Su Nan suddenly felt very guilty, "Senior sister and I..."

"She took the initiative."

Chu Xi rubbed Su Nan's tangled brows with his small hands, and his voice was gentle: "Don't think too much, this is something beyond our control, but I hope Mu Nan will not take it for granted, because I don't want you to be taken for granted. We pampered men who were playful."

He seemed forgiven.

Su Nan was a little dazed, but nodded seriously after hearing Chu Xi's last words.

"Today you are much calmer than before, yet you can bear it all. What did you do during the day?" Chu Xi changed the subject and retracted his hand, his tone was cold, or jealous.

Ugh, this change of subject was unexpected.

Su Nan didn't explain, and got into the quilt and leaned against the girl and said, "I can't help it."

"How are you going to bully me today? Hands? Feet? Clamping your legs? Or... for real?" The girl pretended to be indifferent, but her tone trembled slightly.

Su Nan didn't speak, and stroked her small mouth, making her face flushed suddenly, then kissed her, and he pressed the girl down after a while.

After a while, the girl was coughing, Su Nan quickly pulled out a tissue for her to spit on, and then threw it into the trash can.

Then he held the bewildered little Chuxi in his arms for various comforts. This was the first time for little Chuxi like this today. At the last moment just now, little Chuxi was confused and deeply shocked.

Being half-forced by him to do weird things, Xiao Chuxi was full of entanglements, but secretly blushed again.

After class, Su Nan went to the bathroom, and when she came back, she ran into Lu Ying who was about to go out at the door. The other party saw him and blushed suddenly, as if she had encountered a pervert and ran away.

Su Nan was thoughtful. It seemed that the person outside the activity room last night was the squad leader, and he felt very embarrassed that the squad leader listened to him.

When school was over at noon, Su Nan was going to the cafeteria. Surprisingly, the class monitor stopped him, and said to him with a serious face: "I know about you, it's wrong for you to do this..."

"I don't understand what you are talking about." Su Nan pretended to be stupid.

Lu Ying blushed, she couldn't say anything about eavesdropping, she suppressed the shame in her heart, and said calmly: "You, Chuxi, and Zhao Xiaomin have a nonsensical relationship!"

Fortunately, there was no one around, but Su Nan was still a little worried about being heard, and said, "Squad leader, let's go to the roof to talk."

Lu Ying didn't object, and followed him to the top of the building.

The relationship between the three of them could no longer be hidden from Lu Ying. Su Nan felt a little headache and asked, "Squad leader, do you think we are doing this wrong?"

"Of course!"

"But why, this is the choice of the three of us, no one has been persecuted, why is it wrong in the eyes of the squad leader?" Su Nan looked puzzled.

Lu Ying was stunned. If it was the common choice of the three of them, it seemed that no one had the right to blame them, but she always felt that something was wrong, and it felt very inconsistent.

Su Nan said: "Actually, monitor, you just think it's unbelievable. You think lovers should be a couple, but why can't the three of us live together peacefully? This is just a special situation between us. As long as it doesn't affect other people, it's fine. It's a problem."

Lu Ying was silent for a while, and said in a calm tone: "Perhaps you are right, but have you considered the future? Also, once this kind of thing gets out, it will have a great impact on the three of you. Su Nan, you don't care, then How about them?"

Su Nan frowned. It's not like they haven't thought about this kind of thing, so they will try not to make any intimate actions when there are people around. Moreover, will he, Chuxi and Zhao Xiaomin still be together in the future?

Su Nan was actually not sure.

"So Mu Nan, you are here."

A cold voice came, and the two looked, only to see Chu Xi walking over with no expression on his face.

She nodded to Su Nan, then frowned and looked at Lu Ying, her tone was cold: "Why, bullying him makes you feel very happy?"

Lu Ying turned her head to look elsewhere, and said awkwardly, "I didn't bully him."

"Then he did nothing wrong, what right do you have to preach to him?" Chu Xi's voice was much colder than before.

"You guys are wrong." Lu Ying turned her head back, looked at Chu Xi seriously and said.

"Please don't try to use your poor brain to understand us, and the question you asked him just now, I can answer you, we don't care, and our squad leader doesn't bother about our future."

"Su Nan, let's go."

After finishing speaking without leaving any room, the girl turned her head and said to Su Nan.

Su Nan glanced at the angry squad leader, and then left the rooftop with the girl.

Lu Ying frowned and looked at their backs until they disappeared. She suddenly felt a little frustrated. Could it be that she really did something wrong?

But why, why did such an arrogant Chu Xi agree to such a ridiculous thing, and why did that strange sister just leave it alone?

Lu Ying's heart was tangled up.

On the way, Chu Xi stopped, turned to look at Su Nan who had been silent all this time, and asked him, "Are you under pressure?"

Su Nan nodded: "It's a little bit, it's not normal if it's not there, but what surprised me even more is that Chu Xi's performance just now was so handsome, I was a little fascinated."

"Idiot, what did you say suddenly?" The girl blushed slightly.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

On Saturday, Su Nan and Qin Xiaowan sat face to face for breakfast, and the atmosphere was a bit weird.

Su Nan said: "My girlfriend will come over later, please be polite."

"Whispering!" Qin Xiaowan glared at him, couldn't eat anymore, got up and went back to the room in a hurry.

Since that night, Su Nan mentioned to her from time to time, saying that her girlfriend was coming over, and she was annoyed to death.

Su Nan was very satisfied, so Qin Xiaowan would definitely hate herself. When Zhao Xiaomin came over, the two of them threw a wave of dog food in front of Qin Xiaowan, making her completely die of puppy love.

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