"Then don't make too much noise."

"Ah Nan, take it easy."

The two hugged and dawdled to the back of the door.

Zhao Xiaomin propped her hands on the door, bent her body into a graceful arc, and tried her best to turn her head to look at Su Nan, her face flushed like blood.

Su Nan took a deep breath and took a step forward.

Outside the door, Lu Ying stood there with a shocked face, which immediately turned red. When she heard the strange voice behind the door, she was completely shocked.

She was too shocked to run away just now, but she calmed down and realized that the relationship between the three of them was very abnormal, so Lu Ying mustered up the courage to run back again, but she did not expect to encounter such a situation.

It was the first time in the young girl's life that she encountered such a thing, and she was so ashamed that she even felt a little strange in her heart, as if the strength on her legs had been taken away, limp.She didn't dare to stay and left like fleeing.

"Did there be footsteps just now?" Su Nan asked, just now he seemed to hear a girl's exclamation from outside the door, very faintly.

"You heard it wrong, don't stop..." The girl didn't hear anything at all, her attention was completely between her and him, and now seeing that he stopped, she urged a little dissatisfied.

Su Nan had no choice but to suppress her doubts and continue.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

When everything was over, Su Nan sat on a chair, feeling the wetness on her crotch, speechless.

"Why are you so excited today?" He asked, wet his pants accidentally.

He had only seen this kind of performance of the girl in small movies, and thought it was fake, but he didn't expect it to open his eyes today.

"Probably because I haven't been like this with you for several days." The girl replied awkwardly, squatting in front of him with a tissue and carefully wiped him clean, her flawless face was already stained red.

Su Nan grabbed her hand and said: "Don't wipe it, I'm going home, if you wipe it again, something will happen."

"If it's wet, people will suspect that you peed your pants." Zhao Xiaomin looked at the wetness and said embarrassedly.

"I'd better take a taxi back." Su Nan said helplessly, walking for more than ten minutes would probably be misunderstood to death.

Zhao Xiaomin pursed her lips and chuckled, stood up and held his face and kissed him, "I'm sorry, but Ah Nan did a great job just now."

Maybe it's a cool thing to be praised by a girl like this?

Su Nan felt flustered.

The two went downstairs as if nothing had happened. There were not many people in the school at this time, so Su Nan didn't have to worry about being seen with his pants.

Walking out of the school gate, the car called online was already waiting there, it was inconvenient because it was a school, Su Nan just waved his hand to Zhao Xiaomin as farewell and got on the car.

When I got home, just as Su Nan entered, the door of Qin Xiaowan's room opened. She stood at the door and took a deep breath, seeming a little nervous, and asked him, "That... how do you use it?"

"How to use what?" Su Nan was at a loss.

"It's the one you bought for me today." Qin Xiaowan stomped her foot lightly.

Uh, sanitary napkins?

"This... I have never used it before, don't you understand as a girl?" Su Nan said awkwardly, is it difficult to use sanitary napkins?Otherwise, why did Qin Xiaowan ask herself.

"It's also my first time using it..." The girl's face was almost buried in her chest.

"Why don't I ask Senior Sister..."

"Why do you ask her every time? Are you interested in senior sister?" Qin Xiaowan said with her head down.

"Because she has a lot of experience." Su Nan wanted to make a joke, but seeing that Qin Xiaowan didn't smile, she had to sigh: "Let me help you take a look."

He walked into Qin Xiaowan's room, Qin Xiaowan blushed slightly, and then followed him in.

The sanitary napkin was placed in front of the computer. Su Nan walked over to pick up one, and looked at it curiously. He had never touched this kind of thing before today.

Seeing Qin Xiaowan looking at her, Su Nan suppressed her curiosity. After all, it is too trivial to study sanitary napkins.

There was probably an explanation, Su Nan picked up the whole package and looked at it, um, just tear it off and stick it on the underwear, it's quite simple.

"There are instructions here, you can read for yourself." Su Nan put down the sanitary napkin and said to Qin Xiaowan.

Qin Xiaowan didn't move, and said dissatisfiedly: "You can just tell me after reading it, why do you want me to read it again? Those descriptions are too small, and it hurts your eyes."

I don't want to say that it's just to avoid embarrassment. Seeing that Qin Xiaowan didn't care, Su Nan decided to go all out, picked up a piece and said, "Tear it open, and then stick it on, understand?"

"Where is it?" Qin Xiaowan asked curiously.

The corner of Su Nan's mouth twitched, Qin Xiaowan, you did it on purpose.

"Oh, I see, it's just touching...on it." Qin Xiaowan whispered red-faced as if she had just realized it.

Qin Xiaowan seems to be blushing and shy a lot today, and her complexion is more beautiful than usual. Although her appearance is quite immature, she already has a faint sense of seductiveness.

Su Nan didn't dare to look any further, she looked down on the ground and said, "Next, do your own research, I'm going to cook."

After speaking, Su Nan stuffed the thing in his hand and slipped out.

Chuxi will come over later, so I need to make dinner early so that I can find her.

After Su Nan left, Qin Xiaowan closed the door, lay on the bed and looked at the ceiling, her face was covered with a strange blush, and she felt very ashamed when she thought of what happened just now.

The method of using sanitary napkins is very simple, how could she not know, it was nothing more than intentionally embarrassing herself.

Ever since she got this strange disease, at first she looked at Su Nan's previous photos and fantasized about what he would look like when he grew up. Later, she was not satisfied with this, so she started to buy his photos online, looking at him now look to comfort myself.

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