's house, it was getting late.

After going downstairs, because she was not familiar with the surrounding environment, Su Nan had to take out her mobile phone and ask Zhao Xiaomin.

Although Zhao Xiaomin was on the phone, she could hear his voice. At the same time, if she answered, she would write on paper.

According to Zhao Xiaomin's instructions, Su Nan walked out of the community and walked along the road.

When I came to the pharmacy, because it was the first time, Su Nan was a little nervous, but he still tried his best to pretend to be an experienced person, went in, bought the medicine and walked out.

After buying the medicine, Su Nan breathed a sigh of relief and was about to go back when someone called him.

Su Nan looked back, Lu Ying stood not far away and looked at him, her eyes were complicated and surprised, and then her eyes fell on the contraceptive pill in his hand, and her eyes became weird.

"Uh, squad leader, why are you here?" Su Nan hurriedly hid her things in her pocket, walked towards her, and asked nonchalantly.

Then he noticed that the monitor's eyes were red, as if he had just cried, and he was a little stunned.

Seemingly noticing that Su Nan was looking at her, Lu Ying turned her head away in embarrassment, and said, "Walking and walking, I came this way, Su Nan, what happened today made you laugh."

The squad leader looked a little depressed, Su Nan didn't know how to comfort her, her father had several daughters outside, and her mother forcibly took her to see her father for divorce and revenge, her opinion as a daughter was completely ignored.

Su Nan had no choice but to say: "Squad leader, it's so late, you should go home early, it's dangerous outside."

"I don't want to go back now, they are still arguing, maybe they will get divorced tomorrow." Lu Ying smiled bitterly, the girl's face revealed worries that did not match her age.

It seems that Su Nan saw what happened today, and Lu Ying was a little bit like breaking the pot, and didn't shy away from her own scandal.

It was the first time for Su Nan to see such a weak monitor. For some reason, he had complicated emotions. The usual delicate and understanding monitor showed a fragile expression at this moment, which made him feel illusory.

At this time, the sound of "cuckoo" sounded, which seemed to come from the squad leader's stomach, and Su Nan was stunned.

Lu Ying blushed slightly, and said embarrassedly: "Su Nan, can you lend me some money, I forgot to bring my wallet and mobile phone when I went out."

She blushed, seemed embarrassed, and clenched her pink fists nervously.

"Have you eaten yet?" Su Nan asked in surprise, it must be after eight o'clock.

Seeing a food stall not far away, Su Nan said to the monitor: "Squad monitor, let's go and sit down, and I'll treat you to dinner."

At this moment, the squad leader was in a bad mood, and he didn't have his mobile phone and wallet on him. Su Nan didn't dare to leave her alone, worried that something might happen.

Lu Ying hesitated for a while, then nodded.

The two came to the food stall. Because it had just opened, there were not many people there. Su Nan and the squad leader sat down near the road.

"What to eat?" Su Nan asked.

"Go ahead, I'm not familiar with it." Lu Ying said.

It was only then that Su Nan remembered that Lu Ying's family background seemed to be quite good, wouldn't it be inappropriate to bring her to eat at a food stall?

Seeing that Lu Ying didn't seem to mind, Su Nan put down her mind and ordered.

Lu Ying suddenly said, "Let's have some bar."

Su Nan looked at her worriedly, but Lu Ying smiled and said, "One bottle per person, this little wine won't make you intoxicated."

After hesitating for a while, Su Nan ordered two bottles of beer.

Before the food was served, the beer was served first. Lu Ying filled up two glasses, gave one to Su Nan, and picked up the other to drink.

She frowned at the first bite, as if it didn't suit her taste.

"Don't drink if you're not used to it, and eat later." Su Nan persuaded.

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