"Yeah!" The girl nodded vigorously, "Ah Nan, I want to see you."

"Then I'll go to your house..."

The girl interrupted him: "I'll go find you."

Su Nan was startled, but didn't care, and nodded: "Okay."

After hanging up the call, Zhao Xiaomin looked at her younger sister, who lowered her head and looked taciturn.

Zhao Xiaomin got up and hugged her younger sister with physical and mental pain, and said softly: "Yesterday was force majeure, and my sister will not blame you. If you feel uncomfortable in the future, remember to tell me, how were you satisfied before?"

The girl blushed slightly, and replied in a low voice, "I found your recording on my sister's computer."

Zhao Xiaomin blushed, let go of her sister, and said to her with a relaxed smile on purpose: "It's okay, just take it and listen, if it's not enough, sister find a way."

The girl lowered her head further in embarrassment, and replied like a mosquito: "Yes."

Zhao Xiaomin was a little happy in her heart. When she learned that her sister was the same as herself, she had been struggling with one question, which was what to do with her sister's future.She couldn't leave Su Nan anymore, and so did her younger sister. Could it be that she was going to join her in the future?

What Zhao Junmin said just now reminded her that it is not necessary for her sister to contact Su Nan, but she just needs to find a way to make her satisfied indirectly through Su Nan, such as listening to Su Nan's recording.

After figuring it out, Zhao Xiaomin relaxed and set off from home to meet Su Nan. What happened yesterday was no less than a bolt from the blue to her. She really wanted to see Su Nan.

At her urging, the driver finally took her to the community where Su Nan lived.

Running upstairs all the way to the door of Su Nan's house, she pressed the doorbell expectantly, and the door opened after a while. The person who opened the door was a junior high school girl, very beautiful, with big eyes and a melon-shaped face, looking cute.The girl was startled when she saw Zhao Xiaomin.

Zhao Xiaomin thought to herself that this is Ah Nan's younger sister, who has a crush on Ah Nan.

Thinking of Su Nan's purpose of inviting her to his home yesterday, Zhao Xiaomin smiled and greeted ladylikely: "Hi, I'm Ah Nan's girlfriend, and my name is Zhao Xiaomin."

She had wanted to announce this to others a long time ago, and the smile on her face became brighter and brighter.

Qin Xiaowan gave her a sympathetic look and let her in.

"There are slippers at the door, change them yourself, by the way, you don't have smelly feet, do you?" the girl asked her.

Zhao Xiaomin shook her head strangely, bent down and took off her boots.

Today she was wearing a skirt, and her two long and slender legs were exposed, which attracted the jealous eyes of a little girl who was only about [-] meters tall. One day, she would also have such a pair of long legs.

Delicate Yuzu put on her slippers, followed Qin Xiaowan to the living room, and saw Su Nan cooking in the kitchen.

Feeling wronged and sad came to my heart in an instant, Zhao Xiaomin ran to hug Su Nan from behind, and felt relieved with her face against his back.

Qin Xiaowan clenched her pink fist and then loosened it, turning her eyes, thinking of a way to hit the girl.

Su Nan found out that Zhao Xiaomin was here, and felt that something was wrong with her, so she quickly turned off the stove, turned around and wiped away the tears on the girl's face with her fingers.

"Why are you crying? Did I go too far yesterday? I'm sorry."

"It has nothing to do with Ah Nan, it just happened suddenly." The girl smiled, stood on tiptoe and kissed him, "Go ahead, I'll go out and talk to Xiao Wan."

Su Nan stroked the girl's face and said, "Remember to say you are my girlfriend."

Zhao Xiaomin smiled brighter, nodded vigorously, and walked out happily.

Seeing that she didn't seem to be worried, Su Nan looked away just now. The crying just now was probably due to the change of personality yesterday. After all, she suddenly seemed to be a different person, and anyone would be terrified.

In the living room, Qin Xiaowan was watching TV, Zhao Xiaomin walked over and sat beside her.

Qin Xiaowan glanced at her, didn't speak, and was a little satisfied in her heart. She was thinking about how to talk to Zhao Xiaomin, but she didn't expect the other party to come to her door.

"You are Ah Nan's younger sister, what's your name, and what grade are you in?"

Zhao Xiaomin used a very common opening line to get close.

Although Su Nan wanted her to show her identity as a girlfriend, Qin Xiaowan and Su Nan were like family after all, so naturally she couldn't offend too badly.

"No, Qin Xiaowan, the second year of junior high school." The girl replied in one breath, and then looked at her strangely: "Are you really his girlfriend?"

"Yes." Zhao Xiaomin nodded affirmatively.

"But why is it different from last time." Qin Xiaowan muttered, feeling proud, knowing that her boyfriend must be very angry for cheating, so go and break up with Su Nan.

Zhao Xiaomin was stunned for a moment, but in Qin Xiaowan's eyes, it was her sad reaction. In order not to be so obvious, Qin Xiaowan pretended to change his words in a panic: "Sorry, I was joking just now, you must not pay attention!"

Zhao Xiaomin nodded: "I don't care."


This reaction is a bit wrong, do you really believe my lame excuse?Did the guy get an idiot woman?

As a last resort, Qin Xiaowan had no choice but to say sincerely:

"Although Su Nan often goes out on dates with girls, sometimes they play until very late, and even brings the girl home to borrow a bed for her to sleep in, and the senior sister next door often comes to play at home, offering to help him with laundry and cooking. , but you have to trust him, the relationship between him and them is pure friendship, Su Nan is a good man."

After saying so much in one breath, Qin Xiaowan felt relieved, no matter how nervous she was, she should understand.

Qin Xiaowan looked at Zhao Xiaomin leisurely, waiting for her reaction.

Zhao Xiaomin still nodded seriously: "I believe Ah Nan, he is a good man."

What a man!

Qin Xiaowan almost lost her temper. Could it be that this woman's head is made of elm wood? She is so stupid and sweet.

Qin Xiaowan sighed: "You are such a good girl."

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