"It's a girl from the class next door to me. I want to bring her to play at home recently." Su Nan said.

Qin Xiaowan lowered her head and didn't know what she was thinking. Just when Su Nan thought she was sad or angry, she suddenly asked, "What about senior sister? I saw you and senior sister Zhan Weiling yesterday."

Su Nan's face turned black, but he simply threw it out, and said with a shameless face: "As you can see, I am a playful person. I have a girlfriend, but I still hook up with a gentle senior sister." I don't know, even there is a girl in the class that I am interested in, and I have a good relationship with her."

Maybe when he was young, his image was like his elder brother, so Qin Xiaowan still admired him when he grew up, and even this admiration began to deteriorate, but if she knew that he was a scumbag, would she still be like this?

"Scumbag!" Qin Xiaowan cursed angrily.

"Yes, I'm a scumbag." Su Nan nodded and admitted that he hates me.

"But you are obviously not like this, why did you suddenly like this." The girl lowered her head emotionally, feeling vulnerable.

Su Nan's heart twitched, and said: "I've always been like this, as long as it's a beautiful girl, I like it."

"No!" Qin Xiaowan suddenly raised her head to stare at him, blushing and said, "If that's the case, why haven't you bullied me for so long since I've lived here? Do you think I'm not pretty?"

Is Qin Xiaowan beautiful, of course she is, she is charming in her teens, and she is charming and lovable. In a few years, she will definitely be a great beauty.

"Because my mother will kill me for bullying you." Su Nan said.

"In other words, it's fine if your mother doesn't object?" The girl's eyes suddenly brightened, and she said shyly, "When I was young, your mother suggested to my mother that I should make a baby kiss with you."

There is such a thing?No, why did it get here, isn't it to prove that he is a scumbag?

"You said you were baby girl."

"But she also mentioned it to my mother recently. Of course, I don't want to marry you." The girl lowered her head shyly, not convincing at all.

Su Nan was stunned, her mother was doing such a thing!

Seeing Qin Xiaowan's sudden shyness, he felt very bad, and quickly said: "Yes, I'm a flirtatious scumbag, and marrying someone like me will definitely not be happy."

"Since you're a scumbag and you like pretty girls, why don't you bully me, I'm not pretty enough?"

Come on, back to this question.

Su Nan said helplessly: "You are too young to meet my aesthetics."

"The girl you hugged just now is about the same as me."

Su Nan was silent for a while, then turned around silently, grabbed the girl's slender shoulders with both hands, looked into her eyes, and the girl also stared at him blankly.

"I've wanted to bully you for a long time." After finishing speaking, Su Nan leaned over to kiss her little mouth.

Qin Xiaowan held her breath, but she didn't run away, maybe she was frightened?

Su Nan had no choice but to slow down, expecting her to run away quickly, but when the distance between their mouths was only a little bit, Qin Xiaowan remained motionless, but a shyness flashed in her eyes, and she closed them.

The corner of Su Nan's mouth twitched, did he play off?

It is impossible to kiss nature, what should I do?

Su Nan lightly touched her lips with his fingers, and felt the warmth with his fingers. At the same time, the girl's face turned red quickly, looking very delicate and charming, which made his heart flutter.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Qin Xiaowan blushed, opened her eyes and glared at him angrily, and said in a flustered tone: "You are really kissing, pervert."

After scolding him, he pushed him away suddenly, got up and quickly fled back to the room, his back full of panic.

Su Nan breathed a sigh of relief, and finally scared Qin Xiaowan away, but is it true that her mother does not object?

Su Nan shook her head quickly, not letting her imagination run wild. Fortunately, Qin Xiaowan was too nervous just now and had no experience in kissing, so she didn't realize that he didn't actually kiss her.

Sitting in the living room in a daze for a while, Su Nan thought of Xiao Chuxi, got up and went back to the room. After entering the door this time, he locked the room, even if he had the key, he couldn't get in.

Hey, where is Chu Xi?

Su Nan glanced at the bed, the quilt was spread evenly on it, no one was there.

He didn't shout out. After all, Qin Xiaowan saw it just now, and he was worried that she would eavesdrop outside, so he chose to touch it with his hands.

However, no one was found after searching the entire room. Finally, Su Nan stood in front of the closet and opened the closet, only to touch Xiao Chuxi.

Xiao Chuxi knocked off his hand because it touched a sensitive part.

Su Nan couldn't help but carried her out of the closet and hugged her in his arms, which directly made Xiao Chuxi show his body in his arms, and then carried her to the bed.

Although it was not the first time, Chu Xi was still embarrassed to death by being hugged by Su Nan naked like this, and pulled his ear: "Pervert, how dare you touch me!"

This kind of thing happened just now, and every time Su Nan touches her, she will be impulsive, and then become uncontrollable, so it is easy to do wrong things and be heard by Qin Xiaowan.

Su Nan carried her to the bed and put her down. When her body disappeared, she pulled the quilt to cover her, and then lay down beside Chu Xi.

Chu Xi glanced at him, saw that he was in a daze, reached out to touch his face with a small hand, and said, "Isn't your mother not objecting, why are you unhappy?"

"Uh, did you hear that?"

"You didn't close the door again, does Mu Nan want to take over the harem again?" Chu Xi said calmly, but there was a hint of banter.

"Apart from you, I didn't open a harem either."

"What's the matter, sister?"

Su Nan was very embarrassed and guilty, Chu Xi completely heard what he said just now.

Surprisingly, Chu Xi did not lose his temper, as if he had already guessed this.

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