After dinner, Su Nan and Zhao Xiaomin came to the activity room. Chu Xi came home at noon today, and there were only the two of them in this activity room.

As soon as he entered the door and sat down, Zhao Xiaomin snuggled into his arms, and the body had sex with Su Nan, making her completely regarded by him as Su Nan's woman.

Su Nan also hugged her intimately, but he didn't have that kind of mood. He wanted to remind Zhao Xiaomin that her sister was abnormal, but he didn't know how to say it. Finally, he sighed secretly and decided to meet Zhao Junmin less in the future.

Zhao Xiaomin's little hands fumbled in his pockets, making his thighs feel warm.

After a while, Zhao Xiaomin took out his mobile phone, unlocked it and clicked on the game, and saw two bodies lying side by side on the bed, one of which she used last night, but now it can't be used, it feels a pity .

The toughness and softness of this paper man's body are top-notch, and its resilience is also amazing. It can barely fight Su Nan for [-] rounds. If he uses the main body in the future, Zhao Xiaomin is a little worried that he can't stand it and can't satisfy Su Nan.

Su Nan didn't pay attention to this matter all the time, only now did she realize that Zhao Xiaomin's body possessed at night in the mobile phone has become untouchable.I'm a little surprised, it seems that the last time my senior was also a week ago, won't Zhao Xiaomin come by my side tonight?

He felt very sorry, but why didn't this game disappear, and could the body in it still be used in the future?

I don't know if it is possible to use these abnormal events around me. It must be very interesting if I can restore the two bodies in the phone.

"Ah Nan." Zhao Xiaomin put down her phone, sat on Su Nan's body with her legs spread apart, wrapped her arms around his neck and told him earnestly, "Little Chuxi is too small, don't bully her tonight."

Su Nan nodded, "I'm not that kind of person."

Zhao Xiaomin didn't believe it. She rolled her eyes at him and teased with a smile: "You said the same thing last night. Ah Nan could go to your parents' room to sleep last night, but she didn't. Did she think about doing something bad from the beginning?"

"There's no such thing. I'm just worried that Xiaowan will be suspicious if I live in my parents' room for no reason." Su Nan said seriously.

"Anyway, I can't trust Ah Nan. In order to prevent Ah Nan from bullying little Chuxi tonight, I have no choice but to..." Before finishing speaking, Zhao Xiaomin's pretty face flushed slightly, and she stared at him with winking eyes.

Su Nan's heart skipped a beat, and before he could say anything, Zhao Xiaomin slid down and knelt in front of him, and said in a low voice, "I have class this afternoon, so I can't be too messy, so I have to do this." The voice became vague.

Su Nan inserted her five fingers into her hair, and gently combed her soft hair. Zhao Xiaomin also fought hard for Chuxi, but considering the night, he did not refuse.

When both of them were a little intoxicated, Chu Xi opened the door and walked in, and was startled when he saw this scene.

The three of them stared at each other for a long time, and Su Nan choked out a sentence first: "The lock needs to be changed."

It's happened several times, although usually there is no one there, and it's our own people who broke in, but if there is that blind person running in, wouldn't it be the end?

Chu Xi looked at them with unpredictable expressions, seeming angry and shy at the same time.

Zhao Xiaomin rolled her eyes, and before Chuxi had an attack, she got up and ran over to hold her hand, and said solemnly, "For the safety of little Chuxi tonight, you also come to help, my mouth is sour."

Then he couldn't help but pull Chuxi towards Su Nan.

Chu Xi's beautiful eyes widened in disbelief at first, but after he realized that his face, which was so cute that it was a foul, quickly turned red, he struggled desperately, but his strength was not as strong as Zhao Xiaomin's. Zhao Xiaomin pushed him roughly in front of Su Nan, and was pressed to his knees Down.

"Wait, wait a minute..." His voice became indistinct before he finished speaking, but it was Zhao Xiaomin who pressed Chu Xi's head and pushed her down.

