Chu Xi said deeply, put the phone in the bag after speaking, turned to Su Nan with a smile and said, "Let's go, let's go to the activity room to watch a play."

Chu Xi looked a little happy, and Su Nan didn't object. Chu Xi's face has been smiling more and more recently, which is probably a good thing. At least she didn't become sad because of him, but she was happier than before.

Su Nan felt a sense of satisfaction in her heart.

The two came to the activity room. As soon as Su Nan sat down, Chu Xi moved a chair and sat next to him, then took out his mobile phone and put it on the conference table. Although he didn't call Su Nan, he put it like this to let him see it too. arrive.

Before Chu Xi told Zhao Xiaomin not to hang up the call, Su Nan knew what Chu Xi wanted to do, and now she was a little interested, so she watched it together.

The picture is dark, probably in a pocket or bag, but the sound can be heard.

Lu Ying: "I tell you something."

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Su Nan felt that Lu Ying's voice seemed a little embarrassed at the moment, probably because Zhao Xiaomin is a younger sister, so her extraordinary conversational ability could not be brought into play.

"Eh??" Zhao Xiaomin was surprised, and she was stunned for a moment before she said forcefully, "What... what happened."

As expected of the sisters, they acted exactly the same.

"It's not convenient here, you come with me." Lu Ying seemed to have calmed down, and proposed to change the venue.

"What's the matter?"

"It's about Su Nan."

"Oh, where are you going?"

"Let's go to the women's toilet."

Hearing this, Chu Xi commented: "Your sex slave really cares about you."

Su Nan was speechless for a while, and just about to refute, Chu Xi said in a low voice, "Shut up, they're in the toilet."

isn't that what you are talking about?

Reminded by Chu Xi, Su Nan had no choice but to refocus.

After entering the toilet, I heard Zhao Xiaomin say: "I'm a little urgent to urinate, so I need to go to the toilet first."

Then there was the sound of opening and closing the door, followed by a strange sound of water crashing, and the sound was unexpectedly loud. It seemed that Zhao Xiaomin had endured it for a while.

The two of them in the activity room were a little embarrassed. They didn't expect Zhao Xiaomin to be so careless. She probably completely forgot that she was still on a video call with Chu Xi.

Since one side can hear the other side, but Lu Ying is there, so Chu Xi didn't make a sound to remind him, but he didn't hang up either.

The sound of the water crashing just stopped, and then there was a new one, but the sound was softer, as if it came from the next door, and Lu Ying's voice sounded at the same time: "Are you dating Su Nan?"

Chu Xi turned to look at Su Nan who was getting more and more embarrassed, but still didn't hang up.

"It's none of your business." Zhao Xiaomin said with puffed cheeks.

"Su Nan is getting entangled with a girl named Chu Xi in our class. He is a scumbag, you'd better leave him." Lu Ying warned, talking with Zhao Xiaomin through a board.

"Uh, how did you know that?"

"I accidentally saw them having a tryst at noon, wait,'re not angry?"

"An adulterer and an adulterer." Zhao Xiaomin muttered in a low voice, and then said, "You'd better leave the matter between me and Ah Nan alone!"

"He's a scumbag, you should break up with him." Lu Ying persuaded.

"I won't break up with him."

"Why?" The monitor was surprised.

"I said you don't care about it. Even if Ah Nan has other women, that's my business and has nothing to do with you. You came to me just to talk about it? Boring, I'll go first."

There was a rustling sound, Zhao Xiaomin seemed to be putting on pants.

"Wait a moment!"

"What's the matter?"

"Please give me... some paper."

"Hey! Did you take a shit?"

"No! It's just... just wipe it off."

"It's all about peeing all over your butt, right? It's all girls who are reserved, and girls are always like this? Why don't you bring paper?"

"I just... forgot to bring it!" The monitor's voice became embarrassing and indignant, as if the disgust from the strange sister made her feel very ashamed.

"Here you are." Zhao Xiaomin proudly rewarded the strange sister with a piece of paper, and stretched it from the bottom.

"Are you really not going to break up?"

"It's all said, don't worry about it." Zhao Xiaomin said impatiently, then fell silent for a while, and asked, "Hey, why did you come here to study at that time?"

After a while, Lu Ying said: "I heard...he has several daughters, I want to come and have a look."

Zhao Xiaomin stopped talking and left the women's room.

"It's bad, I forgot to turn off the video call!" The girl screamed suddenly on the way.

Chu Xi hung up the call, and the two looked at each other, slightly embarrassed.

Then Chu Xi picked up the chair and ran from Su Nan's side to the opposite of Su Nan.

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