"No, I suddenly want to chat with you."

Su Nan said, and Zhao Xiaomin let go of her frowning brows.

Su Nan pulled her to the stairs, and took out a tissue from her pocket to wipe the stone steps on the ground. Girls are convenient, and they always have tissues on their bodies. After doing bad things, they took out the tissues to wipe them clean.

He pulled Zhao Xiaomin to sit down, Zhao Xiaomin felt strange, but Su Nan wanted to chat with her, she was also very happy, and obediently snuggled into his arms.

After adjusting the sitting posture to make both of them more comfortable, Su Nan said, "Can you talk to me about your mother?"

Zhao Xiaomin fell silent, and after a while, she asked coyly, "Why did Ah Nan suddenly ask this?"

"Because I want to know about Xiao Min." Su Nan paused and said, "Xiao Min lived with her mother when she was a child. She may have the deepest influence on you. I want to know about her so that I can understand Xiao Min more deeply. Min."

Zhao Xiaomin raised the corners of her mouth happily, and leaned her head on his shoulder, her eyes lost in memories.

"Mom is just a woman from the countryside. At that time, patriarchy was very serious in the village. Grandma wanted to marry her to someone she didn't like, so she ran away. This was probably the most outrageous thing she did in her life. Later, my mother came to this city and met my father."

"At that time, my father seemed to be married to the owner of the company because of his relationship with the boss. He was not happy. He liked a very docile woman like my mother. They got together. My mother probably knew about my father's situation at that time. She knew My dad is not happy, I want to marry him, not only to find someone to rely on, but also really like my dad."

"My dad always wanted to have a boy, but because his wife had a problem with giving birth to a daughter, she couldn't bear children in the future. Probably, that's how our three sisters came to the world, because my mother wanted to fulfill my father's wish."

There is no grandiose event, just a simple woman who came to the city from the countryside, met a kind person who helped her when she was helpless, and became the mistress of that person.

In order to turn positive and to please the man, she desperately gave birth to a child. After the man returned to his family, she quickly dimmed as if she had lost her only support.

The things about Zhao Xiaomin's mother probably left a deep impression on the young Zhao Xiaomin, so much so that when she grew up, she met Su Nan and got to this point with him. She began to instinctively learn from her mother, and tried her best to please her man in order to keep her man. .

It doesn't have to be done deliberately, but she feels that she should do it, which is completely natural.

Although her father had to pay them alimony these years, a teenage girl who supported a family alone was also full of exhaustion in her heart. She hoped that she could have a support, which also aggravated the reasons for her doing so.

There is also the reason for the strange disease, Su Nan has become the person she can't live without for the rest of her life, just like the concubine in ancient times, the only way left is to please the emperor.

After Su Nan listened to it, she probably understood Zhao Xiaomin's distorted view of love, but she didn't try to persuade her not to be like this. As Chu Xi said, they all had a good life, and Zhao Xiaomin didn't force herself, it was just because she grew up. It is not something that can be done overnight to reverse the three views formed by the special environment and the influence of the mother.

Su Nan just decided not to let this girl down no matter what in the future, not to let her repeat her mother's mistakes, he is her only man, and he will never leave for the rest of her life.

"Ah Nan, does my behavior bother you? Do you...hate me like this." Zhao Xiaomin suddenly said worriedly, and turned to look at him, her crystal eyes glistening with tears, like fragile crystal balls.

Su Nan shook her head and said seriously: "No, I like you like this, it doesn't matter how flirty you are."

The girl threw herself into his arms with a smile, her body trembling slightly, she felt at ease under the comfort of Su Nan's palm, then raised her head and printed her wet lips on Su Nan's lips, exchanging saliva with each other.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"So, you never thought about correcting her?"

In the activity room, when the girl said this to Su Nan, her tone sounded a bit harsh.

"It's a bit difficult to correct this kind of three-view problem. Xiao Min is not a primary school student or junior high school student, and he is almost an adult."

Su Nan said seriously.

"I think you are so happy to get a hot weapon!" Chu Xi said sarcastically, unexpectedly angry.

Of course Su Nan knew why she was angry, and said embarrassingly, "I didn't intend to use this to do anything to Xiao Min, you think too much."

Chu Xi stared at him, Su Nan did not back down. After a while, Chu Xi sighed and rubbed his temples: "Forget it, I am also responsible for you becoming like this, I don't blame you."

"Wait, what's going on with your sudden sinful appearance? I really don't plan to use Xiao Min's obedience to me to control her. I haven't thought about all kinds of shameful play! Don't get me wrong! My character!"

Chu Xi's sigh made Su Nan very dissatisfied. He really didn't plan to do anything. What's wrong with having an obedient and considerate girlfriend? Isn't it the wish of many men? Chu Xi is clearly jealous.

Chu Xi looked at him as if looking at a pervert.

After school in the afternoon, Chu Xi pushed open the door of the activity room, saw Zhao Xiaomin standing behind the door, and bowed deeply to himself: "I'm sorry, I didn't think about what happened at noon, and I won't do it again."

"I didn't expect you to apologize." Chu Xi was a little surprised.

"Excessive, I'm not the kind of person who makes trouble without reason, what's wrong with apologizing? Besides, Chu Xi, you opened my legs to look at my membrane last time, wasn't it even more excessive?"

Zhao Xiaomin straightened her waist, and said a little dissatisfied.

"Is this how you apologize?" Chu Xi said immediately.

The corner of her mouth twitched, Zhao Xiaomin bent down again, and said sincerely, "Sister Chuxi, I know I was wrong, please forgive me."

Chu Xi didn't think about embarrassing Zhao Xiaomin, and nodded, "I see that you are apologetic this time, I will let it go, but you and Su Nan should restrain themselves, and don't use this place as a gun room every time."

Zhao Xiaomin blushed slightly: "It's not a gun room, we've never done it here..."

Seeing Chu Xi's face suddenly changed, Zhao Xiaomin remembered that Chu Xi had warned him not to have sex with Su Nan, and something bad happened for a while, so he quickly changed his words: "I mean, I didn't have sex with Ah Nan except during the punishment period." Had a relationship, let alone be here."

Chu Xi's face softened, and after thinking about it, she said, "As a condition for me to forgive you, you are not allowed to date Su Nan these few nights."

At noon, Su Nan and Zhao Xiaomin had a heart-to-heart talk and solved some problems. Usually in game comics and novels, the hero and heroine will fall in love quickly at this time, and it is even a prelude to overthrow the heroine.

Chu Xi wanted to prevent this, so that Zhao Xiaomin would not sacrifice himself desperately if he was moved.

Zhao Xiaomin thought it was too late, but she still agreed seriously: "I won't, and because of you recently, Ah Nan is reluctant to go out."

The tone suddenly became ambiguous, Zhao Xiaomin looked at Chu Xi with jealousy in his eyes, Chu Xi's cheeks were bright red, and he didn't talk to him.

She closed the door, walked to the seat and sat down, then took out the book and began to read.

Although it seems that her mind has become more flexible recently, and her study has become easier, reading is still her hobby. As for this is an activity room and a place for club activities, she will not care about it for the time being.

Zhao Xiaomin rolled her eyes, and moved a chair to sit next to Chu Xi. Chu Xi frowned, but Zhao Xiaomin didn't seem to see it, and said worriedly: "Although I was wrong at noon, let Ah Nan vent her energy during the day, and she can't bully her when she goes back at night. Man, I think this method is very good, otherwise little Chuxi will suffer at night."

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