After hesitating for a while, Chu Xi blushed slightly and said, "I'm hiding in the rinse my mouth."

I understand, after all, I kissed Zhao Xiaomin indirectly, so Chu Xi didn't dislike him for being dirty.

At this time Chu Xi took a deep breath, and said to him seriously: "Mu Nan, do you think that Zhao Xiaomin... is a bit strange recently."

"Uh, I don't feel anything." Su Nan didn't understand why Chu Xi suddenly came here.

"Is the Zhao Xiaomin now different from the one you first met?" Chu Xi seemed to be implying something.

Su Nan thought about it, when she first met Zhao Xiaomin, although she had a shy seiyuu duet with him within a few days, she was quite bold, but she was still a shy girl.

I don't know if I slept with him too much recently, and I have been trained to be uh... a hot weapon?It's not right, generally speaking, she has opened up a lot with him, and even some of the harsher behaviors were initiated by her.

It's not good to talk about Zhao Xiaomin with Chu Xi like this, Su Nan shook her head and said, "It's nothing different, it's just that we got to know each other well, some behaviors didn't think too much, and I just did it when I thought it was fun."

Thinking with the lower body for short, Su Nan added in his mind.

Chu Xi stared at Su Nan silently, as if saying, do you take me for a fool?

"Don't you think she's flattering you? A normal person would be flustered in the situation just now, but her first reaction was..."

Thinking of the humiliating incident just now, Chu Xi blushed and clenched her fists angrily.

Su Nan was stunned, and said: "At night, she and I are attracted to each other, maybe we are used to it, and our situation... Zhao Xiaomin's situation is a bit like a concubine in the ancient harem trying to please the emperor, it should be normal. "

"Munan, have we pampered you to be a scumbag?" Chu Xi said helplessly while holding his forehead, why did he feel so guilty, Su Nan was obviously not like this before.

"It's just a metaphor, but I'm really curious about your reasons for indulging me." Su Nan stared at Chu Xi curiously.

Chu Xi avoided his gaze and said:

"The transformation of a person is so big. I think it has something to do with her family environment. You should know her situation."

After hesitating for a while, Chu Xi continued: "Actually, it's not a bad thing, at least she didn't do anything wrong, and you are very happy together." There was a sour taste.

"It's just that this kind of unconditional flattery to you may be deliberate. She may really treat you as the emperor in the palace."

Chu Xi looked at Su Nan thoughtfully.

Su Nan was silent for a moment, then stood up: "Xiao Min has been away for so long, I will go find her."

Leaving the activity room, Su Nan frowned, did Zhao Xiaomin really try to please herself?

Chu Xi's words reminded Su Nan of the time when he struggled. Zhao Xiaomin spared no effort to persuade him to accept the fact that there were two girls who didn't care about anything and were willing to be his girlfriend, and even she herself was willing to make sacrifices.


As soon as he got near the stairs, Zhao Xiaomin ran up and ran to him, panting profusely with sweat, with a guilty expression on his face: "I didn't find Chu Xi, did she run home?"

This level of strenuous exercise must have run all over the school.

Su Nan grabbed the girl's arm and dragged Zhao Xiaomin upstairs without any explanation.

"Don't worry about Chu Xi's business, Xiao Min, follow me to a place."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Going up this building are some places that students don't usually use. Sometimes only when the school invites others to come to give lectures, students will come here, so the more you go up, the more remote, and Su Nan's goal is the roof.

After climbing several floors in one breath, Zhao Xiaomin, who was already a little tired, became even more tired. Her cheeks were flushed with post-exercise blush, the sweat on her forehead hadn't been wiped off, and even her palms were sweaty.

Su Nan stopped at the landing on the top floor, and then walked up a dozen stone steps, and there was an iron gate to the roof.

He put his hand into Zhao Xiaomin's pocket and fumbled. She was wearing tight jeans today, and she put her hand in her pocket against her thigh with a thin layer of material, feeling warm.

"Ah Nan, let's go find Chuxi." Zhao Xiaomin felt a little itchy, and said with a smile, but didn't intend to stop him.

She thought that Su Nan brought her here to do bad things, but Su Nan just took out a tissue from her pocket and wiped it on her face to help her dry the sweat off her face.

"We'll talk about Chuxi later." Su Nan wiped it off, put a sweaty finger in front of Zhao Xiaomin, and said, "Lick it clean."

Zhao Xiaomin glanced at him, then stretched out her pink tongue to lick his fingers, regardless of her own sweat on them, wet Su Nan's fingers.

Su Nan was stunned, but she didn't expect that she would really do it. When he came back to his senses, he ordered, "Kneel down."

Zhao Xiaomin knelt on the ground with his fingers in her mouth, and then continued to lick her fingers. She raised her head so that he could see her delicate and beautiful face, and her winking eyes were as seductive as silk.

Su Nan took a deep breath, retracted her fingers, took a step back, and continued to order: "Stand up."

Although Zhao Xiaomin was puzzled, she stood up and bent over to flick the dust off her knees.

"Take off your pants up to your knees."

Zhao Xiaomin straightened up her waist like Su Nan, then obediently unbuttoned her waistband and pulled down her jeans, like an egg whose shell was suddenly peeled off, revealing something wonderful.

She lifted up her clothes and turned around, so that her buttocks wrapped in panties pointed at Su Nan, she straightened her back, revealing a small white waist, her upper body leaned forward slightly, forming a beautiful arc with her hips.

She bit the hem of her clothes, propped her hands on the wall, and her posture was seductive, as if for the convenience of Su Nan, Su Nan saw that the color of her panties in the middle had darkened.

Su Nan sighed and confirmed some things. It was as if Zhao Xiaomin had been trained by him thousands of times, and obeyed him from heart to body.

He didn't hate this kind of feeling, on the contrary, he thought it was pretty good, but he was curious why Zhao Xiaomin was like this, and he cared about her psychological feelings, whether she forced himself or not.

Su Nan walked over to help her pull up her pants, buttoned them, and then her belt.

Zhao Xiaomin turned around and looked at her strangely, her cheeks puffed up slightly: "A Nan, are you playing tricks?"

There was a restless look in his eyes, and he didn't understand why Su Nan stopped suddenly. Could it be that he didn't do well enough?

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