"I want to meet little Chuxi. Tonight is the last night. After that, I won't have a chance." Zhao Xiaomin explained the reason.

When I saw Xiao Chuxi for the first time before, Zhao Xiaomin showed that she liked it very much. Su Nan was about to nod when Zhao Xiaomin suddenly leaned into his ear and said shyly: "I thought about it, and I might have to get used to it with Chuxi in the future." so I want to try it out tonight.”

Habit?try?Double fly?

Su Nan swallowed.

It seemed that Zhao Xiaomin noticed something unusual, she gave him a charming look, and said coquettishly, "What is Ah Nan thinking, I mean the three of us live together and try it out."

"I didn't think about anything." Su Nan denied it.

"Well, I think Ah Nan seems interested and is ready to cooperate, so forget it if you don't think about it." Zhao Xiaomin said with a smile.

The corner of Su Nan's mouth twitched, with an urge to admit it, but it was also possible that Zhao Xiaomin said this on purpose to test him, so no matter how much he expected in his heart, he held back.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Su Nan didn't think too much about Zhao Xiaomin's stay. Anyway, what he expected couldn't happen, so he faced it with a normal heart.

Zhao Xiaomin also said that she didn't stay overnight, but just met Xiao Chuxi, so she didn't need to make it clear to Qin Xiaowan.

Just when the two were hugging each other tenderly, there was a knock on the door, "Xiao Nan, what are you doing in there? I'll come in."

With a click, the door was locked and Zhan Weiling couldn't come in.

Su Nan's eyelids twitched, she looked at Zhao Xiaomin, and Zhao Xiaomin was also looking at him, with a half-smile on her face.

Su Nan's back was sweating coldly, just after finishing this with Zhao Xiaomin, the senior sister came to the door, it's not good.

Zhao Xiaomin didn't say anything, but pushed Su Nan, "Get dressed."

After she reminded her, Su Nan remembered that the two of them were not wearing any clothes. When they put on their clothes, Zhao Xiaomin went to open the door on his own, and it was too late for Su Nan to stop her.

He ran to the computer and sat down, pretending to put on his headphones.

Seeing that it was a beautiful girl who opened the door, Zhan Weiling was not too surprised, and smiled, "Zhao Xiaomin, right? I heard that Xiao Nan brought his girlfriend home, but I didn't expect it to be you."

Su Nan was eavesdropping on their conversation, and gritted her teeth. It must be Qin Xiaowan's complaint. She thought she had got rid of this bad habit, but she just covered it up.

"It turns out that senior sister knows that I am in Nan's room, so she is not afraid of disturbing us." Zhao Xiaomin said with a smile, implying that since she knew, she came to knock on the door.

Although I feel a little afraid of this senior sister, since she is the same kind and offended her, and at this time the other party is clearly here to sabotage, Zhao Xiaomin naturally can't be cowardly.

Zhan Weiling glanced at Su Nan and smiled, "Xiao Nan has been a good boy since she was a child, and she won't mess around at home."

Zhao Xiaomin was a little angry, and Zhan Weiling was obviously scolding her for leading Su Nan down.Just about to reply, Su Nan stood up, "Sister, Xiao Min, it's noon, let's have lunch together, I'll cook, Xiao Min, come and help."

Su Nan was going to distract Zhao Xiaomin so that she wouldn't have any conflicts with her senior sister.

The eyes of the two girls collided with each other in the air, and they said in unison, "I'll do it!"

"Uh..." Su Nan froze for a moment.

They looked at each other, and the senior sister said first: "Xiao Nan just wait, I have learned a new dish recently, let you try my skills."

Zhao Xiaomin also said, but the words were a bit blunt: "Ah Nan just used up too much, please sit and rest, I will cook for you personally to replenish your body."

Although Zhan Weiling was smiling, her heart twitched slightly, they really did it!No wonder I smelled that familiar smell when I opened the door.

However, she was the one who was double-flyed by Su Nan with Zhao Xiaomin, so she didn't feel too disappointed. The most important thing now is to defeat this girl in her culinary skills.

The two girls sharpened their knives and rushed into the kitchen. Su Nan hesitated, sat on the sofa and watched, and was relieved to see that they didn't seem to be fighting.

Qin Xiaowan poked her head out to look at him gloatingly, but was glared at by Su Nan, and immediately retreated into the room.

At around twelve o'clock at noon, the senior sister and Zhao Xiaomin put the stir-fried dishes on the table respectively. There were quite a lot of dishes, there were eight in total, and all of them were delicious in color, fragrance and taste.Then he invited Su Nan and Qin Xiaowan over for dinner.

They didn't say which dish they cooked by themselves, and they were not in a hurry to eat after adding the food. They urged Su Nan and Qin Xiaowan to eat first, and then looked at Su Nan with a smile.

Su Nan felt a lot of pressure. As soon as she tried the first dish, the senior sister looked forward to asking him: "Is it delicious?"

Su Nan glanced at her senior, not sure if she made this dish, but even if she didn't cook it, it was Zhao Xiaomin's. Naturally, I can't say it's not delicious, but I can't say it's too good either.

"Not bad." He said vaguely, and Zhao Xiaomin pouted on the opposite side, it really was Zhao Xiaomin's handicraft.

No matter what they asked next, he didn't make any specific comments. He just said, "It's delicious, not bad, and suits your appetite." Instead, Qin Xiaowan made random remarks.

"This is delicious, this is delicious, this is not tasty, this is too salty..." Qin Xiaowan blinked her big innocent eyes, pointed to her favorite dish and said expectantly: "If my sister-in-law in the future can have such a good The workmanship is fine."

Su Nan picked up the spare chopsticks on one side and tapped her hand, "Eat as soon as you eat, don't point and point."

"Hmph!" Qin Xiaowan snorted, and started on the dish she liked, making up her mind to escalate the conflict between the two girls opposite.

But no matter how hard she tried, the senior sister and Zhao Xiaomin on the opposite side always ate with a smile on their face, and they behaved decently when they had a few conversations occasionally, so it wasn't obvious that they were rivals in love.

This made Qin Xiaowan a little frustrated. It seemed that they didn't care about her opinion, and Su Nan wouldn't express her opinion.

Although the senior sister and Zhao Xiaomin no longer asked Su Nan which dish was delicious, but Su Nan did not let down his vigilance, every dish was covered with rain and dew, especially the ones that Qin Xiaowan pointed out were not delicious, he ate more.

Senior sister and Zhao Xiaomin were washing dishes in the kitchen, Qin Xiaowan felt that they were bored if they didn't fight, so she ran back to her room.

Su Nan sat in the living room, thinking about how to deal with them next.

In the kitchen, Zhao Xiaomin said, "This time it's a tie."

Zhan Weiling nodded, but said, "Is it meaningful for us to compete like this?"

"Uh, I don't think so." Zhao Xiaomin shook her head in embarrassment. Just now she had a whim and wanted to compete with her senior sister to see whose cooking Su Nan likes to eat. Now it's too naive to think about it. Just a few dishes can't improve Su. Nan has a good impression of himself.

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