"Don't look!" Chu Xi quickly shrunk her body into a ball, especially with Su Nan watching beside her, which made her feel extremely ashamed.

"It's so cute!" Zhao Xiaomin's eyes lit up, she rushed forward and pressed Chu Xi under her body, and pressed her face against the face of the loli version of Chu Xi, dawdling, it was a very loving scene.

Chu Xi struggled angrily, but the two sides were not competing at the same level. They were pressed down and couldn't move, and then their bodies slowly disappeared.

"Eh? Why didn't you disappear?" Zhao Xiaomin felt as if he was pressing down on the other person, but he couldn't see it, as if a cloud of air was being pressed, Zhao Xiaomin turned around and asked Su Nan who was staying aside in doubt.

"Munan, don't say it!" Chu Xi threatened in a milky voice.

Su Nan smiled wryly, and spread her hands to Zhao Xiaomin to express her helplessness.

Zhao Xiaomin squeezed the elementary school student under him, rolled his eyes, and said proudly: "Sometimes it appears and sometimes it becomes transparent. It is definitely not something I can control. It should be related to the state of exercise."

After she finished speaking, she hugged Chu Xi and moved, and Chu Xi in her arms appeared. Zhao Xiaomin excitedly pressed her face to her, and dawdled: "It's so cute, Chu Xi is just like a younger sister."

As soon as she disappeared, she dragged Chu Xi to move, the corners of Chu Xi's mouth twitched, looking unlovable, and finally cast her humiliating eyes on Su Nan.

Su Nan is feasting his eyes, Zhao Xiaomin has no scruples about Chuxi not wearing clothes, that's all, after all, there is nothing attractive about a flat figure, but the loving scene of two beautiful girls, one big and one small, wrestling and entangled, made Su Nan subconscious Forgot to stop them.

Seeing Chu Xi begging for mercy at this moment, Su Nan reluctantly stepped forward and pulled away Zhao Xiaomin who was bullying Chu Xi.

After regaining her freedom, Chu Xi immediately pulled the quilt over her body, shrunk to the head of the bed as if avoiding a pervert, stared at Zhao Xiaomin with hatred, her face flushed, and angrily scolded: "Zhao Xiaomin, I didn't expect you to be a pervert! Lyon!"

The angry look is also very cute, and it has no deterrent effect at all, but before he finished speaking, Chu Xi became transparent.

Let Su Nan and Zhao Xiaomin, who had been staring at her closely, sigh regretfully.

Zhao Xiaomin, who was scolded, didn't care at all, and said with a smile: "It feels like my family Junmin, but little Chuxi is much more interesting than my sister."

Chu Xi glared at her, but felt helpless.

Zhao Xiaomin had had enough fun, and snuggled into Su Nan's arms and asked him strangely: "Ah Nan, have you ever bullied Chu Xi at night?"

Although she is not very loli, she should be fourteen years old, but she is still too young compared to Su Nan - in all aspects.

Having had so many close contacts with Su Nan, Zhao Xiaomin already knew Su Nan's size, and even she herself was uncomfortable. Only with this paper puppet body could she be with Su Nan unscrupulously.

Although Chu Xi's body appeared temporarily during the punishment period, it was several sizes smaller than the original body and had no hair. Su Nan would be too sad and mad if he did all of this.Chu Xi will die.

Zhao Xiaomin was inexplicably worried.

Su Nan said solemnly: "No, if you don't believe me, you can ask Chu Xi."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"No, if you don't believe me, ask Chu Xi."

To Zhao Xiaomin's question, Su Nan answered politely.

Chu Xi looked at him like he was looking perverted, but Zhao Xiaomin couldn't see her in the invisible state, and although Su Nan did some excessive things to her, she was only touching her.

"Isn't that hard work, Ah Nan?" Zhao Xiaomin's face was full of distress, and she raised her hand to rub Su Nan's cheeks. When facing them now, Su Nan must hold back drug addiction no less than an addict, it must be extremely uncomfortable .

At this moment, being close to Su Nan's body, Zhao Xiaomin could feel that his body temperature was slowly rising, his breathing was getting faster and faster, his blood was flowing faster, and he was impulsive.

Chu Xi also fell silent and stared at Su Nan.

Su Nan shook her head: "No, my stopping power is very strong."

Zhao Xiaomin couldn't help but slapped him on the hand on her chest, and said dumbfoundingly, "Is this what you mean by strong self-control?"

"I put my hand in the wrong place." Su Nan retracted her hand in embarrassment, but the other hand quietly rubbed against Zhao Xiaomin's thigh.

"I'd better get away from you first." Zhao Xiaomin sighed and stood up from Su Nan's side a little panting. Her body would also be impulsive when touching Su Nan. Bear.

Going around to the other side and sitting at the head of the bed, that is to say next to Chu Xi, I felt that Chu Xi who was in a transparent state seemed to have turned into a cat with fried fur, looking very vigilant about her.

Zhao Xiaomin said dissatisfied: "I won't bully you, what are you afraid of?"

Chu Xi looked at her contemptuously and said nothing.

Zhao Xiaomin left from her arms, Su Nan had the urge to bring her back, but she forcibly held back, the two of them were together, they had to restrain themselves.

It's just that he has an inexplicable worry about his body, can he really hold back the next time?

In order to calm herself down, Su Nan sat down in front of the computer and wrote her street novel. Recently, she wondered if there were too many words and more money.

I can't get involved with several girls, so I have to work hard to make some money in the future, otherwise I won't be able to afford money when I go out on dates in the future.

"A Nan, are you writing a novel? Stop writing, I'll buy a lottery ticket to support you." Chu Xi ignored him, so Zhao Xiaomin had no choice but to talk to Su Nan.

What he said made Su Nan almost spit out his saliva.

Chu Xi wanted to laugh when he heard that, but he gave Zhao Xiaomin a sideways look, and said with contempt, "How much money do you make every month? Except for the food and living expenses and tuition fees of your three sisters, how much is left?"

Zhao Xiaomin didn't seem to be able to hear the irony. She carefully counted with her fingers, and then she looked distressed. Although she can win the third prize when buying lottery tickets, she doesn't win every time. Sometimes she only wins one bet a week, which is three thousand. block, but no tax deduction.

In general, there may be about [-] to [-] a month.

Now my father seems to be unable to afford living expenses, so I have to save part of the money to pay for tuition and medical treatment in the future. The movable money is about [-] per month, and the living expenses of the three sisters are increased in various ways. It would cost at least two or three thousand, let's count four thousand, which means there are six thousand yuan left.

Six thousand yuan is actually not too little, but for raising a man, it seems too shabby to spend only six thousand yuan a month.

Ah Nan didn't know if he would like it or not, after all, it would cost hundreds of dollars a day to go out for an appointment and open a room, so I couldn't take him home every time.

Seeing Zhao Xiaomin seriously calculating her income and savings there, as if she really planned to raise Su Nan, Chu Xi felt speechless, this silly girl was actually serious.

"It seems that I can't afford it, of course, if Ah Nan doesn't spend too much money." Zhao Xiaomin looked at Su Nan pitifully, like a dog.

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