Realizing that Su Nan wanted to do this, the girl didn't care about anything, and quickly said, "No, senior, I'm Jun Min!"

Su Nan froze for a moment, her eyes were a little strange, she didn't understand why Zhao Xiaomin said such a line, could it be that she was playing her sister being bullied by him, it was too weird.

It's just that at this point, he couldn't care less, and said, "It doesn't matter if you are Xiao Min, Ruo Min, or Jun Min, today I just want to go..."

Before she finished speaking, the girl suddenly widened her eyes, stunned, astonished, ashamed and angry, and then turned into despair.

Only gradually, the instinct of my sister's body made all the emotions on her face replaced by joy, as if she had come to the ocean of happiness, surfed in it continuously, and then was completely driven into the bottom of the sea by a big wave, at a loss what to do.

Zhao Xiaomin got up from the bed and found that she had returned to her room. She was very confused, isn't she at Ah Nan's house?

Getting off the bed, Zhao Xiaomin was stunned suddenly. Looking at her little arms and legs, she subconsciously raised her head to look at the mirror opposite, and what appeared in the mirror was the face of her younger sister Junmin.

Suddenly an unbelievable thought came to her mind, which shocked her face.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

I became Junmin, what about Junmin?

The girl thought in astonishment, and then she was shocked by a thought, could it be that she and Jun Min switched bodies?

I remember the last memory at Su Nan's house, playing a forced game with Su Nan, if we really switched bodies...

Zhao Xiaomin's face turned pale, and she didn't dare to think about it, so she hurried out of the house and ran towards Su Nan's house.

Her mobile phone was unable to make calls at Su Nan's house, and Su Nan would not be able to log in to QQ at this time, so she could only pray that there was still time.

In the room, there were only the heavy panting sounds of men and women, and the boy who had vented his anger hugged the girl in his arms to comfort her.

The sense of substitution was too strong just now, which made Su Nan overly stimulated, but he finally calmed down. He looked down at the girl. The girl's face was flushed and her eyes were closed, looking exhausted and extremely satisfied.

He touched the girl's body to give comfort, and praised: "You performed very well just now."

The girl's eyelashes trembled, she was too ashamed to open her eyes, her delicate body trembled slightly, the feeling brought by those big hands made her feel ashamed, she wanted to stop it, but it was the first time in her life to enjoy such an exciting thing, and at this moment her head was still a little bit Damn, the body is also very weak.

Su Nan continued: "You resisted so much just now, I almost thought you were serious, but I don't think it is difficult to slap you forcefully, maybe I am stronger."

The girl opened her eyes in astonishment, and finally understood that Su Nan and her sister were playing a game, no wonder the more she struggled, the more excited Su Nan became.

Turning into an older sister and having an intimate relationship with her brother-in-law, the girl is at a loss and full of loss, what should she do?

"Do you still have the strength? Clean it up for me." Su Nan touched the girl's small mouth and said.

Zhao Junmin looked at him in astonishment, and then realized that her cheeks were flushed, ashamed and annoyed that Su Nan wanted her to do such a thing!

Seeing the girl not moving, Su Nan asked strangely: "What's the matter, didn't you like it very much before?"

Zhao Xiaomin would come over after every time, and Su Nan got used to it.

Zhao Junmin blushed and didn't know how to react, she is not a sister!

"Are you still acting? By the way, how could it be so simple to force sex? I was too gentle just now, I'm sorry."

Su Nan said something very sorry, because he said it was fun and exciting, but he was too excited just now for some reason. He held down the girl and got down to business, which was different from the girl's proposal at the beginning.

Hearing what Su Nan said, Zhao Junmin had a bad idea in her heart, before she could react, Su Nan pressed her head onto her thigh.

The girl stared in disbelief, unable to make a sound, trying to resist, but in Su Nan's view, she was cooperating with the performance, so she forced her even more.

The girl was ashamed and angry, and was forced to the end like this.

Then the girl coughed violently.

Su Nan looked at her with a strange face: "This is the first time you have eaten it, the performance is too much."

The girl glared at him, very angry, who knew he would be so sudden, the smell was so strange!

Su Nan wiped the girl's mouth with a paper towel, saw that she looked a little disgusted, and brought her water glass to feed her, jokingly said: "Who told you to swallow it, it's disgusting, hurry up, spit it out. "

Afterwards, she also brought the trash can over, and Zhao Junmin didn't care to spit it out in one gulp. She rinsed her mouth several times before she felt that there was no peculiar smell in her mouth.

Then she was laid down in Su Nan's arms again, and Su Nan gently played with her hands on her chest, her body was stiff and unable to move, her little face was blushing.

Just when the girl wanted to stop him from atrocities, the doorbell rang outside.

Su Nan thought to herself, could it be the senior sister?But today, the senior sister went to work. Although she is not going to work, but the store can't find anyone for the time being, the senior sister went to help.

He let go of the girl and left the room.

Opening the door, "Zhao Junmin" stood outside the door bent over with her hands on her knees, panting, as if she had gone through strenuous exercise.

Seeing her, Su Nan's face changed slightly. Could it be that Zhao Junmin still didn't give up?

Zhao Xiaomin didn't think too much about it, and quickly stepped forward and grabbed Su Nan's arm and said anxiously: "Ah Nan, my sister, no, where is my sister?"

Su Nan broke free with his hands calmly, frowning inwardly, actually imitating his sister to call him by name, it seems that this sister-in-law is really a bit perverted.

Zhao Xiaomin was startled, and then realized that she was in the body of her younger sister at the moment. She took a deep breath to calm down, and said, "I have something to do at home. I'll go back to my older sister."

"come in."

At this time Zhao Xiaomin was here, Zhao Junmin should not dare to mess around, and after hearing that she had something to do at home, she was let in.

As soon as Zhao Xiaomin entered the door, she rushed to the room, Su Nan took her arm and said, "Your sister is sleeping, you sit outside for a while, I will wake her up."

Zhao Xiaomin's heart suddenly turned cold. It was past ten o'clock in the morning, how could he be sleeping for no reason.Thinking of what happened before she lost consciousness, I'm afraid everything that shouldn't have happened happened.

But she still had a little luck in her heart, that is, she and her younger sister didn't switch bodies, the younger sister's consciousness was still in her own body, and she just possessed her body, the main body was asleep as usual.

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