After coming out of the room, Su Nan was freed from the atmosphere of being attracted, but his body couldn't calm down so quickly, and he felt a little uncomfortable.

"Xiao Nan?" At the dinner table, the senior sister looked at Su Nan who was standing still, Qin Xiaowan gave Su Nan a cold look and said nothing.

She was angry when she thought of being cheated by Su Nan this morning. She said she was going for a run, but she never came back. She must have gone on a date with the vixen again.

Su Nan took a deep breath and walked over.

As soon as she walked to the dining table, the senior sister was setting the bowls and chopsticks, which happened to be placed on his, and accidentally bumped into him without paying attention.

Zhan Weiling was startled for a moment, feeling that her side hip hit a hard object. It was something she was familiar with, but she hadn't used it for a while.

Turning his head to look at Su Nan, he sat down with embarrassment on his face, as if he was very guilty.

The corners of Zhan Weiling's mouth curled up, and she went around and sat down opposite Su Nan, while Qin Xiaowan sat beside her.

Su Nan was very embarrassed that his senior sister found out that his body was abnormal. The senior sister probably thought he was a bad person, and he was always impulsive.

In order to hide his embarrassment, Su Nan had no choice but to bury his head in his food. Suddenly, he felt something touching him under the table. When he felt it carefully, it turned out to be a jade foot, quite boldly resting between his legs.

Su Nan's heart jumped wildly, she pretended to raise her head inadvertently, and saw the senior opposite her eating gracefully, she chatted with Qin Xiaowan from time to time, as if nothing happened, but her delicate feet under the table were secretly doing something Looking at the bad things about Yin Dang, this contrasting scene made Su Nan short of breath and more impulsive.

Zhan Weiling sensed this through her jade feet, and looked at him with a smile in her eyes. There was a faint charm hidden in her calm eyes.

Su Nan swallowed, and quickly lowered her head, worried that Qin Xiaowan would find out.As he buried himself in his food, the senior sister's jade feet gently bullied him, making him almost restless.

However, Su Nan found that the senior was also very nervous, and she never dared to move too much, probably because Qin Xiaowan was sitting next to her, afraid of being discovered.

It was a peaceful meal on the surface, but there was ambiguity hidden under the table.

After the end, the sister's jade feet were put back, and Su Nan was a little melancholy. She wanted to go outside to calm down, but unexpectedly, she became more impulsive.

He was a little afraid to stand up for fear of being discovered, so he sat down and took out his mobile phone to play.

Then the senior sister and Qin Xiaowan went into the kitchen to wash the dishes together. Su Nan got up and slipped back into the room. The moment he closed the door, a catkin pressed against his hand, and then the senior sister's peach-like body slipped inside. Come in.

The senior sister blinked at him, closed the door, and said in a low voice: "I tricked Xiaowan to go home, she is washing dishes by herself now."


Suddenly, the senior fell into Su Nan's arms. Su Nan's body was a little stiff, and being pressed against the soft and beautiful body of the senior made him instinctively want to hug the senior, but Chu Xi was lying on the bed. He should push the senior away. That's right.

Just when she was about to do this, the senior directly grabbed him with her hand, smiling charmingly: "What's wrong with Xiao Nan's body? Did he react to the senior sister's jade feet? What a dishonest junior."

Her face was blushing, and she seemed to be shy too, but she was even more seductive when she made seductive expressions and actions while being shy.

Seeing her junior stared blankly and unable to respond, Zhan Weiling only thought that he was attracted by her, and couldn't help feeling proud. Even if she wasn't Ling anymore, her body was still very attractive.

Gently pushing Su Nan, Su Nan fell down on the bed like a wooden man. Zhan Weiling immediately climbed up and sat on his waist. The posture was quite bold, and Su Nan couldn't help but glance at the part where it diverged.

Zhan Wei stared down at Su Nan with condescending eyes, feeling his impulse under her buttocks, and her whole body went limp.It seemed to be back to the days when I was lingering with him to the death.Zhan Weiling's eyes blurred, and she murmured, "What a bad junior, he has been coveting my senior's body. For the sake of being a cute junior, my senior will pity you today."

