Zhao Xiaomin blinked and looked at her.

"A girl as good as you, I really can't bear to lie to you." Qin Xiaowan seemed to have made up her mind, gritted her teeth and said, "Actually, Su Nan has been entangled with several girls. Last time I secretly saw him Kissing the senior next door in the kitchen, a scumbag like him is really not good enough for a good girl like you."

Zhao Xiaomin looked at the kitchen amusedly, and saw Qin Xiaowan staring at her expectantly, she felt happy, and her sad mood eased a little.

Zhao Xiaomin said softly: "I don't care how many women Ah Nan has, as long as he has me in his heart."

The corner of Qin Xiaowan's mouth twitched, you have come here from the feudal era!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

When Su Nan came out, she saw Qin Xiaowan with a sad face, and Zhao Xiaomin with a smug smile on her lips.

It seemed that Zhao Xiaomin had successfully hit Qin Xiaowan, and Su Nan felt a little satisfied.

After breakfast, Su Nan took Zhao Xiaomin's hand and went back to the room. Behind her, Qin Xiaowan frowned, feeling very upset.

In the room, Zhao Xiaomin sat straddling Su Nan's lap, hugged him tightly with both arms, and couldn't help but shed tears, dripping on Su Nan's heart.

My sister had this kind of relationship with her boyfriend, but she was helpless, and she didn't even have the right to be angry, because no one was wrong about this, but she felt very uncomfortable.

Su Nan kissed the tears off her face, and comforted gently: "It's okay, it's over."

He thought Zhao Xiaomin was afraid of yesterday's personality change.

Zhao Xiaomin nodded, kissed him, and murmured emotionally: "A Nan, take me."

She desperately needs to do something to stimulate herself.

Su Nan did not refuse. While kissing her girlfriend, she comforted her with the palm of her hand, from the chest to the back, from the back to the buttocks, and then listened and stayed, gently comforting her, causing the buttocks to change their shape.

Zhao Xiaomin was short of breath, and took the initiative to undress him, and then her own, she couldn't wait to enter the state of merging with him, she needed strong pleasure to make herself forget those troubles.

Su Nan stopped her from taking off her clothes and said, "That's all."

Zhao Xiaomin understood what he meant, blushed and lifted up the clothes, gnashing her teeth to prevent the clothes from falling down, so that Su Nan could play with her.

Then he put his hand in the skirt again...

She sat down and sighed deeply, her body and soul were paralyzed.

The phone rang, and Zhao Xiaomin took the initiative to please Su Nan while touching the phone with her right hand, and her body froze when she saw the notification of an incoming call.

Su Nan leaned over to take a look, and found that when Zhao Junmin called, her eyes became complicated for a moment, and then she slid her finger to help her reject the call, urging: "Don't be distracted."

A complicated look flashed across Zhao Xiaomin's face, she ignored her sister's call, and continued to please Su Nan. On the way, she seemed to think of something, pushed Su Nan to lie down, then took back her mobile phone to record, and said Su Nan took a short video on himself.

"Do you want to make some kind of incident?" Su Nan laughed.

"Just the upper body, it's fine." Zhao Xiaomin explained.

Su Nan didn't pay attention either. He noticed that Zhao Xiaomin didn't take pictures of his harmonious parts. She held her breath and didn't make a sound. She only took pictures of him. Even if someone saw him, she probably wouldn't feel too strange.

It's just that Zhao Xiaomin's distraction inevitably made him feel a little dissatisfied, so he took her mobile phone away after a while.

Zhao Xiaomin thought to herself, the recording is still going on, it is for my sister, but I am not sure about the video, but if my sister gets tired of recording in the future, it is safer to have this video.

Sensing Su Nan's dissatisfaction, the girl felt guilty and tried harder to please him with her softness.

Zhao Junmin was lying on her bed with a dazed expression on her face, wave after wave of unexplained pleasure hit her nerves, like a coastline constantly being hit by big waves, she seemed to go back to yesterday, when she was bullied by her sister's boyfriend situation.

Such a sudden feeling made her a little frightened, and she subconsciously called her sister, but her sister refused to answer.

Suddenly, her body trembled, her small face was bright red, her thin pink lips parted unconsciously, and she let out a provocative panting sound, her eyes narrowed slightly, shining with a charming luster.

At a certain moment, Zhao Junmin's body arched, fell down again, twitched violently, her head was sideways, something glistening and translucent flowed from the corner of her mouth, and her eyes stared blankly at the ceiling.

When she came back to her senses, the bed was in a mess. It was because she reacted too far just now, scratching with her hands and feet, messing up the bed.

Her cheeks were flushed, fortunately her sisters were not at home, otherwise the voice would have been heard.

Lying on the bed, panting heavily, until Xiaolu's beating heart calmed down, she propped up her weak body, first took off her pants, and then her underwear, looking at the wet cloth, she blushed even more.

A little uneasy, why did my body become like this? Could it be that my body has broken down after yesterday?

The girl is worried.

After it was over, Zhao Xiaomin lay on Su Nan's lap.

Su Nan stroked her hair, with a gentle smile on her face, her girlfriend has returned to normal, it's great, although he misses her as a girlfriend after changing her personality, but he really likes her more now.

Seeing the girl's posture, Su Nan took out the paper towels placed on the bedside to clean up for her, so as not to dirty the bed, after all, she didn't leave in time just now.

For his convenience, the girl adjusted her posture so that Su Nan was facing her head-on. However, this posture was too attractive and distracted Su Nan a little.

After finishing her work, the girl snuggled into his arms, pointed to the blood on the bed sheet and asked curiously, "Is it Xiao Chuxi's?"

Su Nan nodded in embarrassment. She was asked to come by the girl as soon as she came in before, and she forgot that the bed sheets hadn't been cleaned yet.

Zhao Xiaomin was silent for a while, then smiled calmly and said, "Finally I don't feel so ashamed of her."

Compared to her younger sister having sex with Su Nan with her own body, Chu Xi's behavior is much easier to accept, and she has always been mentally prepared, so she won't be too jealous.

Su Nan knew that Zhao Xiaomin felt ashamed of Chu Xi because he was too close to him. He didn't say anything about it, and felt inconvenient, and didn't know what to say.

"Ah Nan, I want to stay at your house tonight." Zhao Xiaomin whispered while holding Su Nan's arm.

Su Nan was a little stunned. To be honest, if a girl hadn't reached the stage of marriage discussion, she would be a bit cheeky to ask to stay at the man's house. Even in the eyes of some conservative people, her impression of the girl would be greatly reduced. However, Su Nan Nan didn't have such an idea, he felt that there should be a reason for Zhao Xiaomin to do this.

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