Holding her breath, Su Nan put some liquid medicine on her hand and put it a little higher from the bed sheet.


"Oh, sorry."

After stopping to experience it for a while, Su Nan adjusted the angle and height of his hand, and when he heard the sound of the girl breathing in, he knew it was an injury, so he wiped the medicine in his hand on it.

A trace of water is suspended in mid-air, with a beautiful arc, and it looks sparkling under the light, giving it an inexplicably silvery feeling.

Su Nan stared fixedly for a while, then accidentally turned her hand away.

"You did it on purpose!" The girl's voice trembled, but unexpectedly she didn't stop his behavior. Instead, Su Nan heard some of her thoughts from her voice.

The angle of the hand became more and more deviated, and Su Nan's other hand also moved, moving up and down a little above the leg print.

The girl fell silent.

Su Nan moved more and more aggressively, and gradually he heard some strange voices.

He put the potion aside, climbed onto the bed and lowered his head to stare greedily at the body print on the bed, and pushed it a little, making little Chuxi appear.

A pillow was thrown suddenly, accompanied by a shy shout: "Don't touch me."

Su Nan stopped her actions and didn't move any more. Seeing Chu Xi disappear, it was just that he felt a little uncomfortable. What should I do?He just took off his pants.

Chu Xi was startled when she looked back, but she didn't dare to move, and appeared as soon as she moved, which would attract Su Nan even more.

Then Su Nan climbed up.

"You don't think that way, do you?" Chu Xi asked nervously in disbelief, but there was a trace of expectation in her voice that she didn't realize.

Su Nan was silent for a while, climbed down again, lay on the bed, pulled the quilt over to cover himself and the human print on the bed, and then hugged the ball of air, he hugged the air tightly, as if to let it blend into himself in the body.

Su Nan became more and more impulsive. His thoughts at this time were that although the two sides did not match in size, it did not mean that they could do nothing. Moreover, he found that Chu Xi was also being influenced by him, and he even felt a pair of invisible legs close together. Tightly please yourself.

Su Nan lifted the quilt, and there was nothing in her arms, but the feeling in her arms was real and wonderful.

His gaze moved down along the human print on the bed, and came to the position of the leg print. It seemed that something floated in mid-air and was slightly trembling by something.

Embarrassment appeared on Su Nan's face, and he quickly took out a tissue to wipe off the things in midair.

After a long time, Chu Xi commented helplessly: "You are really bad." But more shyness.

"You took the initiative first." Su Nan retorted.

"Do you want to shirk responsibility even for this kind of thing? It's too bad."

"Well, it's my fault."

He lay down and kissed the air, as if he was kissing something, and then felt a light thump on his chest, and then the air was slowly responding to him.

Calm down, although Su Nan is a little sorry, she is more happy.

He hugged Chuxi, tried not to move her body, and announced, "I'll sleep here tonight."

"No, I feel that my virginity will be threatened." Xiao Chuxi immediately objected.

Su Nan put her hand behind her back to comfort her, and said softly: "I won't, I won't do that, but I can only see Xiao Chuxi once in my life, maybe only seven days, I will Don't want to miss it."

"I always feel that Mu Nan's speech is so perverted. Fortunately, I didn't meet you when I was a child." Chu Xi said strangely, without much anger in his heart, but smiled.

"I'm not a pervert, I just happen to like Chuxi. I like Chuxi from childhood to adulthood to old age. Even the little Chuxi, I don't have the slightest resistance to her." Su Nan The voice became more and more gentle, and the breath sprayed against the girl's ears, making her body soften.

"Then... don't do perverted things to me."

"What about normal intimacy?"

"What is normal?"

"It's what you said that you can treat you like Xiao Min."

"Can you really handle this body?"

"There is no difference to me, but because it is not the main body, I can feel at ease. Besides, it is just a junior high school student."

The girl stopped answering, lying quietly in Su Nan's arms, a shy thought flashed in her heart, it was just a temporary body, maybe it could be used to get used to it.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

When the bell rang, Su Nan picked up the phone and looked at it. It was a video call from Zhao Xiaomin. He didn't know whether to answer it or not.

"Why didn't you answer?" Chu Xi asked with interest, clicked to accept, and whispered in his ear, "Don't say I'm by your side."

Su Nan felt speechless, and had no choice but to hint to Zhao Xiaomin by blinking that although they were all close to him and knew each other's existence, it was better to refrain from making out with another person in front of one person. wonderful.

But Zhao Xiaomin misunderstood what he meant, and blinked as if hinting at her, and made a small complaint: "Ah Nan is too eager."

But she still lifted up her clothes. She seemed to have just taken a shower, and she was wearing a nightgown with suspenders. After doing that, she exposed her beautiful figure.

Then Zhao Xiaomin pointed the camera at her chest, and said slightly embarrassedly: "Do you want to touch this place? Actually, I don't really want to do it. Although I can feel it through the screen, Ah Nan doesn't feel it. It's a bit boring."

Su Nan was ashamed, and Chu Xi in her arms seemed to have become colder.

Chu Xi was a little dissatisfied with Zhao Xiaomin's behavior. Unexpectedly, Zhao Xiaomin often chatted naked with Su Nan. Judging by Zhao Xiaomin's familiarity, it was definitely not the first time he did such a thing.

It's just that Zhao Xiaomin's words made her suspicious again, why did she feel through the screen?Did Zhao Xiaomin say this to please Su Nan?But what does it mean that Su Nan didn't feel it?

This strange way of chatting should be because the two parties only have stimulating psychological feelings, and stimulate each other through dialogue. Isn't Su Nan interested in this?But this game seems to be initiated by Su Nan again. If he is not interested, will he take the initiative?

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