Zhan Weiling moved her hips to press down on his thighs, and untied his waistband with both hands.

"Sister, I'm not this kind of person." Su Nan said seriously, and then pushed the senior away.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

There seemed to be a fiery gaze staring at her behind her. Su Nan knew that it was Chu Xi looking at her. Seeing that her senior sister was acting more and more explicit, she quickly pushed her away.

Zhan Weiling fell on the bed, got up again calmly, leaned against Su Nan's arms and complained, "Has Xiao Nan lost interest in Senior Sister's body?"

Su Nan was very embarrassed. If it was just him and the senior, maybe he would have followed the senior, but the problem with Chu Xi made him not dare to act recklessly, or even be too passive.

He had no choice but to gently push away the senior sister's body and stand up, "I sweated a lot today, I'm going to take a shower first."

Su Nan went to the closet to get the clothes and hinted to her senior to go out. Unexpectedly, Zhan Weiling leaned over from behind, her body clinging to him, her hands wrapped around his waist, and her face pressed against her junior's stiff back.

Youyou said: "Obviously, Xiao Nan was not like this at the senior sister's house that day. While talking on the phone with your classmate Chu Xi, he played with the senior sister's feet. Could it be that this degree of stimulation has not aroused Xiao Nan's interest?"

Su Nan smiled stiffly: "Sister, what are you talking about?"

"Or is it because I'm not on the phone with classmate Chu Xi, so the senior sister can't feel the taboo pleasure of cheating? I didn't expect the junior to become so bad." The senior sister's voice became playful: "But it's okay, the senior sister will satisfy you For the perverted demand, Xiao Nan can call her, and the senior sister promises not to make a sound."

Su Nan was sweating profusely, and he already felt that the vision projected from the bed had become extremely cold.

"Senior, stop joking, Xiaowan is still waiting for you." Su Nan could not help but pull her senior to escape from her room, then left her behind and ran into the bathroom to take a cold shower.

Zhan Weiling looked at his embarrassed figure and chuckled, presumably Zhao Xiaomin heard her seduce Su Nan just now, Zhao Xiaomin must be very angry, and she deliberately brought up Chuxi to drive a wedge between them and make them fight among themselves.

Watching Su Nan being raped during the previous punishment period, Zhan Weiling was very angry with Zhao Xiaomin, knowing that today is the last day of Zhao Xiaomin's punishment, so she deliberately retaliated.

Hey, did Xiao Nan walk into the bathroom with her mobile phone just now?

Zhan Weiling's complexion changed slightly, and she quickly walked to the bathroom door and put her ears on it. Suddenly, she heard a faint hum mixed with the sound of water, like a suppressed cry, but also full of charm and charm.

Zhan Weiling was so angry that she gritted her teeth and was about to knock on the door when Qin Xiaowan's voice came from the kitchen: "Sister, are you back?"

Standing in the kitchen, she couldn't see the bathroom. Maybe Qin Xiaowan saw her when she followed Su Nan just now. At this time, Qin Xiaowan's voice was suspicious, and Zhan Weiling didn't dare to mess around, so she turned and walked back to the kitchen.

Seeing Qin Xiaowan looking at her suspiciously, she said helplessly, "I didn't pay attention at home just now. I wanted to go to the bathroom when I got here, but I didn't expect Xiao Nan to be inside."

Qin Xiaowan's doubts disappeared, and he said, "He will come out soon."

Zhan Weiling thought to herself, that's not necessarily the case.

In the bathroom, Zhao Xiaomin was unable to support the wall with her hands, her upper body was pressed against the wall, and she gasped. Rough Su Nan.

First attracted by the loli version of Chuxi, and then teased by the senior sister, Su Nan couldn't hold it back at all, but he really just wanted to take a cold shower to calm down when he came in to take a bath, but he accidentally brought his mobile phone in.

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