Su Nan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, what is this and what is it, do you want to keep him?

Chu Xi asked Zhao Xiaomin, "How much spare money do you have every month?"

"Six thousand, no, eight thousand, at most eight thousand." Zhao Xiaomin insisted, eight thousand is the limit, and the school the three sisters are studying at is not cheap. In the past, there was no shortage of lines at the father's side, and he gave a lot, but Now the company is bankrupt and can only rely on itself.

Chu Xi said sarcastically: "Eight thousand is still spent by two people. Generally speaking, women spend more money because they need to buy bags and cosmetics, which not only make themselves more beautiful, but also make Su Nan more face in front of friends. A better bag costs several thousand yuan, cosmetics are not bad, and boys don’t need to spend money, if it is a boy who plays games, it is not uncommon to spend thousands of dollars on games every month.”

Zhao Xiaomin was a bit shocked. According to this, [-] yuan is not enough for her to spend. With Su Nan, she can't use high-quality imitation bags and cheap cosmetics like before. She can't compare with Chu Xi, a rich second generation. Too much inferior.

Is there any other way to make money?How can good luck make money?

Seeing that she was thinking seriously, Su Nan couldn't help but said, "I don't think I need someone to support me."

Chu Xi glanced at him, but didn't speak. She just heard that Zhao Xiaomin wanted to raise Su Nan, so she was a little jealous and hit Zhao Xiaomin on purpose.

But what Zhao Xiaomin said moved her a little bit. If she was allowed to raise Su Nan, would he agree?

Zhao Xiaomin soon stopped worrying about this issue. At least for now, she and Su Nan are both students, and there are not many places to spend money, but it is still enough.

After leaving the society, I can still work. Buying lottery tickets is completely extra income. Maybe my luck will get better in the future, and I can win bigger prizes.

But this needs to be punished many times, it seems that every time the punishment is completed, you will be rewarded?

Zhao Xiaomin immediately thought to herself, should she take the initiative to accept punishment in the future?

At eleven o'clock in the evening, Su Nan uploaded the written chapter and turned off the computer.

He turned to look at them who were bored on the bed.

Chu Xi is in an invisible state, but she can see her small buttocks imprint on the quilt. In the invisible state, the quilt on Gai's body has been removed, and it seems a little hot.

Zhao Xiaomin talked to Chu Xi several times before, but Chu Xi ignored her, and she didn't want to disturb Su Nan. She was lying on the bed and playing with his mobile phone, her two fair and slender legs unconsciously swaying towards Su Nan. The bottom of the skirt of the suspender pajamas is in a vacuum state.

Su Nan was short of breath, and the impulse that he had suppressed just now because he was addicted to writing novels rushed to his head in an instant, making him lost, and Chu Xi and Zhao Xiaomin were double temptations, and after several hours of recovery, the impulse came more violent.

Chu Xi noticed Su Nan's change, and his eyes fell on Zhao Xiaomin who was lying carelessly, and was so angry that he grabbed the pillow and hit her.

Zhao Xiaomin pushed away the pillow with a dazed face, and then saw Su Nan coming over and grabbing one of his legs, first stroked it with his hand, then bent down and pressed his lips on the delicate ivory-like instep, and he even stuck out his tongue to lick it. Licked, soft, wet feeling.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Zhao Xiaomin shuddered suddenly, a strong stimulus hit her, not only physically, but when she saw Su Nan kissing her feet, or in front of Chu Xi, she felt a strange feeling in her heart, as if it was very exciting.

But being treated like this in front of Chu Xi, she felt a little ashamed, and kicked Su Nan away.

Su Nan took a few steps back and saw Zhao Xiaomin's shy face before realizing what was going on, a little embarrassed: "I seem to have done something embarrassing."

"Foot control?" Chu Xi asked him in a strange voice.

"No, it's just a spur of the moment. We have class tomorrow. Let's go to bed."

It was late at this time, and she felt ashamed, so Su Nan pretended to go to the bathroom and left the room.

There was silence in the room for a while, and Chu Xi asked, "How does it feel to be licked?"

"This... doesn't seem to make much sense." Zhao Xiaomin said coyly.

Chu Xi gave her a disdainful look, and said mockingly, "You're such a slut."

"Why, I obviously didn't feel it when I said it." Zhao Xiaomin stared at Chu Xi dissatisfiedly, or stared at the air to be precise.

Chu Xi said: "Shouldn't the normal reaction be to feel sick? If you say you don't feel anything, that means you don't feel disgusted. Isn't it just a desire to be licked?"

"You're the one who likes to be licked, hmph!" Having said that, Zhao Xiaomin is really guilty. She deliberately let Su Nan lick herself several times, and she was careful not to be seen by Chu Xi, except that Chu Xi knew that she would be jealous. I also feel that it is embarrassing for Chu Xi to know this kind of sexual addiction.

Not wanting Chuxi to get entangled in this topic, Zhao Xiaomin wiped the saliva on the back of her feet with a tissue and asked, "What about tonight? I can sleep on my phone, but I'm afraid I'll leave you alone with Nan. You will lose your virginity tomorrow."

"You are quite experienced."

"...haha." With a dry laugh, Zhao Xiaomin said seriously: "I may end the punishment tonight, and you will be with Ah Nan every night. With our attraction to him, I don't think you can escape." Pass."

Seeing that Chuxi didn't make a sound, Zhao Xiaomin lowered her voice: "Actually, a man doesn't have to come for real, you can..."

She leaned close to Chu Xi and started whispering. Chu Xi, who was invisible, widened her eyes and looked at Zhao Xiaomin like a pervert, but her small face gradually became hot.

Su Nan came back soon, and Zhao Xiaomin shut up immediately, stood up and winked at Su Nan, "I'll go back first, Ah Nan, don't bully little Chuxi."

After speaking meaningfully, Zhao Xiaomin ran back to the phone.

Chu Xi stared at the screen of the phone, and the second dimension Zhao Xiaomin on the screen was still waving to her, which was a bit miraculous.

Su Nan was silent for a while, and said, "I'll sleep on the floor tonight, you sleep on the bed."

Before Chuxi could answer, she went to the closet and dug out the things inside, and spread them on the floor.

Chu Xi pulled the quilt to cover her body, quietly moved her hips to lie down in the middle of the bed, quietly watching Su Nan busy with work, she didn't want Su Nan to sleep on the floor, but she didn't know what to do.

Turning over, seeing Su Nan who was laying the floor suddenly stopped, slowly turning around and staring at him with fiery eyes, Chu Xi was startled, it turned out that turning over accidentally moved the position and appeared, because it became transparent when lying down just now, the body The quilt passed through her body, and now she is naked, lying on the bed and being boldly admired by Su Nan.

Chu Xi was a little shy, and quickly stood still waiting for her to disappear, but Su Nan, who was tempted by her, came over and grabbed her calf, and slowly dragged it.

The calf of a teenage girl is extremely slender. Su Nan holds it with one hand, and her body is also light. He drags it easily. Because one leg is lifted up, the girl's secret is revealed.

Chu Xi hurriedly pulled the quilt over her body, and said angrily, "Munan, what do you want to do to this little girl?"

"The president is not a young girl, but a relatively young girl, so there is no problem."

Su Nan took a breath and said, the girl's calf was as warm as jade, and it seemed to have a strange magic power when touched in his hand, which made his body hot, and an impulse was bred.

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