
"Ask for leave today? Is there anything at home?" It was Chu Xi's voice.

"Well, Xiao Wan is sick, and I have to take care of her."

"Then I won't bother you." Then Chu Xi hung up the phone.

Before Su Nan could put the phone in his pocket, Zhao Xiaomin's call came again.

"Ah Nan, you didn't come to school today, are you feeling unwell?"

"It's not me, it's my Xiaowan who is not feeling well."

"Hey, it's not that Ah Nan was squeezed dry by little Chuxi."

Su Nan was speechless, can Xiao Chuxi's body squeeze him dry?No, what should be most concerned is not this, but Zhao Xiaomin actually said such a thing, hey, what a pure girl she used to be.

"Then I won't disturb you anymore, take good care of my sister and come to school early."

"Well, see you in the afternoon."

After hanging up the phone, Su Nan stared at the phone in a daze.

The senior came around from behind, stood in front of him, stared at him with interest and asked, "Do you feel guilty?"

"Probably..." Su Nan smiled wryly.

Distress flashed in Zhan Weiling's eyes, she leaned closer and kissed him, and said in a low voice, "They won't blame you, they also want me to join, it's just that the senior doesn't agree, Xiao Nan can blame me if she wants to."

Su Nan looked weird, shook her head and said, "Senior sister, can we not talk about this issue? Is the grocery shopping ready?"

He got all the benefits. The girls are innocent, and they are the ones who hurt the most. Su Nan can't enjoy all this with peace of mind, and finally blames them for the reason.

"No, it's still quite close, Xiao Nan, help me get things." Zhan Weiling smiled and stuffed things into his hands, without talking about what happened just now.

Although it was only ten o'clock in the morning when we got home, the senior sister had already started preparing lunch, and Su Nan was helping out. The way the two cooperated with each other was full of dog food, which made Qin Xiaowan, who had nothing to do to supervise outside, very upset.

The senior sister went to school just after lunch, while Su Nan stayed at home until one o'clock and left when she saw that Qin Xiaowan had nothing to do.

After arriving at school, Su Nan was dragged into the office by the head teacher to have a heart-to-heart talk. Recently, he asked for leave twice, which was not a good sign, but the head teacher knew that he was taking care of his sick sister, so he didn't make things difficult for him.

Coming out of the office, she frowned when she met the monitor who was about to come in, and passed him into the office without saying hello.

It seems that Lu Ying had a bad impression of him because he was on two boats. Su Nan felt that he should thank her for not complaining to the teacher.

Going back to the class and sitting down, Chu Xi in front of him looked back at him, seeing that he was fine, he went back to read.

Staring at her back, Su Nan couldn't help recalling what happened last night, feeling a little strange in her heart. The two Chuxi are like a pair of sisters, but they are the same person.

It's strange for a girlfriend to have a double body, but Su Nan's heart is more excited, the feeling of opening a harem in disguise.

This reminded him of the time he played with Zhao Xiaomin at her house, the two bodies came together, that feeling is still unforgettable to this day.

Su Nan couldn't help thinking that if Chu Xi came to her home at night, the scene would be more interesting, but it was impossible.

Now that there has been a breakthrough in the relationship with Xiao Chuxi, Su Nan has more expectations for life at night.

After school, Su Nan sat in his seat and waited for a while. When the people had left, he planned to go to the activity room with Chu Xi, but Squad Leader Lu walked up to him and sat down, and said directly: "Su Nan, I have something I want to talk to you about. .”

Su Nan glanced at Chu Xi in front of him, Chu Xi gave him a look of pity, and left the classroom.

Su Nan looked at the serious monitor and asked, "What's the matter?"

But she couldn't help thinking of the conversation between her and Zhao Xiaomin in the bathroom yesterday, and the strange sound of water, Su Nan's eyes suddenly became a little strange.

Lu Ying didn't notice it at all, and asked him directly: "What's your relationship with Chu Xi and Zhao Xiaomin?"

"Friendship, is it also the monitor's duty to investigate the social circle of classmates?" Su Nan replied calmly.

"I don't think you are ordinary friends." Thinking of their reply yesterday, Lu Ying frowned, looked at Su Nan seriously and said, "I know you don't like my meddling, but if your matter is too serious , and I can't handle it, I will choose to tell the class teacher."

In fact, even if Lu Ying said it, there was nothing they could do if they refused to admit it. After all, what happened to the three of them was too unbelievable, but Lu Ying's behavior would inevitably bring them some unnecessary trouble.

Su Nan's thoughts changed, and she decided to stabilize the squad leader first, pretending to hesitate for a moment, and then said: "You can understand our relationship as a love triangle."

"But you are too harmonious." Lu Ying also thought about this reason, but felt that it was too fake. How could such a harmonious three people be a love triangle? Isn't that generally sadomasochism?

"Squad leader has watched too many romance movies. Why should the love triangle be torn apart? Isn't it good for everyone to get along and compete fairly?" Su Nan scolded.

"I don't look at these." The squad leader emphasized, looking at Su Nan in surprise, as if he was looking at some strange animal.

"Hey, squad leader, your eyes have involved personal attacks, why can't two girls willingly do this kind of thing for me, can't I have this kind of charm." Su Nan seemed very angry.

"I didn't think so." Lu Ying said nanny, lowering her head slightly embarrassed.

Really thought so, the corner of Su Nan's mouth twitched, and said:

"Anyway, that's how it is. The three of us are just good friends. What they said to you yesterday were all angry words. You just treat it as an occasional act of jealousy. By the way, I admitted that Zhao Xiaomin was my girlfriend that night. It's a lie, because I was worried that your parents would bully her, so I said that on purpose."

There is already a reason, Su Nan is not going to have too much entanglement with the squad leader, so she will leave after speaking.

Lu Ying was startled, looking at Su Nan's back in a daze, is this really the reason?But what happened to what Su Nan said to Chu Xi on the rooftop yesterday?

That was a completely ambiguous sentence, Lu Ying could still hear it. Could it be that Su Nan was walking between Chu Xi and Zhao Xiaomin, while maintaining the friendship between the three on the surface, but secretly had intimate contact with Chu Xi?

This is totally a scumbag!

Lu Ying thought angrily.

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