This reason is normal, Qin Xiaowan nodded without doubt, turned and walked to the kitchen.

Su Nan whispered, "Go back by yourself, I'll watch."

He deliberately turned his back to Chuxi to make it easier for her to move.

Chuxi took a breath, and walked quickly to Su Nan's room. I don't know if it was because he was walking too fast, or his little body was not used to it, so little Chuxi fell on the road.

The voice was a bit loud, which startled Su Nan. Looking back, he saw Xiao Chuxi lying on the ground. He couldn't move his eyes from Xiao Chuxi, because Xiao Chuxi was not invisible at the moment, and attracted him.

"Did you fall?" Qin Xiaowan's voice came from the kitchen, looking worried.

Su Nan came to her senses and replied, "It's nothing serious."

While watching Xiao Chuxi get up and walk towards her room nervously, she might be too afraid of being discovered, she didn't notice Su Nan watching at all.

When Xiao Chuxi entered the room, Su Nan breathed a sigh of relief, and then became a little worried. Xiao Chuxi's skin is delicate, so the fall just now must have hurt her.

At this time Qin Xiaowan walked out of the kitchen, looked him up and down, seemed to see if he was injured, and said strangely: "Didn't you go to the toilet?"

"Going right now."

After dinner, Su Nan slipped back into the room, saw the arch on the bed, and said, "I took some medicine, you can wipe it off yourself."

Su Nan walked over, and when he got close, he could even hear Xiao Chuxi's nervous breathing. He felt a little impulsive, but he suppressed it forcefully, put the potion in front of Xiao Chuxi, and quickly backed away.

After a moment of silence, Xiao Chuxi said in a tender voice, "No need."

Su Nan frowned: "You were thrown just now."

"Probably...not very serious."

How could it not be serious at that level, probably because you have to move your body.

"I am going out."

"I can't get enough..."

Su Nan was startled, suddenly realized what she understood, and said, "I'll help you."

"You can't help it." Chu Xi said nervously.

"I can't see you in pain. Did you fall on your back or your butt?" Su Nan approached step by step and asked softly.

Little Chuxi lowered her head in embarrassment: "...all of them."

"It hurts?"

Su Nan was sitting on the bed, holding the potion, Xiao Chuxi turned her back to him, the quilt wrapped her body, only her back was exposed.

She moved, and her whole body appeared, and a piece of her fair back turned blue, which was serious, no wonder she was willing to ask Su Nan to help.

Su Nan put his fingers on the girl's smooth back and rubbed it lightly. The wonderful touch made his blood boil, and the beast in his heart seemed to break out of the cage.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Su Nan took a deep breath of the impulsive feeling under the air pressure, because Xiao Chuxi became invisible again, so he could only use his memory to rub the potion on her.

"Hmm!" Chu Xi mumbled, as if she was in pain, and the feeling of being touched made her cheeks blush again.

"Does it hurt?" Su Nan asked, his voice was a little strange.

"Normal." Xiao Chuxi said shyly.

After wiping the wound on her back, Su Nan gritted her teeth and said, "Get down."

"Uh, there's no need there, the injury isn't serious." The girl hurriedly whispered embarrassingly.

"I saw it before, and the injury is quite serious." Su Nan lost his mind a little, and insisted that Xiao Chuxi was very attractive to him. If she hadn't considered that she was injured, she couldn't help it under this situation Let's do it.

"The look in your eyes makes me feel a little dangerous, so I don't need it." The girl gritted her teeth and said, even if she didn't look back, she could still feel the hot gaze behind her, and her jade back felt numb, and she didn't know if it was the effect of the potion.

"You also want to get close to me, otherwise why did you agree to let me help you?" Su Nan smiled, stroking the air with her hand, from top to bottom, drawing a beautiful arc and then knocking off the bed sheet, the bed sheet There is a not too big, but very attractive state.

The girl shuddered, pretending to be indifferent, and said: "I'm just asking for help. Why can you think of so many things, Mu Nan? Are you really a scumbag?"

Breathing is a little short.

"Didn't you cause this?" Su Nan said, pressing the back of her hand against the sheet, squeezing in slightly, experiencing the feeling of being pressed.

Chu Xi frowned, her cheeks flushed, "It hurts a bit."

Su Nan woke up and retracted her hand, "Sorry, I was too impulsive."

Chu Xi sighed: "I don't blame you, my body is too bad, do you still... help me?"

In the end, her voice became shy, as if she had made up her mind.

"Yeah." Su Nan nodded with red eyes.

"..." After a moment of silence, the girl said, "Turn your back first."

Su Nan turned her back, and then heard a rustling sound behind her, after a while she whispered: "It's ok."

Su Nan turned back, and there was a human mark on the bed. Judging from the shape, Xiao Chuxi seemed to be lying on her stomach.

"Can you see the human seal? Just look at the right me." Xiao Chuxi whispered softly, full of shyness. She couldn't imagine that she would do such a thing, but she also understood the reason. That's because her body has an instinct that makes her unconsciously attract this man.

This feeling of seducing Su Nan made the girl feel very ashamed.

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