Zhan Weiling can't stop these things, she can bear it, just treat it as Su Nan whoring outside, as long as she doesn't pour out her feelings.

But the only thing she can't accept is becoming Su Nan's harem. She proudly wants to get back what she once lost, and also hopes that the person she likes will also like her completely.

Everything is Chuxi and Zhao Xiaomin's fault. If they don't make such a decision, then everyone will be rivals in love, or they will just take advantage of Su Nan's relationship.

Rivals in love can never compromise, and Su Nan can only choose one person to give her sincerity.

Now because of the connivance of Chu Xi and Zhao Xiaomin, Su Nan is used to it, and even fell in love with the feeling of hugging left and right. Zhan Weiling even felt resentful in her heart. She will not give up, and will try her best to surpass Chu Xi and Zhao Xiaomin. Being together holds a lot of weight in Su Nan's heart.

Zhan Weiling gently stroked Su Nan's face, and said, "Xiao Nan doesn't need to feel guilty, senior sister won't blame you, can you accept senior sister with peace of mind?"

Zhan Weiling covered Su Nan's mouth with her hand, and said with a smile, "Even if you refuse, I won't stop."

Although he was smiling, his eyes were firm.

Su Nan stared at her senior with a complicated expression, then nodded, that's it, passively accept all this.

He understands that no matter whether it is the senior sister, Chu Xi, or Zhao Xiaomin, there are reasons for being so persistent and even conniving with him, maybe it has something to do with his specialness, but he doesn't intend to ask the reason from them, it seems impossible thing.

Zhan Weiling smiled, suddenly, she turned her head and looked behind her, it was empty, but she was thoughtful.

"Xiao Nan, let's go to your room."

Zhan Weiling leaned close to Su Nan's ear and said softly, her voice sounded faintly charming, and without giving the junior a chance to refuse, she dragged him out of the kitchen and back to the room.

Like a marionette, Su Nan was brought back to the room, staring blankly at the senior sister closing and locking the door, and then she dragged her to the bed and sat down.

Then Zhan Weiling stared closely into his eyes and stroked his face, her eyes were so gentle that Su Nan didn't dare to look directly into her eyes, for fear of disappointing her love for him.

"Xiao Nan..." Zhan Weiling blushed slightly, but said firmly: "Although it's wrong to do this kind of thing in the third year of high school, the senior has changed her mind recently and wants to experience the feeling of being in love. I hope you can help me."

"Uh, how can I help?" Although she asked this question, in fact, Su Nan was already thinking about it, and it seemed to be a very ambiguous matter?

"Just to help me experience love, such as dating." Zhan Weiling said solemnly: "Do some things that couples should do, let me experience that feeling, Xiao Nan must be very good at it."

Su Nan retorted: "I'm not good at it at all."

"The senior sister is happier, we can become good together." Zhan Weiling said with a smile on her face, with anticipation in her eyes.

"Senior year...it's not good to do this kind of thing."

The senior sister said seriously: "It's because I'm in the third year of high school that I want to do it. The beauty of puppy love in high school will never be experienced after passing it. It's a pity, Xiao Nan, can you promise me?"

The senior sister looked at herself pitifully, as if she would be very disappointed if she didn't agree, and would not be able to experience the sweet and sour puppy love.

Su Nan swallowed, unable to refuse her pleading senior sister, nodded: "If senior sister wishes, I will try my best to help."

The senior sister showed a vixen-successful... er, no, it was a satisfied smile, and then she smiled solemnly and said, "Then let's start with kissing, Xiao Nan, you... take the initiative, senior sister is not very familiar with it."

She smiled and blinked, then blushed and closed her eyes again.

The corner of Su Nan's mouth twitched slightly, the senior sister was pretending to be innocent, so green tea... no, she was so cute, they had never experienced any kind of kiss in those seven nights.

Looking at the upturned senior with a flushed face, Su Nan's heartbeat accelerated, as if uncontrollably she moved her face towards her and kissed the two thin lips of the senior, the senior actually pretended to be innocent Similarly, she remained motionless and let him kiss, very bluntly, until she was aroused, and then she responded clumsily.

After the kiss, Su Nan stayed away from her senior, looked at her beautiful face that had become delicate, and jokingly asked, "Is this okay? Senior."

The senior sister opened her eyes and looked at him, her pupils seemed to be covered with mist, shining brightly, she said shyly, "This is the most common kiss, it's not the same as what senior sister saw in the movies."

"What kind of movie did senior sister watch?" Su Nan asked back.

"Hmm... Be more enthusiastic. Do you stick out your tongue? Senior sister forgot." Zhan Weiling said with a smile.

Su Nan's heart was pounding, and he approached again. This time, he acted more enthusiastically according to the senior sister's expectation, sticking out his tongue to seduce the senior sister, so that the senior sister couldn't help but do the same as himself.

The two were kissing passionately, and Qin Xiaowan stood outside the door with an angry expression on her face. Without thinking about it, she knew that Zhan Weiling must be seducing Su Nan, and she must stop it!

Suddenly, the door opened, and Zhan Weiling came out with a seductive blush on her face, saw Qin Xiaowan standing at the door, smiled as usual and said: "My computer is broken, let me use it for Xiaonan, Xiaowan, are you okay? ? Do you want to go back and lie down for a while?"

Qin Xiaowan was stunned for a moment, feeling angry, did Zhan Weiling take her for a fool?

Just seeing Su Nan coming out, she didn't know what to do for a while, she was stunned for a while and said, "It's nothing, where are you going?"

She found that Zhan Weiling and Su Nan seemed to be going out.

"Go out to buy groceries, and then cook for lunch." Zhan Weiling replied.

"Two people?"

"Is there something wrong? Xiao Nan helped me carry things." Zhan Weiling asked strangely.

Qin Xiaowan wanted to say more, but Su Nan interrupted her, "I have to buy a lot of vegetables, and it's a bit troublesome for senior sister to carry things by herself. I'll accompany her out for a while, Xiaowan, you are not in good health, go back and rest."

Qin Xiaowan clenched her pink fist, but let it go, nodded and walked back to the room.

Zhan Weiling looked at Su Nan in surprise, and Su Nan asked, "Is there something wrong?"


The two went out immediately.

In the room, Qin Xiaowan felt a little angry and frustrated, why so many people blocked her revenge plan.

After a moment of sadness, Qin Xiaowan's eyes suddenly became firm. As long as she becomes Su Nan's wife, she will have the time to avenge Su Nan for the rest of her life. Under this premise, she wants to satisfy Su Nan's fantasy of a future wife. She is still young. , is still growing, she wants to change, to become what Su Nan likes.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

At the vegetable market, the senior sister was selecting ingredients, and bargaining with people by the way, Su Nan who received the call walked away.

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