Su Nan was stunned. He thought it was the Shura field, but he didn't expect it to be Fuli in the end.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

In just an instant, Chu Xi reacted, broke free suddenly, and sat on the ground in a daze.

Of course, there was also the factor of Su Nan's quick reaction, because he found that Zhao Xiaomin's behavior was too much, and Chu Xi probably couldn't stand it, so he pushed Chu Xi away.

Before he could hide it, Chu Xi, who was sitting on the ground, stared blankly at a close distance, then shyly closed his eyes, as if he couldn't bear to look directly.

Su Nan had just pulled up the chain in embarrassment, and was about to comfort her, when Chu Xi suddenly stood up, not daring to look at him, glared at Zhao Xiaomin in embarrassment, and ran out blushing.

"Did I go too far?" Zhao Xiaomin blinked innocently.

"I think you should apologize to her immediately." Su Nan stared at her and said.

Zhao Xiaomin felt a little guilty, "Okay, but if she wants to avoid being bullied by you at night, that's the only way she can do it. I can't satisfy you by myself."

Su Nan pressed her temple and felt a headache: "Anyway, go and apologize to Chu Xi first, and pay attention to the scale when you are playing, I will sleep in another room at night."

"Oh, I'll go right away." Zhao Xiaomin ran out quickly as if afraid of being reprimanded by him.

Su Nan picked up her phone and was about to apologize to Chu Xi on WeChat, but after thinking about it, it's okay, Chu Xi is angry, so let Zhao Xiaomin go and confess first.

Then Su Nan rubbed his crotch with an uncomfortable face, wondering if Chu Xi was too nervous just now, biting him, it was a little uncomfortable, but fortunately, the strengthening of the body also included there, the hardness and toughness were good, it didn’t hurt badly .

Speaking of which, the feeling of being strengthened has been much less recently. The most recent one was when Zhao Junmin secretly rubbed his calf with her jade feet in cotton socks during a meal not long ago.

Su Nan felt very strange. At that time, he was only nervous and didn't feel like doing abnormal things. Why was he strengthened?

Moreover, he had done some very gentlemanly things with Chuxi, Zhao Xiaomin, and even senior sister before, no matter whether he was active or passive, but most of the time he didn't feel strengthened, but in the past two days, he had contact with Zhao Junmin.

My cheating finger is really confusing, the rules are unclear, and the effect is also unclear. It seems to be passive, and I don't know if it is related to the abnormal events that happened to the girls around me.

Su Nan thought about it.

At this moment, the door opened. Su Nan looked over and saw Chu Xi opening a crack in the door as if peeping inside. Seeing him looking over, Su Nan closed the door at once.

Didn't Zhao Xiaomin go look for her?why here?

Just thinking about it, Chu Xi pushed open the door and walked in calmly. If it wasn't for her still red ears and the fact that she was sitting far away from him, Su Nan really thought she had calmed down. On the king.

However, since Chu Xi ran back not long after running away, it means that she is not distraught about what happened just now. No matter how the relationship between them is not ordinary, they have done a lot of ambiguous actions, not to mention that Chu Xi has become That night on Fox, they played quite a lot of styles.

Sitting opposite Su Nan, Chu Xi took a sip of water from the water glass. Seeing that Su Nan seemed to be looking at his own mouth, he pursed his lips uncomfortably, swallowed the water, and looked away from the window.

It's a bit embarrassing, neither angry nor talking, and I don't know if she is very angry about what happened just now, what happened just now refers to the game he played with Zhao Xiaomin, not what Chuxi was forced to do by Zhao Xiaomin thing.

Su Nan said cheekily: "Xiao Min said she wanted to protect you, so she knew she was wrong when we did that, so she just ran out to apologize to you, didn't you see her?"

Well, this is the truth, let's not talk about how much selfishness he and Zhao Xiaomin have in their hearts.

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