Zhao Xiaomin, who had been listening to the movement outside on her mobile phone and had no chance to come out, couldn't help but run out as soon as Su Nan entered the bathroom, and the two of them burned together like dry wood.

The most important thing is that Zhan Weiling's behavior just now made Zhao Xiaomin very angry, and Su Nan is someone Zhan Weiling likes. Zhao Xiaomin decided to use this method of revenge that can both be fun for herself and hit her rival in love. The double pleasure made her reach bliss in an instant.

Then the two stood under the shower as if nothing had happened and scrubbed each other's bodies. Zhao Xiaomin put both hands on Su Nan's shoulders and pushed him down.

Su Nan asked suspiciously, "Why?"

"Taste it." Zhao Xiaomin said with a smile, and when she saw Su Nan doing so, she took a breath, closed her eyes comfortably, and leaned her smooth back against the wall weakly.

At the same time, Zhao Xiaomin thought to herself, behind every male god is a woman who is so sloppy that she wants to vomit, although she will never get tired of Su Nan's obsession, but thinking like this can make her feel like revenge on Zhan Weiling Stimulating, very cool.

Look, the man you love to death is licking me.

When Su Nan came out of the bathroom, the senior sister and Qin Xiaowan who were sitting on the sofa turned their heads to stare at him in an instant, their eyes were strange, which made him subconsciously jump. Could it be that he was discovered?

But just now in the bathroom, he and Zhao Xiaomin were both deliberately silent. He even stuffed the towel into Zhao Xiaomin's mouth, and he tried to be gentle when hitting him, so there was no reason to be heard.

"Why did you wash for so long?" Qin Xiaowan asked dissatisfied.

Su Nan breathed a sigh of relief, and replied, "I've been exercising recently, and it's more comfortable to take a hot bath at night."

"Pretentious." Qin Xiaowan rolled her eyes.

Su Nan felt that she was extremely angry today, probably because she found out that he was having a girlfriend?

Such a cousin is a bit bad. I treat you as a cousin, but you want to fuck me.

Su Nan sighed inwardly, Zhizhi didn't reply.

Qin Xiaowan's blushing face seemed a little anxious, she left him and got up and walked to the bathroom, looking at her two delicate calves moving quickly, could it be that she was in a hurry to urinate?

While Su Nan was thinking wildly, she turned her head and found that her senior was staring at her resentfully. The resentment seemed to gather on her body, and a cold aura came out of her body.

Su Nan shuddered, a little puzzled by the senior sister's performance, but didn't think too much about it.I just thought my senior sister was dissatisfied with my refusal just now. After all, most people don't take their mobile phones in the shower, so senior sister shouldn't have guessed that he had a secret affair with Zhao Xiaomin in the bathroom.

At this time, Zhao Xiaomin was still eavesdropping on the phone, and Chu Xi was still waiting to go back to explain, so Su Nan didn't have too much entanglement with the senior sister, greeted her and went back to the room.

Zhan Weiling stared at Su Nan's back until it disappeared, and then tried to suppress the sea of ​​jealousy in her heart.

Tonight is the last night, just wait until tonight is over, Zhao Xiaomin will finish the punishment, then with her neighbor relationship with Su Nan, she won't be able to get close first.

At that time, she will find an opportunity to bully her junior severely and take revenge on Zhao Xiaomin. Without Zhao Xiaomin's knowledge, she will press the person she likes on the bed, forcefully kiss him, touch his whole body, take a selfie and pretend to use the wrong phone of Su Nan to send it to him. Zhao Xiaomin, Zhao Xiaomin will definitely be devastated and heartbroken after seeing it.

Thinking of such a scene, Zhan Weiling let out a burst of laughter, and then slowly restrained her smile. It seemed that being green just now made her feel too uncomfortable, and her emotions were so violent.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Back in the room, I didn't see Chu Xi, Su Nan walked over and lifted the quilt, but there was no sign of anyone on the bed, where did he go?

Sensing someone behind him, Su Nan turned around and saw Chu Xi standing behind him quietly wearing his T-shirt. The loose T-shirt did not match Chu Xi's figure of less than [-] meters, but it gave people a very cute feeling ——If it weren't for Chu Xi's expressionless face at the moment.

"Is senior sister's beautiful legs fun?" Chu Xi asked him calmly, the corners of his eyes were beating wildly, and his breath was cold.

But soon, Chu Xi, who was still, disappeared in place.

Su Nan suppressed the panic in her heart and said: "Senior is just joking. Someone offended her before, and she is deliberately taking revenge."

Su Nan took out her phone and gestured.

Although he didn't know why, Chu Xi seemed to know Zhao Xiaomin's situation, so Su Nan didn't have too many scruples.

The suspicion in Chu Xi’s eyes was still there, but the cold feeling on her body subsided a little. She stared at Su Nan thoughtfully. Zhao Xiaomin had mentioned to her the grievances with Zhan Weiling, but of course it was only mentioned vaguely. She didn't think too much about it, but now it seems that there is a lot in it.

Zhan Weiling seduced Su Nan like that, Zhao Xiaomin must have done something more outrageous, but Chu Xi guessed this early on, so she wasn't very surprised.

What surprised her was that Su Nan seemed to know that Zhan Weiling was Ling. What did Su Nan think about his senior sister?them……

Chu Xi had a feeling of uneasiness in his heart. It was not enough to have one Zhao Xiaomin, and there was another senior. This senior was far more difficult than Zhao Xiaomin. It seemed that Su Nan's feelings for her were very special.

Continuing to be angry will make Su Nan feel guilty and dare not mess around in the future, and it may also make him unhappy. If he is not angry, he will invisibly condone Su Nan's scumbag behavior.

Chu Xi was entangled in his next reaction.

"Ah Nan, who are you talking to, Chu Xi?"

In a flash, a beautiful blonde mixed-race girl stood on the bed, looking at Su Nan curiously.The beautiful girl is wearing a thin white translucent silk pajamas, the black lace body parts can be seen inside, and two slender and slender legs are exposed underneath. Blush, is a very beautiful girl.

Chu Xi stared at the other person. Although the appearance was completely different, she instantly knew that this person was Zhao Xiaomin.

She froze in place and didn't dare to move, not wanting to expose her current appearance, but the T-shirt that fell off her body after her body became transparent reminded her of her position.

Before Su Nan could answer, Zhao Xiaomin jumped out of bed and hugged the ball of air, feeling as if she was hugging a real body.

Zhao Xiaomin was stunned. Is this Chu Xi?Hollow Man?

She groped Chu Xi's body with both hands, and was surprised to find that the figure was actually a little girl who looked like a junior high school student.

"Idiot, let go!" Chu Xi blushed and shouted angrily at Zhao Xiaomin's immature body being messed with like this, but her voice was too soft to be deterrent.

"Don't be so stingy, what's the matter with touching?" Zhao Xiaomin chuckled lightly, her hands became more aggressive, and she said excitedly: "Wow, your body is so tender, how old is your body, why is it transparent? ,what a pity."

Chu Xi was angry and annoyed, he grabbed Zhao Xiaomin fiercely with both hands and twisted.

Zhao Xiaomin's smiling face froze, and then became distorted. She pushed Chu Xi away from her arms and rubbed her injured chest. Chu Xi's small body fell down on the bed, showing due to the movement.

Zhao Xiaomin stared blankly with wide eyes, is this Chu Xi?

Less than [-] meters tall, flat figure, primary school student Chu Xi?At most, it is only at the level of the first grade of junior high school, and it seems that the body has just begun to develop.

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