Su Nan said speechlessly: "Why, I won't do anything to you?"

Do you think he will be impulsive when he hears the voice?

Chu Xi stared at him: "Noon..."

Feeling choked, Su Nan sighed and said, "Obviously I said that I can treat you like I did to Xiao Min."

The girl blushed slightly, and turned her head as if she didn't dare to look at him directly. An embarrassed voice came: "I'm not very good at dealing with shyness, but that feeling is not fake."

The small voice contained the girl's heart.

Su Nan asked: "So, should I be more proactive?"

The girl stopped answering.

Su Nan looked at Chu Xi's cheeks that suddenly turned rosy, and his eyes were watery and bright, full of charming brilliance.

Su Nan felt his heart pounding, but Zhao Xiaomin was coming here at this moment, and there wasn't enough time.

It's just that in this situation, Su Nan felt that the person who did nothing was a fool, even if it was only for a few minutes, he would do it.

Standing up and walking to Chu Xi, her body trembled slightly, she raised her head to look at him, her pretty face was dripping green.

Su Nan held her face with both hands and gently stroked it, bent down, and kissed the girl's moist lips.

The girl blushed and closed her eyes.

The 17th Chapter [-] fell to the ass

The door opened, ignoring the two people who were kissing, Zhao Xiaomin went to sit on the opposite side as if nothing had happened, then stared at them curiously, and said in surprise: "It turns out that Chu Xi can also stick out her tongue, I thought she just wanted to be like a log in a daze. "

Su Nan straightened up in embarrassment, returned to her seat and sat down. Chu Xi looked out of the window, her cheeks flushed slightly, and she didn't answer Zhao Xiaomin's question.

Zhao Xiaomin didn't care, and asked Chuxi, "You know that guy will come to me, right? She found out about our matter, what should I do?"

She looked a little worried.

Seeing that she didn't continue to tease him, Chu Xi breathed a sigh of relief, and replied, "She won't tell others. As for the rest, we just ignore it."

Zhao Xiaomin looked at her strangely and asked, "Do you know that guy?"

"do not know."

Su Nan thought to herself, how could they not know each other because they were all classmates, maybe they knew each other before, and for some reason they became what they are today?

Su Nan didn't ask Chuxi what was wrong with her and Lu Ying. The most important thing now is that Lu Ying found out about them. To be precise, Lu Ying only knows that he is on two boats, but those two boats have no regard for him. Behave as angry as you should.

Probably Squad Leader Lu will not ignore this matter, and he can foresee that he will be hostile to her in the future, or persuade the scum to be good, and save Silly Baitian (Chu Xi and Zhao Xiaomin).

When this happened, apart from Chu Xi, Su Nan and Zhao Xiaomin had nothing to worry about, and the three of them went home early.

They left the activity room together and then walked out of the building. On the way, they met Squad Leader Lu who seemed to be preoccupied. Squad Leader Lu was stunned when he saw the three of them walking together. He seemed surprised and stood there staring blankly.

Su Nan beckoned to the class monitor from a distance, and quickly took the two girls out of the campus.

Lu Ying came back to her senses with a confused look on her face, why did the three of them seem to have a good relationship?Could it be that when Su Nan was dating one of Chu Xi and Zhao Xiaomin, he kept hiding from the other?But today she has already told them the truth, why do the three of them seem so harmonious?

Lu Ying was puzzled.

In the evening, when Su Nan came home, she subconsciously glanced at Qin Xiaowan's door.

The door of her room was closed, and with her enhanced hearing ability, Su Nan could hear a faint, charming voice coming from Qin Xiaowan's room.

His complexion suddenly became a little strange. He thought it was just the sound of Qin Xiaowan practicing yoga, but now it seems that it is not that simple.

Does Qin Xiaowan look at his nude photos and videos every day to lust for self-defense?

Su Nan sighed, absolutely pretending not to hear, and went into the kitchen to cook.

Originally, this kind of matter should be clearly explained to Qin Xiaowan face to face. Qin Xiaowan is only in junior high school and is immature in all aspects. Wrong things should be corrected as soon as possible, but she is too ashamed to say it at all.

And once it is broken, Su Nan doesn't know how to face Qin Xiaowan, Qin Xiaowan's mother, and her own parents. If she doesn't handle it well, the problem will be very serious.

While frying the vegetables, someone patted his back lightly.

Su Nan looked back, there was no one, and she was going to continue cooking, hey, no, Xiao Chuxi is here.

He turned around and stretched out his hand to touch it, and sure enough, he touched the entity. It was smooth skin, er, and it felt soft, as if he had touched a very delicate place.

The girl opened his hand with a "snap", and took a step back subconsciously, showing her figure. Xiao Chuxi quickly shrank her body and squatted down with her hands in front of her, her face flushed.

Su Nan also had shortness of breath, but Chu Xi quickly disappeared, making him more sober.

After turning off the stove, Su Nan said to the air, "Follow me."

He walked in front, firstly, if Qin Xiaowan came out, he could help cover up, and secondly, in order not to see Xiao Chuxi's naked body.

Little Chuxi stood up with a blushing face, silently followed behind Su Nan, staring nervously at his back, worried that he would suddenly turn around and look at her.

Suddenly, Qin Xiaowan's door opened, and Qin Xiaowan stepped out.

Su Nan stopped suddenly, but Xiao Chuxi was startled, and quickly stepped forward to hide behind Su Nan. Fortunately, she is very petite now, and Su Nan can completely block her.

Qin Xiaowan's eyes fell on Su Nan's face, she blushed slightly, her eyes drifted to the side and muttered, "Why are you standing here? Are the vegetables cooked?"

Only then did Su Nan realize that she was standing in front of Qin Xiaowan's room door, because this was the only way to go back to the room.

At this time, Xiao Chuxi had entered the invisible state, and he said: "I am cooking, you can go into the kitchen and help me take a look, I will go to the bathroom first."

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