It seems that since the morning, her whole body has become abnormal. After a day, her body has been longing for her brother-in-law, and the feeling of longing is getting stronger and stronger.

She was sick, suffering from a strange disease that could not be told to anyone.

At this time, an uncomfortable feeling came over her, Zhao Junmin sat down on the ground, her silver teeth clenched tightly so as not to make a sound, a strong uneasiness enveloped her, as if if she didn't do anything to her sister's boyfriend, she would end up in the end Very miserable.

Supporting her almost paralyzed body, Zhao Junmin stumbled into her sister's room, but she looked disappointed. She only saw her sister lying on the bed sleeping, and Su Nan was nowhere to be seen.

Realizing that Su Nan had gone home, Zhao Junmin was extremely depressed.

Suddenly, she smelled a strange smell, and her eyes fell on the trash can in her sister's room. The smell seemed to come from the trash can. It was obviously not a pleasant smell, but Zhao Junmin swallowed subconsciously.

Walking with difficulty, she walked to the trash can and squatted down. Zhao Junmin sniffed, showing an expression of enjoyment, and the uncomfortable feeling seemed to subside a lot.

She looked down, wondering what it was that cured her. The trash in the trash can in her sister's room had just been emptied once, so there wasn't much trash, and there were some white things at the bottom of the plastic bag.

Zhao Junmin stared blankly. It was obviously disgusting from the outside, but she didn't feel that way. Instead, she found it inexplicably attractive, so she put her finger in and tapped it lightly.

what is it then?

She is still a junior high school student, but she doesn't understand very well, but she has also taken physiology classes, and with the development of online consultation, it is inevitable to see some replies from people with bad mouths when browsing some comments, and this is my sister's room, and today Su Nan and her sister stayed in the room all day.

Suddenly, Zhao Junmin realized what it was, and retracted her fingers like an electric shock, her delicate and lovely face was quickly stained with countless seductive blush, and her whole body was like a cooked shrimp.

She wanted to leave, but the action she made was to hug the trash can, hold it up and take a deep sniff. Su Nan's smell made her uncomfortable again, but her mind was blank, what the hell did she do? what!

Zhao Junmin's face turned green and pale, and then she threw down the trash can like hot hands, looked up at her sleeping sister with a guilty conscience, and fled out with her limp body propped up.

It was almost seven o'clock in the evening when Su Nan got home. Qin Xiaowan was cooking dinner, but the senior sister was there too. When the senior sister saw him coming back, she looked at him with a trace of resentment. It seemed that he didn't chase him out last night, which made the senior sister feel very dissatisfied.

"Senior, you are here." Su Nan was a little embarrassed, walked over and said, "Let me come, have you eaten, senior, let's go together later."

"Sister, I also plan to do the same. I brought all the vegetables I bought today. Xiao Nan, you can just wait outside. Senior sister will show you something today."

Zhan Weiling pushed him out with a smile, and reached out her hand to pinch his waist where Qin Xiaowan couldn't see, not through the clothes, but directly put her skillful hands into his clothes, without using much force, but with gentle force Goosebumps appeared all over Su Nan's body when she touched her warm little hands.

Seemingly realizing that Su Nan's body was frozen, Zhan Weiling smiled, raised her hand and slapped his buttocks, turned around and saw Qin Xiaowan looking at her, Zhan Weiling walked back calmly.

"Xiaowan, help me wash the vegetables, I will use them later, and the garlic sprouts need to be cut into sections."

"Oh well."

Staying there for a while, Su Nan took a deep breath to suppress the strange feeling in his heart, and was about to go back to the room to see if Chu Xi was here, but unexpectedly saw the loli version of Chu Xi with no clothes on next to him flashing, and then immediately returned to the room. Disappear.

In just a flash, Su Nan saw the displeased expression on her face, as if she had fully seen the scene of her senior molesting him just now.

Su Nan was a little ashamed, but Chu Xi actually made him nervous outside. Looking back, he saw the seniors and the others busy making dinner, and quietly walked up to Chu Xi and asked in a low voice, "Why did you come out?"

"I just stood here after I realized it." Chu Xi also whispered, her voice was a little nervous, probably because she had been standing here for a long time, and she was afraid that she would be discovered if she moved.

Su Nan thought to himself, did Chu Xi appear at his house at night, did he appear randomly?

This is a little troublesome.

Chu Xi was standing a little closer to the kitchen, and if she walked around, the seniors would see her when they turned around.

Glancing at Senior Sister and Qin Xiaowan again, they are very attentive and busy, but there are only two dishes left to be copied, and they will be fried right away, and they will eat later, and they may watch TV after eating, Chu Xi will not leave at this time and wait You have to stand for a long time.

Su Nan said: "Go back to the room, I will cover..."

"Xiao Nan, who are you talking to?" It was the senior sister's voice, and she asked curiously.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Su Nan was sweating coldly behind his back, but he reacted quickly, holding the phone in his hand and saying, "Have a chat with your classmates on WeChat."

Zhan Weiling looked at him suspiciously, and asked why he was standing outside the kitchen while chatting on WeChat?

But she is cooking now, and she has to keep the fire under control, so she has no time to pay attention to Su Nan.

While the senior sister and Qin Xiaowan didn't pay attention, Su Nan picked up Chu Xi and ran away. Chu Xi's body appeared in the moving state. The immature body was already attractive, but Su Nan didn't have time to pay attention.

Running to the door of the room, Su Nan put Chu Xi down, and watched her blushing disappear before her eyes.

He looked back at the kitchen, the seniors still didn't pay attention to this side, Su Nan heaved a sigh of relief, opened the door, carried Chu Xi into the room again, and closed the door.

Su Nan leaned against the door, and hugged Chu Xi tightly in his arms. His breathing was a little short, and the contact immediately aroused the impulse in his body. Today at Zhao Xiaomin's place, because Zhao Xiaomin was inconvenient, Su Nan Not much energy wasted at all.

I just felt that my small body seemed to be rubbed into him by Su Nan. Chu Xi blushed and wanted to struggle out uncomfortably, but the body strength that favored Lolita was too weak, and it was difficult for her to be hugged by Su Nan. Touching the ground, unable to exert force.

The twisting delicate body made Su Nan's heart beat faster, her mouth was dry, she lowered her head and kissed Chu Xi, her hands moved behind her, Chu Xi clutched his clothes nervously, her body tensed, and slowly disappeared .

Seeing this scene, Su Nan became more sober and felt a little strange. Although the girl's touch was wonderful, but there was no one in her arms, as if she was holding a ball of air and kissing.

Su Nan lifted her feet and walked towards the bed, and Chuxi appeared again in her arms. Her whole body was hot, her skin was dyed a faint pink, and she looked extremely delicious and attractive.

"Xiao Nan, come out to eat."

The senior sister’s shout came from outside, Su Nan put Chuxi on the bed, looked down greedily at her body, Chuxi stared at him in embarrassment, her lips moved slightly, as if saying abnormal, then her body disappeared again, only to see There was a human print on the sheets.

Su Nan put her hand up and stroked it in the air, from her face to her chest and then down, before she was caught.

He took a deep breath to suppress the restlessness in his heart, pulled the quilt to cover Chu Xi, and then left the room.

After Su Nan left, Chu Xi stroked his hot cheeks, feeling inexplicably worried, Su Nan seemed very excited today, could he escape tonight?

If there is really no way, she is not unwilling, after all, it is not the first time, and it is not the main body, but this body is a few years younger than the main body, she is afraid that she will not be able to bear Su Nan's mess.

Loli Chuxi sighed.

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