"But isn't that what it's like to be jealous? You have to do something, otherwise it will feel weird." Zhao Xiaomin said.

"I think so too." Zhan Weiling nodded approvingly, thoughtfully, "I always feel that if I don't fight with you, I just agree with you and agree with Xiao Nan's embrace."

Zhao Xiaomin was ashamed: "Actually, even if it's a tear, Ah Nan still hugs left and right. Even with me and Chu Xi, wouldn't he have cheated on you secretly?"

Zhan Weiling raised her eyebrows: "Your girlfriend is fake, right? Xiao Nan doesn't have a girlfriend, so it's his freedom to do anything with me."

"That's right, but I always feel that I've been cheated on. Ah Nan also feels sad sometimes. Are you really not going to join us?"

Zhao Xiaomin looked at Zhan Weiling with serious eyes: "No matter how much we confront each other, we can't drive the other party away from Ah Nan. In the end, it is all of us who are hurt. If we get along peacefully like this, there will be no such problems."

"Even in the ancient emperor's harem, there was only one empress, and there are many mistresses in modern times, but there is always only one in the family." Zhan Weiling said.

"So that's it. Do you want to marry Ah Nan in the future?" Zhao Xiaomin asked strangely, but saw Zhan Weiling suddenly frowned, and supported the sink with a distressed expression.

Zhao Xiaomin was stunned for a moment, and hurried over to support her, with a strange expression on her face: "Don't tell me you're sick."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Zhan Weiling blushed in embarrassment, and wanted to say something, but didn't know what to say.

Zhao Xiaomin struggled for a moment, supported her and said, "Go out and find Anan, I don't want to see you get punished."

Zhan Weiling understands that Zhao Xiaomin's so-called not wanting to see her being punished is because she doesn't want her to have an intimate relationship with Su Nan in a strange way, rather than caring.

After the third punishment, the seemingly uncomfortable feeling became more and more severe, and he almost couldn't even stand still, so Zhan Weiling did not refuse Zhao Xiaomin's support.

The two went out to the living room, but Su Nan was not in the living room. Zhao Xiaomin thought it was his room, so she helped Zhan Weiling into the room, but there was no one in the room either.

She was a little panicked, helped Zhan Weiling to sit on the bed, and went out to find Su Nan, but there was no one on the bathroom balcony or even Qin Xiaowan's room.

She called Su Nan, "A Nan, where are you?"

"I'm at a nearby supermarket, buy some snacks and come back and let's watch a movie together." Su Nan replied.

"Senior sister seems to be sick, come back quickly!"

After hanging up the phone, Zhao Xiaomin went back to the room. Zhan Weiling was lying on the bed, breathing calmly, but Zhao Xiaomin noticed that her skin had turned pink.

"Are you okay?" She asked concerned after approaching.

Zhan Weiling opened her eyes slightly, glanced at her, and replied, "It's okay."

"Be patient, Ah Nan will be right back." Zhao Xiaomin encouraged.

Zhan Weiling mocked: "At this time, you are doing your best to help my rival in love."

"That's why I cooperated with Chuxi. Otherwise, if you feel uncomfortable, you can go to Ah Nan when you have time. You are still in the third year of high school alone. You are not in the same building as us. Once you get sick, you can't even walk."

Although she had a feud with Zhan Weiling, Zhao Xiaomin still refused to give up on pulling her into the group. After spending so long with the three-person model of Chu Xi and Su Nan, she was already used to this way, and she didn't want to be jealous all day long. Heart is tired.

Zhan Weiling's tone was weak: "Sometimes I think it's no big deal to be punished, but it's a pretty romantic thing."

"You're confused." Zhao Xiaomin said to her.

The sound of opening the door came from the living room, and Zhao Xiaomin stood up in joy: "Ah Nan is back!"

But saw Zhan Weiling's eyes closed.

Zhao Xiaomin was startled, and then saw Zhan Weiling open her eyes again, it turned out to be a false alarm.

She didn't care about checking Zhan Weiling's situation, and ran out to find Su Nan in a hurry.

As soon as Su Nan closed the door, she was dragged back to the room by a nervous Zhao Xiaomin. Seeing her looking like an enemy, Su Nan's heart tightened, not knowing what happened to her senior.

Looking at the senior sister on the bed, she looks a little weak, her face is covered with fine sweat, and her clothes are also wet with sweat, sticking to her skin, with her pale face, she has a kind of sickly beauty.

"Ah Nan, touch her quickly!" Zhao Xiaomin pointed to the senior sister who was sleeping on the bed.

Su Nan hurried over and sat down, stretched out her hand to touch the senior sister's forehead, the current condition of the senior sister looked a bit scary, as if she had a high fever.

However, Su Nan touched the senior sister's forehead, but she looked puzzled, her body temperature was normal.

"It's not her forehead, it's her chest!" Zhao Xiaomin said nervously.

Su Nan was a little confused, did he hear correctly, Zhao Xiaomin actually asked him to touch her senior's chest?Are they not rivals?

Zhan Weiling's cheeks flushed slightly, she moved her lips, trying to tell Zhao Xiaomin to go out, but she couldn't.

Seeing Su Nan standing there in a daze, Zhao Xiaomin didn't care, stepped forward and grabbed Su Nan's hand and pressed it on the senior sister's big hill.Although Zhao Xiaomin would be jealous when Su Nan touched her senior's breasts, but compared to this, she didn't want to see Zhan Weiling being punished.

Unexpectedly, she would do this, Su Nan was stunned, and subconsciously wanted to take her hand away, but Zhao Xiaomin pressed her tightly.Su Nan lowered her head to look at the senior sister, and found that she was not angry except for blushing a little, but her complexion was better than before because of her blushing.

Su Nan's hand was a little stiff, but he didn't move.

Zhao Xiaomin leaned close to Su Nan's ear and whispered, "Ah Nan, touch her, I don't blame you."

Su Nan was puzzled, why did Zhao Xiaomin behave like this?

"Hey, I don't blame you, why are you so cowardly! Why weren't you cowardly when you bullied my sister yesterday?" The outspoken Zhao Xiaomin realized that she had said something wrong, and quickly shut up after saying this.

Su Nan was startled, looked at Zhao Xiaomin, Zhao Xiaomin had a gentle face: "Hurry up and touch Senior Sister, please?"

Suppressing the doubts and panic in her heart, Su Nan started to move her hands. First, she relaxed and opened her five fingers, and then closed them, gathering the full things in her palms, but she couldn't hold them at all.

While doing this, Su Nan didn't forget to look at her senior with a sorry face, but she saw that her face was still not angry, but there was a touch of joy between her brows.

Seeing him looking at her, Zhan Weiling closed her eyes shyly. The key is that Zhao Xiaomin was there, which made her feel a little more ashamed.

And Zhao Xiaomin has been observing Zhan Weiling, but found that Zhan Weiling doesn't seem to be getting better, is she not ashamed enough?

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