After a while, Zhao Junmin was full of people standing behind her. She was glad that she walked one step faster, otherwise she wouldn't be able to line up behind her sister's boyfriend.

Realizing her own thoughts, the girl's face turned pale. Just looking at the back of her sister's boyfriend, she couldn't help the urge to get closer, and then a little closer, her nostrils fluttered, and she took a deep breath of his smell, like sweat. The smell is mixed in, but it's not unpleasant at all.

The girl's pale face was slowly stained with a charming blush.

Su Nan secretly thought it was unlucky, it was just a little late today, all the queues were so long, it would take at least [-] minutes to get a meal.

He had no choice but to line up at the back of a line casually, and took out his mobile phone to watch the news. At this moment, the people behind him seemed to be squeezed by the people behind him, and a soft and small body bumped into him, and his hot breath sprayed on his back , passed through the clothes to the skin, making him a little uncomfortable.

With the softness of this body, it should be a woman, and she may still be in junior high school.

Su Nan didn't think too much, she just thought that the other party was careless, but after a few seconds, the other party still didn't leave, instead her breathing became short of breath, what's going on?

Su Nan was about to take a step forward when she suddenly heard the girl behind her say, "Senior, I'm sorry to bump into you."

The voice was calm and familiar, and then the girl took a step back and left him.

Su Nan looked back at Zhao Junmin in surprise: "So it's you, didn't you stay with my sister today?"

Zhao Junmin said without changing his face: "Our class teacher drags the class."

"Our class is the same." Su Nan nodded sympathetically.

Although he wanted to get closer to his girlfriend's sister, but seeing Zhao Junmin's indifferent face, he seemed not interested in talking, and what happened that day was like a thorn in Su Nan's heart, so after saying hello, he turned back and continued queuing.

The expression on Zhao Junmin's face melted like ice and snow, and she stared at her sister's boyfriend in shame, with a sense of immorality. She was indeed squeezed by the people behind her just now, but she deliberately threw herself on Su Nan to make contact with him Yes, she actually lost her mind and deliberately used her chest to fuck, but it was too peaceful, and her sister's boyfriend didn't seem to feel it.

After cooking, Su Nan glanced at the cafeteria, there were no seats left, and Zhao Junmin behind her also finished cooking, Su Nan said to her: "Let's go upstairs, your sister should be upstairs."

Zhao Junmin nodded silently.

When I came to the second floor, I didn't see Zhao Xiaomin, probably not in this cafeteria today. At this time, Su Nan felt embarrassed to find her classmates alone, pointed to the corner and said, "Let's go and sit over there."

She knew it was wrong, but Zhao Junmin still followed Su Nan with her feet recklessly, until she sat with him, then she lowered her head with a complicated expression, as if she felt guilty.

Privately having dinner with my sister's boyfriend or something.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Ah Nan, I found you, hey, you are here, Junmin."

A familiar voice sounded, Su Nan looked at Zhao Xiaomin, but Zhao Xiaomin looked at her little sister in surprise.

"Sister." Zhao Junmin's heart beat faster, but she greeted her sister calmly with a small face.

"We just met in line just now." Su Nan explained, and then asked her: "Why are you so late, I thought you ate."

"Our class is Tuotang." Zhao Xiaomin didn't care much about his sister sitting with Su Nan, sat down and asked him: "Did Ah Nan apologize to him?"

Knowing that she was referring to Chu Xi, it was difficult to speak so clearly in front of her sister.

Su Nan shook her head, thought for a while, and said, "Tonight, it's not convenient at school."

"I hope you'll still be in the mood to apologize then." Zhao Xiaomin said pointedly with the corners of her lips curled up.

"Am I this kind of person in your heart?" Su Nan was a little depressed.

The sister and her boyfriend were flirting, Zhao Junmin silently lowered her head and ate, feeling a little guilty in her heart, why, why did she do this to her sister's boyfriend?

She gave up on herself a little bit, and at the same time, the discomfort made her lose her mind.

Unknowingly, the delicate little feet in socks came off the shoes, touched Su Nan's calves, and even lifted his trousers to rub against them.

Su Nan stared at Zhao Xiaomin: "Don't make trouble."

This is the canteen, this girl dares to mess around, has she fallen to this level?

"Don't make trouble?" Zhao Xiaomin, who was buried in her food, raised her head and looked at him curiously.

Su Nan was startled for a while, then his expression became strange, and he shook his head: "It's nothing."

He pretended to lower his head to eat, but his heart was full of shock. Zhao Xiaomin was sitting on his left, but now his right foot was molested, and the person sitting on his right was Zhao Junmin who had been silent all along.

The jade feet wrapped in cotton socks were too small and exquisite, not Zhao Xiaomin's size at all.

Su Nan was stunned for a while, and secretly glanced at Zhao Junmin who was eating calmly beside him. He moved his feet away, but the other party immediately caught up.

Su Nan didn't dare to react too much, endured the feeling of being teased, and ate food like chewing wax, for fear of being discovered by Zhao Xiaomin, and when he was discovered, he would not be able to wash himself off by jumping into the Yellow River. Zhao Xiaomin definitely thought he was seducing her sister.

"Ah Nan, why aren't you talking?" Zhao Xiaomin looked at Su Nan strangely.

"What's there to say, there are so many people here." Su Nan said, the hot slender thighs under the table clamped his calves, and rubbed them gently. The smooth and delicate touch made him feel numb. What are you talking about? The mood is gone.

"I'm done eating, sister and senior, I'll go back first."

At this time, that delicate little foot was retracted, and Zhao Junmin also packed up the tableware and stood up.

"Are you full?" Zhao Xiaomin asked her sister.

"Well, full."

"Go back and have a good rest, don't doze off in the afternoon."

"Got it, sister." Very well-behaved.

Zhao Junmin walked away, looked back, and saw her sister and Su Nan talking and laughing, Su Nan looked at her while talking, his eyes were a little complicated.

Zhao Junmin guiltily avoided his sight, and walked away quickly, her back as if fleeing in despair.

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