But looking at the photos for a long time, the effect seems to be constantly discounted. It happened that something happened at school at that time, and her mother wanted to transfer her to Su Nan's school and live with him, so Qin Xiaowan readily agreed.

Living in Su Nan's house not only can easily meet all the daily shame needs, but also facilitates her revenge plan. At the same time, because she hates Su Nan, she usually carries him behind her back and does not feel guilty about doing some perverted things to him.

It's just that recently it seems that the secret filming was discovered. She just started to secretly film a few times, and she had to stop for a while after each filming.

Su Nan didn't say anything about it, she didn't seem to want to break skin with her, but Qin Xiaowan felt a strange sense of satisfaction, just like the feeling of a bus satyr meeting a timid girl with a strong urge to commit crimes.

In fact, at the beginning, Qin Xiaowan only planned to use the convenience of being with Su Nan to shame herself, but today Su Nan and Zhan Weiling stimulated her a lot and decided to change her plan.

In addition to being able to satisfy herself, she also needs to change herself through Su Nan's reaction to herself, making herself a more attractive girl to him.

For example, just now, Su Nan seemed to be interested in the shy she, and she didn't seem to reject her being a few years younger than him, Qin Xiaowan's heart was beating wildly.

Taking a deep breath, Qin Xiaowan opened the door and walked out. She performed well just now, and now she is going to pretend to be a thin-skinned and shy girl to attract Su Nan.

As soon as he walked out of the room, Qin Xiaowan saw Su Nan rushing into his room quickly, and then closed the door. At this moment, Qin Xiaowan saw Su Nan holding a naked teenager girl about his own age in his arms.

what's the situation?Qin Xiaowan's head was stuck, and then a strong anger welled up in her heart. This time she was absolutely right, it was a vixen!But she was still a girl the same age as herself!

Qin Xiaowan resented in her heart, since she likes this kind of girl with a loli body, why didn't she even look at her?

She walked over angrily and was about to knock on the door like before, but suddenly she had a second thought, she couldn't give Su Nan a chance to hide her, she had to catch the rape on the spot.

What's more, taking a junior high school girl home and taking off her clothes is simply a beastly behavior, Qin Xiaowan is very jealous.

Then Qin Xiaowan entered Su Nan's parents' room, found the spare key for the room, went back to Su Nan's door, inserted the key, and gently opened the door.

The scene in front of her left her dumbfounded. She saw Su Nan walking around the room with the girl in her arms, kissing her, while the girl clamped her legs distraughtly.

Seeing her accidentally, Su Nan froze.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Finding Xiao Chuxi in the corner of the living room, Su Nan hugged her and rushed back to the room. After closing the door, she was attracted and couldn't help kissing her. Unexpectedly, Qin Xiaowan would open the door suddenly, and he didn't even lock it.

The shock made him wake up from the fascinated state, and immediately turned his back to Qin Xiaowan, and quickly put down Xiao Chuxi in his arms.

Xiao Chuxi, who was still, disappeared.

Su Nan turned around and frowned and stared at Qin Xiaowan, with a displeased face: "Why did you come in without knocking?"

"Who is she?" Qin Xiaowan asked with an ugly face, ignoring his question.

"Who? What are you talking about?" Su Nan was stunned.

Qin Xiaowan was a little angry, but at this time she was still pretending to be stupid. Isn't that little vixen right behind him, thinking that if he blocked it, it wouldn't exist?

She rushed over to push Su Nan away, and then froze for a moment, there was no one!

"Why are you pushing me? My aunt is here and has a bad temper?" Su Nan said to her as if she was pissed off.

"What about that girl, I clearly saw you hugging her back to the room, she is not dressed yet."

Qin Xiaowan ignored the angry Su Nan, stared at him and asked, she was absolutely right just now, did she hide it?But how could it be so fast.

Su Nan was speechless: "Am I stupid or are you stupid? When I bring a girl home, I will take off her clothes in the living room?"

"But I opened the door and saw it!"

Su Nan's words have a certain truth, she is simply stupid to do this at home, but she clearly saw it.

"What about that person?"

Qin Xiaowan couldn't answer, her eyes scanned the empty room, vaguely grasping something, at this moment Su Nan interrupted her thinking, only to see Su Nan frowned and said: "You seem to have a lot of opinions on my finding a girlfriend. "

"Who has an opinion, I just don't want you to bring strange girls home."

Qin Xiaowan said in a flustered tone, a faint blush appeared on her fair face, she knew what happened to Su Nan this time and last time, but fortunately she made up her mind just now, so she was not so shy as to run away.

Su Nan looked at her quietly, causing Qin Xiaowan to feel a lot of pressure suddenly, and she lowered her head guiltily.

Su Nan said: "I have something to tell you, let's go out, it's not convenient to sit here."

After speaking, Su Nan walked out.

Qin Xiaowan was even more guilty, after all, Su Nan knew that she had secretly photographed him, and was afraid that Su Nan would pursue this matter, and she would be ashamed.However, this feeling of fear only lasted for a moment. Normally, Su Nan would not take the initiative to tear his face.

Qin Xiaowan glanced at the empty room again, doubts flashed in her eyes, and then she walked out.

Su Nan sat on the sofa with a hesitant expression, as if he couldn't make up his mind.

Qin Xiaowan sat beside her with a thumping heart, and asked in a nonchalant tone: "What do you want to say?" Su Nan became firm in his heart, and he decided not only to attract Qin Xiaowan's attention, but also to take the opportunity to dispel some of her thoughts.

"I have a girlfriend." Su Nan said.

Qin Xiaowan stared at him stupidly.

Su Nan continued: "Twice you accused me of bringing girls home. If I really bring my girlfriend back next time, you can't do that."

As long as she has a girlfriend, some of Qin Xiaowan's ideas should be given up.


Surprisingly, Qin Xiaowan was relatively calm and just asked with her fists clenched.

Chuxi, Zhao Xiaomin, who should I use as a shield?

Su Nan chose Zhao Xiaomin. If it was Chuxi, it would be a bit difficult to bring her home to perform in front of Qin Xiaowan. Chuxi might not be able to do some intimate actions in front of outsiders, and Zhao Xiaomin has no such problem.

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