After the end, Zhao Xiaomin crawled to the bed and grabbed the trash can under the bed, spit out the things in his mouth, and smacked his mouth when there was some left, as if trying to taste the taste.

"What's the smell?" Su Nan asked with a smile.

Zhao Xiaomin tasted it for a while, and replied solemnly: "It's not as bad as I imagined, but it's not delicious either. Anyway, it's within the tolerable range."

After spitting out the rest, she picked up the water glass on the table next to the bed and drank a few sips of water to rinse her mouth, then threw herself into Su Nan's arms and kissed him on the lips, and asked mischievously, "Is it disgusting?"

"You've already rinsed your mouth, it's tasteless." Su Nan said.

"It seems that next time I will kiss you directly."

"Sister, stop joking."

Zhao Xiaomin smiled triumphantly, then drew small circles on his chest, and whispered, "You are satisfied, but what if I feel a little uncomfortable?"

The girl's hint was obvious, Su Nan thought for a while, then shook her head: "Your injury is not healed yet."

"Can't you think of an alternative?"

"I think...fingers?"

The girl looked at him resentfully, Su Nan surrendered obediently: "Okay, I'll help you too."

Anyway, it's not the first time.

"Feel the difference between the two bodies." Zhao Xiaomin smirked and lay down.

Su Nan is ashamed, this girl is really getting dirty, but I like it.

"What flavor?"

"It feels a little...salty?"

"What about the body?"

"It seems sweet."

"Let you try it tonight."

I dawdled with Zhao Xiaomin's room until four or five o'clock in the afternoon. Anyway, she was misunderstood by her two younger sisters. They all seemed to recognize him as brother-in-law, and Su Nan didn't bother to avoid suspicion.

Satisfied, Zhao Xiaomin lay on the bed reminiscing about the previous feelings. Su Nan heard the sound of dinner being made outside, so she got up and went out.

Walking out of the living room, Zhao Junmin, who was wearing an apron, was busy in the kitchen. Su Nan hesitated for a moment, but walked over.

"Senior, it's fine if I come." The girl said calmly, but looked down a little unnaturally.

Su Nan said: "Anyway, idle is idle, let me help."

He was a little embarrassed, Zhao Xiaomin hadn't worked and stayed in the room today, Zhao Junmin must have guessed something.

Zhao Junmin didn't make a sound, and silently washed the vegetables. Su Nan walked over to help deal with the meat and fry the vegetables.

While he was cooking, Zhao Junmin, who had been idle, stared at him, unknowingly, a little presumptuously scanning his eyes, with an inexplicable tyrannical emotion growing in his heart, as if he wanted to step forward and press this nominal brother-in-law On the platform, she bullied him severely, even though her sister was still bullying him in the room, and listened to his pitiful begging for mercy.

Su Nan just felt uncomfortable as if she was being watched by a female animal in heat.Thinking too much, Su Nan secretly scolded herself as a pervert, concentrating on cooking.

Zhao Junmin was awakened by the sizzling sound of the green vegetables in the oil pan, she staggered back a few steps, her little face was a little pale, feeling incredible and ashamed of her mental activities just now.

To actually have such thoughts about a boy, who is also my sister's boyfriend!

Zhao Junmin couldn't accept it, and ran away in shame.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

During dinner, Zhao Junmin stayed in the room all the time.

Zhao Xiaomin, who came out of her sister's room, said, "Junmin is a little uncomfortable, let's eat first."

"Ill?" Su Nan asked in surprise, she was obviously fine before.

"I checked, and it's not sick. She said she'll be fine after a while." Zhao Xiaomin shook her head, and then left food for her younger sister. Today, the two younger sisters won't eat together, and Zhao Ruomin seems to have gone out to play.

The two sat down to have dinner, just the two of them, feeling a little warm for some reason.

Su Nan didn't eat much, and he was going to leave later. Apart from going back to cook, he was also worried about Chu Xi.Chu Xi didn't know when she would come over at night, so she needed to go back early and wait for her.

After dinner, Su Nan ordered Zhao Xiaomin to sit down and went to wash the dishes by herself.

After finishing all this, Su Nan walked up to Zhao Xiaomin and hugged her, "I'll go back first."

"Well, be careful on the road." There is no feeling of reluctance, after all, we will meet at night, and Zhao Xiaomin also decided to take a good look at Chu Xi tonight.

After sending Su Nan out the door, Zhao Xiaomin, who was looking forward to it, returned to the room and lay down, slowly lost consciousness, and entered into Su Nan's mobile phone.

When Su Nan was taking the bus on the road, taking advantage of no one taking out his mobile phone to take a look, Zhao Xiaomin was looking at him on the screen, and the two looked at each other and smiled.

It feels good to have a girlfriend who can be with you at any time, and no one will find out, and she can be there when you need her.

After Su Nan left, Zhao Junmin, whose face was blushing strangely, came out of the room, looking around the house anxiously.She was a little disappointed that she didn't see Su Nan.

An inexplicable uncomfortable feeling made her a little untenable, and she needed to hold on to the wall to stand firm. There was only one thought in her mind, and that was to find her sister's boyfriend, bully him severely, and do bad things to him.

Zhao Jun is so sensitive to what she thinks at the moment, she is full of guilt, but the thought of missing her sister's boyfriend is still lingering.

Why do I have such thoughts?

Why does the feeling of discomfort come from?

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