'Zhao Junmin' sat outside worriedly, while Su Nan went into the room and saw his girlfriend sitting on the bed in a daze, her skirt had been put back on, her hair was still messy and wet, she had exercised too much just now.

Su Nan went over to straighten the girl's hair, and said, "Your sister Junmin came to see you and said something happened at home, so I'll take you back home."

He wondered if Lu Ying's parents were causing trouble again, and he didn't dare to let Xiao Min go back alone.

Zhao Junmin was confused, isn't she here?

Hearing that Su Nan meant that there was another person outside, Zhao Junmin had a bad feeling in her heart, and hurriedly pushed Su Nan away and walked out.

Su Nan was stunned for a moment, not understanding why Xiao Min suddenly lost his temper, and followed her out.

When he went out of the room, he saw two sisters, Zhao Xiaomin and Zhao Junmin, staring at each other silently, and the atmosphere seemed a bit heavy.

Su Nan was puzzled by this. This scene didn't look like something happened at home, but more like a conflict between the two sisters. Could it be that Zhao Xiaomin knew what her sister had done to him?

At this time, "Zhao Junmin" turned to look at Su Nan with complicated eyes and said, "Ah...senior, let me talk to Miss Xiang."

Isn't there something at home?

Su Nan was stunned, but seeing that "Zhao Xiaomin" did not object, she nodded.

Seeing her younger sister dragging her dazed older sister into the room, Su Nan felt a little wrong. Did the roles of the pair of sisters reversed? The younger sister was more active than the older sister.

Su Nan didn't think too much, and sat on the sofa playing with her mobile phone.

In the room, the two sisters looked at each other silently, repeating the scene outside just now.

After a while, Zhao Xiaomin stepped forward and hugged Zhao Junmin, put her face against her sister's chest, and comforted her: "It's okay, everything is over."

"Sister, I'm sorry..." Zhao Junmin hugged her sister's head and choked up, her hair was wet with tears, she was clearly calling her sister, but she was a head taller than her sister, the scene was a bit weird.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Sister, I'm sorry, I didn't know this would happen."

The sad look of her sister also made Zhao Xiaomin feel extremely complicated. Seeing this scene, she already understood that Su Nan had done everything just now.

She could tolerate Chuxi, Zhan Weiling, and even other girls, but she didn't know what to do when this kind of thing happened to her younger sister.

She didn't have the disease today, so the only possibility is that the younger sister was punished, and the younger sister may have contracted the same strange disease as herself.

Realizing this possibility, Zhao Xiaomin frowned deeply.

Pulling my sister to sit on the bed, she had stopped crying at this time, but her face was flushed and her head was lowered, as if she had done something wrong.

It's been a long time since I saw this expression on the third sister's face, Zhao Xiaomin felt a little distressed, and at the same time felt very strange, because this was her body.

"Do you still remember what happened today?" Zhao Xiaomin asked softly.

"I've been suffering since the morning, and then I lost consciousness, and I'm here." Zhao Junmin replied with a blushing face, not daring to look into her sister's eyes.

Zhao Xiaomin sighed secretly, guessing after confirming herself, feeling a sense of despair, her sister will never be able to leave Ah Nan just like herself, what should I do?

Enduring the strange feeling in her heart, she touched her sister, the hair on her own body, and said, "It's a strange disease. If you can't pass Ah Nan's shame, you will feel uncomfortable, and then you will be punished."

Zhao Junmin looked at her sister in surprise, could it be...

"You guessed it right." Zhao Xiaomin nodded with a blushing face: "I also have this strange disease, but I didn't expect that even you..."

Her face darkened.

"I'm sorry." Zhao Junmin said sadly.

"It's none of your business." Zhao Xiaomin hugged her sister to comfort her: "Let's go home now, and treat what happened today as if it never happened."

When this happened, she was worried that her younger sister would not be able to accept it, and wanted to take her away. As for how her younger sister got the same disease as herself, and when she got it, she had some guesses in her heart, but she didn't think deeply about it. Instinctively felt that my sister's illness might be related to me.

"En." Zhao Junmin responded in a low voice.

The two sisters came out of the room hand in hand, bid farewell to Su Nan, and declined his request to go back together.

Su Nan frowned inwardly, glanced at his depressed girlfriend again, and nodded calmly.

After watching them go out, Su Nan hesitated for a moment, then opened the door and left the house, following behind them.

Just now Zhao Xiaomin's mood was obviously very wrong, it may be related to the news brought by Zhao Junmin, she declined him to go home together probably because she didn't want to hurt him, but Su Nan couldn't turn a blind eye to her girlfriend, so she planned to follow her secretly.

I followed them all the way to the building where they lived, and after seeing the two sisters entering, Su Nan ran over quickly, but was still a bit slow, and the door closed automatically.

Without the access control card, Su Nan had to wait outside the door, planning to follow in when others entered.

At this time, someone patted him on the shoulder. Looking back, Zhao Ruomin, whom he hadn't seen for a long time, was standing behind him, staring at him with bright eyes, smiling happily: "Brother-in-law, did you come to see sister?"

Su Nan didn't realize that Zhao Ruomin's surprise was a bit strange, so she nodded quickly: "Well, Ruomin, please open the door."

"Oh, I found the key." The girl put her hand into her trouser pocket and rummaged through it. She was wearing loose sports pants today, and the trouser pocket seemed to be full of things, and she couldn't find the access control card after searching for a long time. .

Su Nan was a little anxious and said, "Take out everything in your trouser pocket."

Not knowing what happened to Zhao Xiaomin's family, Su Nan was worried that she would be late.

"I can't find it!" The girl frowned, and suddenly pulled his hand into her trouser pocket and said, "Come and help me find it."

Su Nan was stunned for a moment, seeing that Zhao Ruomin's expression was normal, she resisted the strange feeling in her heart, and began to grope in her crotch with her palm.

This kind of behavior inevitably touches her thighs, and the trouser pocket fabric is very thin, with a warm feeling, and sometimes touches the edge of her panties.

A normal girl would be very shy after being treated like this, but instead of being angry, Zhao Ruomin was playing with Zhao Junmin's mobile phone in her hand, with an interested look on her face, as if she was attracted by something.

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